August 8, 2016

Dear Parents:

My name is Mrs. Elaine Boyd, and I will be your son or daughter’s Early Childhood Education I teacher.

This is my eleventh year at Bartlett High School. I received my Bachelor’s of Science from Lambuth University and completed my Masters of Arts in Teaching at the University of Memphis. I grew up attending Legacy Shelby County Schools and am extremely proud to be a Bartlett Panther.

Early Childhood Education is designed to prepare students for careers working with young children. Course content covers the components of child development, planning age-appropriate activities, learning environments, and many other skills related to teaching younger populations.

Our curriculum is developed to include some limited work experience by participating in our onsite preschool. I expect students to act in a professional manor at all times with the preschool students. A good attitude, regular attendance, professionalism and appropriate dress are all important aspects in the classroom. Since we are dealing with the outside community, professionalism and appearance are very important. Students are not allowed to use their cellphones while preschool students are present, this includes texting, web research, and especially their cameras. Students are only allowed to use their cellphones for research purposes with teacher permission.

* Students will have their grades penalized each time they are caught using their cellphones without permission, and phones will be collected per the Bartlett Cell Phone policy.

Regular attendance is mandatory for your student to receive the maximum benefit from this class. If your son/daughter has a medical problem that might affect attendance, please see that I am informed of it at the beginning of the school year. I will count off 5 points per absence from the final nine weeks grade unless the student has an excused absence.

Nine weeks grades will be totaled using these weights:

30%-Daily Grades 25%-Tests 25%-Notebooks 10%-Lab 10% Professionalism

Your student will need to have a 1 or 1 ½ inch 3 ring binder, 15 subject dividers, and 2 black permanent markers. It is also useful to have unlined paper. The student will complete activities for this notebook each nine weeks. This notebook will consist of learning activities suitable for use with our preschool children.

One of my goals for this course is to teach your student to become a more responsible and independent human being, to learn to make wise decisions and to take responsibility for the choices and decisions that they make. I want to help each student to feel good about themselves and their studies, and to help them to reach their full potential. In all my interactions with your son or daughter I will strive to give him or her my attention and respect. In return, I expect cooperation and respect from your child. Students will be given a set of classroom rules and procedures that they are expected to abide by.

Students can earn up to one course credit upon completion of this class if students have a grade of 70 or above. Grades will be posted and updated online in a timely manner. With our system wide operating system, PowerSchool, you and your students will be able to check grades and attendance online regularly.

Students in this class are eligible to be members of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). This club was formerly known as Future Homemakers of America (F.H.A.). Your son/daughter will be given information about joining this club during the first few weeks of the semester. The dues for FCCLA are $20.00 for the school year. This covers state, national, and local dues. Please make checks payable to Bartlett High School.

Parent/Teacher conferences will be held on September 15th, from 3-6. Please contact the guidance department if you would like to schedule a conference with me.

If you have questions about any Bartlett City Schools policies, you may access these policies at the Bartlett City Schools web site: If you need to get in touch with me, my phone number here at school is: 373-2620 ext. 276. My email address is:

Please sign the attached sheets indicating that you have read and understand these requirements for the Early Childhood Education Careers I and return to me.


Mrs. Elaine Boyd