February ~ 2015

Indiana State Nurses Assistance Program



Indiana State Nurses Assistance Program



New Professional Video for ISNAP

With the help of Briljent, ISNAP has created a professional video showcasing ISNAP – who we are and what we do, through the eyes of a nurse who has successfully completed ISNAP. This can be easily accessed by going to ISNA’s website, www.indiananurses.org. Please share this video with your facilities administrators and colleagues.

When a nurse with a substance use disorder (SUD) participates in a state’s monitoring program, the likelihood of success is increased and the chance of relapse is reduced. Success factors include:

n Successful completion of adequate treatment

n Extended post-treatment comprehensive

counseling and monitoring

n Participation in peer-support group meetings

n Regular attendance at 12 Step support groups

n Reentry into a safe work environment

n Open and honest discussion with supervisors

n Accountability through random UDS’s

n Use of appropriate medications (e.g. Antabuse,


n The American Association of Nurse Anesthetists reported in 2005 that a well-designed rehabilitation and diversion program will have a success rate of greater than 80%.

n ISNAP’s success rate for the fiscal year 2014 was 70% of the participants successfully completing the ISNAP program.

Mentors For New Participants

ISNAP is always looking for nurses who have either completed the ISNAP program or have been in for an extended period of time to help “Mentor” new participants in ISNAP. If you are willing to serve as a mentor, or know someone who has completed ISNAP and is willing to serve as a mentor, please let Robin Riebsomer, Intake Coordinator, know by emailing .

Board of Nursing Final Orders

n If you have been before the Indiana State Board of Nursing (BON) and have had action taken against your nursing license, please read your final order very carefully. Most new BON orders now require you to have your order signed by any present or future employer and returned to the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency (IPLA). The employer must also send monthly or quarterly reports to IPLA. ISNAP also requires that a quarterly report be submitted to your case manager. IPLA has a specific form required that can be found on ISNAP’s website as well as through IPLA. ISNAP has a separate quarterly report form, but if your employer so chooses, he/she can send ISNAP the same report as they send to IPLA.

n Once you are eligible to either have your nursing licensed re-instated or have the probation lifted, you must put your request in writing/e-mail to IPLA. IPLA will then schedule you for a hearing and inform you of the hearing date in writing.

n It is in your best interest to request a hearing as soon as you are eligible. For a request to lift the probation, for most cases, it is after you have completed ISNAP. Be aware that even though you may have completed ISNAP, the Deputy Attorney General (DAG) and BON will inquire about any time that has lapsed between completion of your RMA and your hearing date. The DAG may ask if you are still staying clean and sober from all mood altering chemicals, including prescribed controlled substances.

Giving Back to ISNAP

When you complete ISNAP and you have funds left in your AOS account, please consider transferring any left-over monies to the NAF fund. In addition, ISNAP welcomes contributions to the NAF fund. ISNA is a 501c3 organization and all contributions to the NAF fund are tax deductible. THANKS for considering giving back to other nurses still in ISNAP!

Helpful Tidbits

n Remember, the best way to communicate with your ISNAP case manager is by e-mail. This feature is available at your AOS Home Page or you can send an e-mail directly to your case manager, dhall@ (formerly Bradley), dpollard@ or . If your case manager leaves a “return call message” for you, it is important for you to return the call within 24 business hours. If you are having difficulty getting a response from your case manager, please call or e-mail Chuck Lindquist, Program Director at .

nIf you are requesting successful completion, ISNAP will very carefully review the last six months of monitoring to make sure you have been fully compliant before you will be approved for successful completion. This includes no dilute or positive urine drug screens (UDS), even by prescription. If you have to go before the BON, the BON and DAG takes careful note of the use of and controlled substances while in monitoring, even by prescription.

n Controlled Substance Use Form – By state statute (848 IAC 7-1-3 and 7-1-6), ISNAP is an abstinence based program. As such, the use of controlled substances must be very short-term and very limited. When visiting a health care provider (MD, DO, DD, NP), you must inform them you are in monitoring with ISNAP and bring the “Controlled Substance Use Form” with you and have the provider fill out the form. After the visit, you must submit a copy of the form and the prescription, if you were prescribed a controlled substance. While on the controlled substance, you must refrain from work.

n Talbott Recovery Campus has published a user guide for the use of medications for safe and sustained recovery. It was developed to help you make wise decisions; ensuring that medications you may be prescribed and incidental exposure to alcohol do not threaten your hard won recovery. Go to www.talbottcampus.com/pdf/medguide.pdf to access the guide. Please remember that the guide is only intended as a quick reference and never as a substitute for the advice of your own personal physician. It is essential you inform all of your personal physicians, dentists and other health care providers of your chemical dependency history.

Needs Assistance Fund (NAF)

ISNAP’s Fall Conference helped to raise additional monies for ISNAP’s needs assistance fund (NAF). The NAF was created to help with partial payment of a participant’s urine drug screens (UDS’s). To be eligible, the nurse must:

n Meet income guidelines (ISNAP uses 150% of the 2015 poverty guidelines as a base), or be receiving State need-based food stamps.

n Complete the application and provide required documentation including pay stubs for self and spouse/SO, expense sheet and bank statements. The application can be found under “forms” either in AOS or in ISNA’s website.

n Maintain full compliance with all aspects of your recovery your monitoring agreement (RMA) with the possible exception of the UDS’s.

n Maintain honesty with the information provided.

n You can submit the application via fax/e-mail to Chuck Lindquist, ISNAP’s Program Director.

n The funds awarded will be automatically deposited into your AOS account and will help only with a portion of the UDS costs. The funds do not help pay for the collection fee. You are eligible to apply for the NAF for up to three consecutive quarters only. The NAF is time-limited and you must be working towards finding alternative means of paying for your UDS’s.

Making Changes to Your RMA

n You must get prior approval for any changes to your RMA. For any change (e.g. change in UDS frequency, overtime) you need to put your request in writing and get support from anyone listed in your RMA (e.g. WSM, Therapist, Addictionist and/or Sponsor). The request form is available in AOS or ISNAP’s website.

n The ISBN has set guidelines for length of monitoring. ISNAP does NOT authorize early completion of your monitoring period unless there are extenuating circumstances (e.g. change in diagnosis, moving out of state and you only have a couple months left in monitoring).

n You must demonstrate FULL compliance to be eligible for changes in your RMA.

n ISNAP will send out an addendum confirming the change in your RMA. You must sign and return the addendum by the due date for the change to be effective.

Indiana State Nurses Assistance Program

