Elm C of E Primary School

Main Road, Elm Cambs. PE14 0AG

Tel & Fax 01945 860295

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Headteacher – Mr A. C. HoweB.Ed Hons M.Ed

Everyone learning, everyone caring!

Friday 27thJanuary, 2017

Dear Parents,

Governors needed

I am very pleased to say that some parents have come forward to serve as governors and we are having discussions about what is involved. I hope to be able to report further next week.

All Saints Church – drop-in sessions

Reminder – there are drop-in sessions at the church on the last Monday of every month. The next one is this Monday. Come along any time between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Come and have a cuppa and a chat. If you take the children along after school they are free. Adults £1.50.

Lunchtime play on the grass.

Miss Rae is happy to organise games on the grass at lunchtimes for children in Years 5 and 6. However, the children must bring a change of clothes as they will almost certainly get muddy. So some spare trousers, jumper and footwear are needed before they can go on the field, please.


This week the best attendance was inYear 3with 99.4%. Well done! Overall attendance last week was 95.4%, which is disappointing but not altogether surprising given there is some genuine illness around.Please note we are not authorising holiday absence except in the most exceptional circumstances.

Class / Attendance
Reception / 97.3%
Year 1 / 98.3%
Year 2 / 94.5%
Year 3 / 99.4%
Year 4 / 90.7%
Year 5 / 92.9%
Year 6 / 94.3%

Achievement awards

a)Good to be green

These children stayed on green all week: Ela Whitby, Noah Greer, Swayley Smith, Oliver Ryan, Molly Whitby, Lily Hunt, Anna Johnson, Brooke Richmond, Tyler Barnes, Maddison Doughty, Max Layn, Jasmine Joyce, Callum Ziya and Amy Barrett.Well done!

b)Lunchtime awards

The following children were picked out by our midday staff as behaving particularly well: Alissia Millar, Keira Hibbitt, Kelly-Marie Smith and Zanas Johnson. Well done.

c)Learning awards

We awarded certificates for progress in lessonsto Fifi Plunkett, Fletcher Clifford, Samuel Barwell, Luke Loveridge, Jack Judge, McKenzie Burton and Alzy Williams. Well done.


Well done to: Maddison Doughty for progress with this reading scheme.

Clubs and other extra-curricular activity

  • There are still spaces for the Key Stage 1 gymnastics club which meets on a Wednesday after school and for the fencing club for Key Stage 2 which meets after school on a Friday. These are both high quality clubs run by qualified coaches. Please talk to the office or call 01223 755177 to book places.
  • Is your child attending a club or not? We have some pupils who sign up for a club and then don’t come along. Or only come along occasionally. One of the reasons for doing a club is to develop skills and relationships over time and to grow a sense of commitment to a self-chosen activity. Please ensure that if your child is signed up for something they turn uip regularly. This also allows places to be released to other children if the activity is no longer required. Thank you.

Dates for the diary

  • We break up for the half term holiday on Friday 10thFebruary and children should return to school on Monday 20th February, 2017. We break up for Easter on Friday 31st March and return to school on Tuesday 18th April 2017.
  • We have a training day scheduled for Monday 26th June 2017. This is the last one of the year.

Yours sincerely,
