Turning Customer/Prospect Objections into Positive Actions






Sherri Gibson

Superstar Director
Scentsy Founder’s Circle Member

Sooner Scent-sations, LLC

105 N. Hudson, Ste 312 -- Oklahoma City, OK 73102

(405) 659-2867

The Sooner You Act – The Sooner Your Scentcess”

About the Author

Without prior network marketing experience, I joined Scentsy in fall, 2007 just to get discounts on Christmas gifts. I was a mother, wife, PTA Board member, softball coach, and worked full time as an office manager. I did not have "time" for Scentsy. Working some evenings and weekends, I watched my business grow and expand. By fall, 2008, I had a full time career, with many new interesting friends, better than any old job.

I live in Norman, Oklahoma, and am the doting parent to a 13-year-old daughter, Mackenzie and have been married for 23 years to my husband, Loren. Scentsy is my first foray into network marketing and I have fallen head over heels for it. Before joining Scentsy, Iwas a sales manager and a public relations director. For 10 years, I was themanager/ buyer for a ladies store. I was a Chairman Club member in several of these positions.

I was the 2009 company-wide top salesperson. I am fortunate to be a Superstar Director. In 2009, I was humbled and honored to be inducted into the prestigious Scentsy Founder's Circle; membership restricted to only 50 other nation-wide remarkable and elite Scentsy consultants.I have been blessed through the support of my family and my downline to be the top qualifier for the exotic trip to 2009 trips to Banff Canada and Alaska, and qualified number two for the 2010 Hawaii trip. Thru Scentsy trips, events, and my down line, I have become inspired, and transformed into a successful business owner. More importantly, I have made lasting relationships with countless other inspirational consultants.

By request of Scentsy, Inc, I have presented training workshops at the Annual Scentsy Convention and the "World Tour" seminar in Oklahoma. Learn frommy experiences/mistakes andfrom my team of over 1,000 consultants in over 35 states. I have many tips for marketing and selling Scentsy, at low cost, to more than just your family and best friends. Whether you just want product discounts, extra income for spending or paying bills, or you want to grow into a full time business, I welcome working with you.

Copyright Notice

© 2010 Sherri Gibson. All rights reserved. These materials are the exclusive property of Sherri Gibson & Sooner Scent-sations, LLC. This publication may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Sooner Scent-sations, LLC, 105 N. Hudson, Ste 312, Oklahoma City, OK 73102. These materials, while accurate and authoritative, do not provide legal, accounting, or other professional service. Please contact a competent professional for advice in these areas.

Permission is hereby provided by the author for Consultants of Scentsy, Inc. who are directly within the downline of Sherri Gibson, either directly on her "team" (as defined by Scentsy, Inc. Policies) or on the "team" of a Director, Star Director or Superstar Director under Sherri Gibson. Such permission is limited, and exclusive, for the personal use of these materials as a Scentsy Consultant in the direct use for selling Scentsy products and recruiting Scentsy consultants, and for no other purpose, nor for use of any other person, entity, corporation, or organization.

Table of Contents

Introduction...... 1

1. "I am just too busy"...... 4

2. "I’m not a sales person or I can’t sell"...... 4

  1. "I tried Network marketing & it didn’t work"...... 5
  2. "Network Marketing or Multilevel Marketing (MLM) is not my thing"....5
  3. "I don’t have the money for a business"...... 6
  4. "I don’t know enough people"...... 6
  5. "I am shy— I can’t talk to people"...... 6
  6. "How much does it cost?"...... 6
  7. "Let me think it over"...... 6
  8. "I need to talk this over with my husband/wife"...... 7
  9. "How long has Scentsy been in business?"...... 7
  10. "I have No room-- my house/apartment is too small for aparty"...... 7
  11. "Network Marketing is just apyramid- or a scam"...... 7
  12. "Responding to the Final “NO”...... 8

Making Scentsy Lemonade

How to turn Objections into Positives

Initially, we were all afraid that if a prospect objects, they must plan on ultimately saying no. But, often they are really interested and just need reassurance on how to get to saying "yes". Often when they raise an objection, they really mean something else. Ultimately you should learn to love objections because that gives you direct feedback into the motivation of the prospect, AND the opportunity to turn that into a Scentsy positive. Your response becomes a mini-infomercial for Scentsy. Plus, if the prospect says “yes”, without raising their issues, they may start with unresolved doubts, diminishing their chance to succeed. By eliminating these objections, you prepare them to succeed.

When people raise objections, they are often: actually interested, have legitimate concerns which need resolution, want to clarify a point, want more information, are seriously considering Scentsy, are thinking of a reason to say know, or are testing your ability to help them. Remember, the more positive, upbeat, and informative you are, the better they will receive your response.

First, you need to always be empathetic/understanding of their objection. Your response should always begin with something like “I understand what you are saying.” Or “I felt like that too.” Or “I know how you feel.” First, these tend to relax your prospect. These responses compliment the prospect for asking a “good question” and create a joint/common mentality to solve the issue (you and them). Importantly, if you argue with them, or try to “override” their objection, they will perceive you putting them down, or that you are just trying to pressure them into the deal (causing an immediate pull back defensive reaction).

Second, the most important thing is to LISTEN to the objection. You may want to ask a follow up “why” question to gather more information. You are trying to make certain of what they are really concerned about, and then provide a response to them which demonstrates HOW Scentsy solves their concern. Your Answer provides the Scentsy SOLUTION to their concern. Try to incorporate your experiences into the Scentsy solution. Your heart felt responses, and personal care for their concern, is your best selling technique. Honesty is not just the best policy; it is your best sales skill.

Here are some common responses to objections. You will note that sometimes there are multiple responses to one objection. You can “mix and match” the responses into something you are comfortable with.I suggest you practice with family/friend (or in front of a mirror) responding to these objections. We all learn differently, some of you may want to write out your own responses (not to read later to your prospect but as a means of learning them), or read them many times, highlight and mark these responses. Do not try to hit a home run your first at bat. Take a few warm-up pitches first.

1. I am just too busy:

Response:“I understand how you feel. With kids and a job, you must be busy. I know how it feels. I was working full time/part-time, with kids under (age) when I started. Fortunately, my director/sponsor was great. She helped me see where I had time to do two parties a month. Starting small is fine. The extra money I made was a huge help.

Also, try:

“I understand how you feel. One thing I do it take Scentsy where I am going anyway. I take catalogues/brochures to the bank, dry cleaners, dentist,dance practice, little league, just wherever. I just asked handed them the materials and gave them a scent sample. I soon found out I had time all around me, just canceling a few TV shows a week and I could do a party.”

2. I’m not a sales person or I can’t sell.

Response:“I understand how you feel. You don’t come across as a high-powered sales person. That’s why I approached you. You seem so genuine, upbeat, and positive. I’m looking for people like you, NOT high-pressure sales people. I know people will warm to you because of your personality.”

Plus, the advantage of Scentsy is that it helps sell itself. You just have to let them know you have the products. You show them the warmers, and let them smell the scents. Your customers will love the scents and want to buy.

It does not take fancy sales tactics to sell Scentsy. When you’re having a party, you don’t have to sell, you get out the scents, and they sell themselves. It’s not like selling an expensive car. At only $35.00 for a warmer and a bar your customers can see for themselves the value they are getting.

Also, try things like:

“I know how you feel. I was not in sales before and didn’t know if I could do it. But, I got over my fear once I saw how easily people loved Scentsy.”


“That’s Okay. I’m not looking for sales people, just people who are fun and enjoy Scentsy. The products will do the rest.”

  1. I tried Network marketing &it didn’t work.

Response:"I understand exactly. Many people try different companies before they find the right fit.Some of our highest producing consultants tried network sales before. Sometimes you have to remember that some of our greatest Americans had substantial failures before finding the right fit. Edison tried the light bulb over 1,000 times before making it work. Tell me about your past experience."

LISTEN for clues about why their past experience was bad. Key topics to listen for are, lack of training, hard to sell products, stocking inventory, having to make deliveries,complicated compensation plans) The goal is to listen to their experiences and incorporate how Scentsy deals with their issues. B sure to remember the “25 Scentsy Advantages” worksheet provided to you which explains by topics how Scentsy differs from mostother network marketing companies.

IF you tried network marketing before, try something like: “I know how you feel. I had problems with (inventory, deliveries, compensation plan). But, Scentsy help me by (not requiring inventory or direct shipping to customers, providing fair compensation for fair work)

Responses to these keyword reservations about past experiences can be:

"I am so happy I heard about Scentsy. It just felt right."

"The training is incredible. I get so much support. I can download materials from the Scentsy website. Mytrainer sends me training materials. I get to attend monthly meetings for ideas, motivation, and to ask questions."

"This company pays for hostess rewards, so I keep more of my earnings. I can even be my own hostess and use the free and half price hostess rewards."

"Scentsy pays the credit card processing fees, so I keep an extra 2-3% of what I earn.”

"I love the selling and parties, but hated delivering product. Scentsy direct ships to my customers, even for free for orders over $150.00"

4. Network Marketing or Multilevel Marketing (MLM) is not my thing.

A good approach, similar to the above objection is to as a series of questions before responding. Try asking them:

“What is the best job you ever had? What did you like about it? What was the worst job? What is your perfect job?” Use the answers to tie Scentsy into the Answer. Thinks like (I loved my job because I had a create boss, would respond with, “I bet being your own boss could be even better than you best job.”Of course, if the answer is I hate my boss, your response is "I bet being your own boss would fix that problem.")

5. I don’t have the money for a business.

Response:“Well, I understand. There are several ways we can help with that. First, if you start off hosting 1-2 parties we can use the proceeds to pay the $99 for your kit. Second, I have consultants who asked for their birthday and Christmas presents to be cash so they could buy a kit. Third, Scentsy has several early reward programs that get your money back quickly. Our "Shooting Star" program allows you to earn your money back, plus extra, in after 15 days. The deal is you sell $500.00 (your 20% commission is already $100.00), plus you can buy another 10 warmers-- $300 in warmers-- for $200. Resell them and make your $100.00 in profit, plus earn $45.00 in commissions on the $300 purchase, plus the $100.00 in commissions on the initial $500.00 you sold.”

You should be very leery of funding the kit for them. First, they will not have the same emotional investment as if they find a way to pay for it themselves. Second, they rarely succeed if they can’t find a way to pay for the kit, particularly given the low entry costs.

6. I don’t know enough people.

Response:I didn’t think I did either. I found out I did not have to be best friends with someone for them to love Scentsy. I realized that I did not know the cashier at Wal-Mart, but I still bought their products. Plus, Scentsy helped me to think of types of people I knew, or was acquainted with by creating“list of 100” types of contact that I used to start contract others for my launch party. (They will ask what that is, and you are off to the races to transition into how to do a party)

7. I am shy— I can’t talk to people.

Response:“I understand how you feel. But, I found out that I did not have to speak to a big crowd, only a few people in someone’s house. I got great support from Scentsy with ideas of how to do a party and lists of “party games” we could play. Soon everyone was cutting up and laughing so much I realized I wasn’t nervous at all. All I had to do was talk about something I already loved, Scentsy.”

8. How much does it cost?

Always answer this immediately. Do NOT say, I’ll get back to that later

Response:“You will be surprised it is only $99.00. Forthat, you get everything you need for your business. You get a full set of all 80 scents, a free warmer, room spray, business cards, order forms, consultant handbook. Where else can you start your own business for $99.00, and get discounts on the Scentsy you love to use anyway.”

9. Let me think it over.

Response:“Of course. You are right not to rush into a decision. It took me several days to make up my mindbecause I wanted to be sure. Reading these materials helped me. Can I call you back in 2-3 days to check back with you about your concerns?”

10. I need to talk this over with my husband.

Response:“Good idea. There is no hurry to make a decision. Would you like me to come over/call so I can answer questions he may have.”

I often find husbands are more excited about having their wives do it that the wife is. It seems they realize we are going to buy Scentsy anyway, so we ought to make money off of it. Or, maybe they see we have more potential than we ourselves believe we have.

11. How long has Scentsy been in business?

Response:“Scentsy has been in business for over 5 years. Long enough to prove its staying power, short enough to have lots of room to grow.It has grown over 250% per year. In 2009, sales revenue was over 250 million dollars. Scentsy has an “A” rating by the Better Business Bureau. In 2009, the prestigious Direct Selling Association awarded Scentsy is “Rising Star” award based on our progress and ethical business practices.”

12. I have No room-- my house/apartment is too small for aparty.

Response:That’s Okay. We can use my house, or (insert other meeting place) or maybe the apartment clubhouse or we can do a basket party.

13. Network Marketing is just apyramid- or a scam.

This typically does not come up. Generally, it is from Ms. Negative. Sometimes it is just born from old media hype from MLM systems of decades ago, before we were federally, and state regulated.

Response:“Absolutely NOT! The federal and state governments regulate network marketing. A pyramid scheme, or Ponzi scheme, is illegal. These scams take money from one investor just to pay their debt to another. They make money just by recruiting others to join and pay high sign up fees. They never actually provide products and services to their investors. Scentsy provides actual products. In fact, your $99 investment covers the costs of the new consultant kit, and does not provide operating revenue for the company. Moreover, the money you make from Scentsy comes from your sales and the sales of those under you.

Network marketing is legitimate and used by many companies. We all know of Mary Kay, Tupperware, Amway, and Arbonne. Many companies have network-marketing programs. Even two of the richest men in the world, Warren Buffett (richest man in America) and Richard Branson (owner of the Virgin Air and Recording companies), own network marking companies.