Classified Senate Meeting Minutes (4-9-14)
Classified Senate Meeting
April 9, 2014
Orchard Room
Opening: The Classified Senate meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. on April 9, 2014.
Present: Shevonna Blackshire,Breanne Holland, Christina Ocrant, Jennifer Patrick, Eva Rhodes, April Robinson
- Welcome/Greetings
- Breanne greeted the attendees and called the meeting to order.
- Andi Adkins-Pogue, one of the Librarians, stopped by to inform us of the guidelines in place for when employees check out material from the Library. The timeframe and limits for employees are the same as those imposed on students, although exceptions can be made. Andi reported that, occasionally, some materials don’t get returned and if these unreturned items go to bill status, employees will be restricted from checking out anything else until there is resolution. They will also be blocked from using the research databases. If an item is lost, once a month a letter and bill will go out until the library is reimbursed. Andi announced that a letter went out about a week and a half ago. The letter detailing the Library’s policies is included with these minutes.
- Reports
- Classified Senate President
- Breanne reported that she is working with Debbie Travis on Classified Appreciation Week, which takes place in May. There’ll be an event each day during that week (e.g., one day will include a breakfast; another day will be the distribution of a gift). Breanne asked for feedback on suggested activities on the day of the barbecue.
- Accreditation is moving forward and there are big accreditation meetings on the horizon.
- Breanne advised us to attend the benefits meetings that are coming up because there are some changes to the plans and Kaiser is now going to be the most expensive option.
- Classified Area Representatives
- Jennifer Patrick reported that Mary Thao will be coming back from maternity leave on Monday, April 21st.
- Shared Governance Committee Reports
- There were no shared governance reports at this time.
- Sustainability Committee
- Second Reading of Sustainability Committee Resolution
- Breanne read the revised resolution to those in attendance. The resolution was voted on and the Senate and Area Reps unanimously voted to move forward. The Senate members signed the resolution and copies will be sent to Debbie Travis, the Management, Academic Senate and the district.
- Breanne will email the resolution to the other Academic Senate Presidents in the district.
- Ongoing Items
- Department Recognitions
- Recognitions for Counseling and Career and Transfer Center staff will be held on Friday, April 11th. Recognitions for SME and DSPS will be scheduled after spring break. April will contact Robert Montañez, the Dean of SME about a time.
- April mentioned that the recognition newsletter for the Cafeteria, CVPA and Bookstore staff has been completed and just needs to be reviewed.
- May recognitions will include Campus Police.
- Fundraising
- Backwards Hangar Clothing Exchange
- Christina Ocrant announced that the location for this event has been confirmed. The donation period is open. Thirty posters have been distributed around campus.
- There are many clothing items left over from the fall 2013 event and Christina and Shevonna will schedule a time to go over and move the donated clothing from the storage shed to Christina’s office.
- Christina will check with Kristie West about advertising this event on the marquees. Christina thinks that the event can also be mentioned on the website during the week of April 21st.
- Eva will check with Gina de la Torre about using one of the empty offices in the LRC building to store donated clothing.
- Shevonna and Christina will check other sources such as the Salvation Army and Kohl’s for clothing racks, since Goodwill has indicated that there is a shortage of racks at their location.
- Christina also mentioned that she has enlisted the help of five students for set up on the morning of the event. They will also be able to assist with cleanup at the end of the day.
- Outstanding Classified Employee Nominations
- The Outstanding Classified Employee award will be presented on May 15th, during the Faculty and Staff recognition barbecue.
- Breanne sent out an email asking for nominations and has gotten two so far. The deadline for nominations is May 2nd. Since Breanne will be out of the office, Shevonna will resend the email next week on Monday and Friday to try to get more nominations in.
- Breanne mentioned that she would like the voting to be open to all Classified staff, not just the Senate.
- Elections
- Classified Senate elections will be held in May.
- Breanne explained that the current officers have reached their two-year term limit, soall positions will be open. Breanne will send out the nomination form in an email today.
- Breanne stated that she will be a very active ex-President and will provide support to the next Classified Senate President.
- Future Agenda Items
- Classified Employee Scholarship
- Christina suggested discussing our forthcoming scholarship.
Meeting adjourned at 2:27 p.m.
Attachment: CRC Faculty/Staff Borrowing Guidelines
Classified Senate Meeting Minutes (4-9-14)
CRC Faculty/Staff Borrowing Guidelines
Lending guidelines ensure maximum use of the CRC Library collection while simultaneously securing its availability for all current and future generations of students, staff and faculty. Guidelines also promote equal access to individual items and ensure that items that are not being used by some are on the shelf ready for others to find. Checking faculty/staff ID cards and requiring the timely renewal and return of items help to protect the collection for all users.
Library Cards
Your LRCCD Employee ID Card is your library card. You must present your ID card at the circulation counter either at the main CRC Library or The Elk Grove Center (Rm. 204) to activate your card.
Once activated, your library card gives you access to any LRCCD college library, their outreach centers and the online research databases. The Library’s catalog and online research databases are accessible from any computer with an Internet connection. When off campus, use your W-employee ID and your unified password to access electronic material.
You Must Present Your Library Card Every Time You Want to Borrow a Library Item
The privilege of borrowing is a personal one and may not be transferred. We advise you to never loan your library card to others, even a student who is assisting you. The library relies heavily on student workers to operate the Circulation Desk. Out of respect for our student workers, for your protection and the protection of the Library’s collection, you must present your library card to check out material. Student workers are advised to not accept anything other than a valid LRCCD Employee Identification card to check out material to faculty or staff.
NOTE: Report your lost or stolen LRCCD Employee ID card immediately to library staff. You are responsible for all library items checked out on your card and any billed item fees that those items may incur.
Borrowing Limits
Borrowing limits indicate how many library items can be checked out (i.e. borrowed) at a time. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis after consulting with library staff. The following chart identifies borrowing limits:
Loan Periods
Loan periods indicate how long you can check out (i.e. borrow) a library item. Depending on the item, loan periods can range from two hours to three weeks. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis after consulting with library staff. The following chart identifies loan periods:
NOTE: If you do not know when your library item is due, check your library record online: Log In to My Library Record
Extended Loan Period for Faculty
We understand that faculty conducting research or working on long-term projects may need to borrow material for an extended period of time. Full-semester check-out periods are approved on a case-by-case basis. Consult a librarian to arrange extended check-out of material. Items on extended loan may not exceed a one semester check-out.
Book Return
All items must be returned to avoid paying billed item fees. Items may be returned to one of the four library book drops on the CRC campus:
Inside the Library, the book drop is located on the west side of the Library Circulation Desk.
Outside the Library, the book drop is located to the right of the main entrance to the Library on the second floor.
Outside the Library building (2 book drops):
oOn the south side of the Library building (fountain side).
oOn the north side of the Library building (P.E. building side).
NOTE: Faculty/Staff are financially responsible for damaged or lost library materials.
You may renew most items in our Circulating collection as long as no other person has placed a hold on the material. The first renewal may be done online by logging into your library record. Additional renewals must be done in-person and are at the discretion of library staff. For in-person renewals, you must BRING the item to the Library Circulation Desk (library staff cannot renew your item if it is not physically there).
If you want a library item that is already checked out or that is owned by another LRCCD College Library, you may place a hold (i.e. request) on it through the Library Catalog at Look up the item in the Library Catalog, click the Request button and enter your credentials to place it on hold. If it is coming from another college, it could take 2-3 business days to arrive at CRC. You will be notified through your employee email when the item is ready to be picked up. You must have your LRCCD Employee Identification Card to check out material. Items owned by other LRCCD colleges can be renewed provided no one has placed a hold on the material. Items owned by other LRCCD colleges are not available for semester-long extended loan periods.
Note: Because Reserve Materials are in high demand, you CANNOT place a hold on Reserve Materials from our online system. For the same reason, you also may not place a hold on 1-week Circulating items from the online system. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis after consulting with library staff.
Requesting items from libraries outside of LRCCD: You may request library items from a network of libraries outside of LRCCD. In most cases there is no charge for requesting items from other colleges or universities. Forms are available at the Circulation Desk, the Reference Desk, and online for requesting items outside of the district. Request forms must be filled out completely and should be submitted in person at the Circulation Desk or to Barbara Nuss () through inter-campus mail or email.
NOTE: You are responsible for any overdue fines, cost of damage, or loss of borrowed materials from outside the district.
As a courtesy to our faculty and staff, we do not collect fines for overdue material that is owned by an LRCCD College Library. However, faculty and staff are financially responsible for lost or damaged library material and excessive misuse of the library will result in a loss of library privileges. A courtesy notice is sent through email three days before material is due. If renewal options have been exhausted, contact library staff to inquire about extended loan periods.
If material is not returned or renewed, two additional courtesy notices are sent through email. When the item is two weeks overdue, the Library’s computer system automatically bills the borrower. Replacement fees are as follows:
Full replacement cost of the item(s) (minimum $10)
A $10 processing fee for each billed item
Faculty and staff are responsible for these replacement and processing charges.
Payment of Fees:
If material that has gone to billed status is returned and the Library has not already purchased a replacement copy (usually within 60 days of billed status), replacement charges will be waived and library privileges will be restored.
Faculty and staff with lost or damaged items for which they have been billed will receive a formal notice and bill from the Learning Resources and College Technology (LRCT) dean. Payment is processed through the CRC Business Office during their normal hours. You must bring the physical copy of your bill when making payment. Proof of payment is required in-person at the circulation desk or through inter-campus mail to clear all charges in the library’s system and to restore library privileges.
Loss of Library Privileges
Borrowing privileges and access to the Library’s Online Research Databases will be suspended if the faculty/staff borrower:
Has seven or more overdue items, OR
Has one or more billed item, OR
Owes $50 or more in unpaid fees for billed items
The return of all library material is required upon resignation or retirement. Supervisors are asked to consult with library staff before signing off on Part II of the LRCCD Resignation / Retirement form (P104). Those who fail to return checked-out items upon resignation or retirement will be billed a replacement and processing fee through the CRC Library.