US History End of Course Study Guide

US History Standards for EOC (You don’t have to do anything with these, but these are what the EOC test is based on!!! So you can do this stuff you should ace the test!)

Standard B. Building a Nation (Colonization to ca. 1877)

1. Colonizing Forging a New Nation

a. Identify reasons for colonization, evaluate its impacts, analyze success or failure of settlements in North America

b. Analyze religious development its significance in colonial America (e.g., religious settlements, the Great Awakening)

c. Describe significant aspects of the variety of social structures of colonial America

d. Compare the economies of the various colonies, analyze the development impact of indentured servitude African slavery in North America (e.g., social, political, economic)

e. Explain the origins development of colonial governments

f. Evaluate the influence of Enlightenment ideas on the development of American government as embodied in the Declaration of Independence

g. Identify evaluate the ideas events that contributed to the outbreak of the American Revolution, determine the key turning points of the war

h. Identify the impetus for the Constitutional Convention (limitations of government under Articles of Confederation), analyze the events & outcomes of the Convention (i.e., the “bundle of compromises”)

i. Interpret the ideas principles expressed in the U.S. Constitution

j. Explain the development of the Bill of Rights, assess various debates of the day

k. Identify evaluate political territorial changes resulting from westward expansion in the early 19th century

l. Analyze evaluate federal state policies toward American Indians in the first half of the nineteenth century

m. Evaluate, take, defend positions on the development of U.S. foreign policy during the early nineteenth century (e.g., Embargo Act, Monroe Doctrine)

2. Antebellum America

a. Describe evaluate the impacts of the First Industrial Revolution during the nineteenth century (e.g., the Lowell system, immigration, changing technologies, transportation innovations)

b. Identify evaluate the major events issues that promoted sectional conflicts strained national cohesiveness in the antebellum period

c. Identify significant religious, philosophical, social reform movements of the 19th century their impact on American society

d. Identify major characteristics of the abolition movement, its achievements, failures, Southern opposition to it

e. Analyze women’s rights the suffrage movements the impact of women on other reforms in the antebellum period

f. Compare contrast the economic, social, cultural differences of the North South during the antebellum period

3. Civil War Reconstruction

a. Identify analyze the technological, social, strategic aspects of the Civil War

b. Explain influence of Lincoln’s philosophy of the Union his executive actions leadership on the Civil War

c. Describe the basic provisions immediate impact of the 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments to the Constitution

d. Evaluate different Reconstruction plans their social, economic, political impact on the South the rest of US

e. Analyze immediate long-term influences of Reconstruction on the lives of African Americans & society as a wholeC.

Standard C. Rebuilding a Nation (ca. 1877–ca. 1914)

1. Industrialization Urbanization

a. Evaluate the impact of new inventions technologies of the late nineteenth century

b. Identify evaluate the influences on business industry in the late nineteenth early twentieth centuries

c. Identify labor workforce issues of late 19th century, including perspectives of owners/managers Social Darwinists

d. Explain the challenges contributions of immigrants of the late nineteenth century

e. Explain the causes impact of urbanization in the late nineteenth century

f. Compare contrast the experiences of African Americans in various U.S. regions in the late nineteenth century

g. Identify evaluate the influences on the development of the American West

h. Analyze significant events for Native American Indian tribes, their responses to those events, in the late 19th century

2. Increasing Influence Challenges

a. Identify explain significant issues components of the Populist movement their impacts

b. Explain the origins accomplishments of the Progressive movement

c. Analyze the efforts to achieve women’s suffrage in the early twentieth century

d. Evaluate, take, defend positions on the various U.S. foreign policies in the late 19th early 20th centuries

e. Analyze the causes consequences of the Spanish-American War

f. Identify evaluate the factors that influenced U.S. imperialism in the late nineteenth early twentieth centuries the ensuing debate over imperialism

Standard D. Challenges at Home Abroad (ca. 1914–1941)

1. The United States in a Changing World

a. Identify & analyze causes significant events of World War I & their impact; evaluate impact of Treaty of Versailles

b. Describe evaluate the impact of scientific technological innovations of the 1920s

c. Identify evaluate the impact of new cultural movements on American society in the 1920s

d. Identify the characteristics of social conflict social change that took place in the early 1920s

e. Identify explain the economic factors that contributed to the stock market crash of 1929 the Great Depression

f. Explain the economic, environmental, social impact of the Great Depression on American society

g. Evaluate impact of the New Deal on elements of American society (e.g., social, political, environmental, economic)

Standard E. America Since World War II (1941–Present)

1. America at War

a. Describe circumstances at home abroad prior to U.S. involvement in World War II

b. Identify the significant military political aspects of World War II

c. Analyze dimensions of the Holocaust the Allies’ response to the Holocaust war crimes

d. Evaluate the social, political, economic impacts of World War II on the home front

e. Identify evaluate the scientific technological developments in America during after World War II

f. Analyze the social, cultural, economic changes at the onset of the Cold War era

g. Analyze origins of the Cold War, foreign policy developments, & major events from Truman administration to present

h. Describe evaluate the political social impact of the Vietnam War

2. Changes at Home

a. Analyze major domestic issues responses of the administrations from Truman to present

b. Evaluate the impact of innovations in technology communication on American society

c. Identify events influential individuals of the civil rights, human rights, counterculture movements assess impact

d. Evaluate the impact of changes in the national economy on contemporary American society

e. Identify the major contemporary social, environmental, political issues (e.g., immigration, global warming, terrorism), the groups involved, the controversies engendered by those issues

f. Assess increasing global interdependence, potential for conflict, the U.S. role in world events in the present future

Section 2: The Presidents (Give the years served, important events/legislation [at least two] & any reform program [give name of program & what the listed president wanted to accomplish with their program] for the following presidents [this is NOT all the presidents])

George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison

Andrew Jackson Martin Van Buren James K. Polk Zachary Taylor

Abraham Lincoln U.S. Grant Rutherford B. Hayes William McKinley

Theodore Roosevelt William H. Taft Woodrow Wilson Warren G. Harding

Calvin Coolidge Herbert Hoover Franklin D. Roosevelt Harry Truman

Dwight D. Eisenhower John F. Kennedy Richard Nixon Gerald Ford

Jimmy Carter Ronald Reagan George W. Bush Bill Clinton

Section 3: Women, African-Americans, & Native-Americans: (For each of the time periods below list & define three people, events, & laws connected with these three groups [so each period should have a total of 9 things; three for each])

Colonial Period (1607-1775) Revolutionary War (1776-1786) Jacksonian Democracy (1826-1840)

Antebellum Period (1840-1860) Industrial Revolution (1860-1900) Progressive Era & WWI (1900-1920)

Roaring Twenties (1920-1929) World War II (1941-1945) The Fifties (1950-1959)

The Sixties (1960-1969) The Seventies (1970-1979) The Eighties (1980-1989)

Section 4: Supreme Court Cases (For each of these explain the significance and impact of each case)

Worcester vs. Georgia (1824) Civil Rights Cases (1883) In Re Debs (1895)

Roe vs. Wade (1973) Bush vs. Gore (2000) Marbury vs. Madison

Korematsu vs. US (1944) Brown vs. Board of Education McCulloch vs. Maryland

Schenk vs. US (1917)

Section 4: Important People & Events (For each explain who/what, significance & impact)

Al Qaeda Alamo Allied Powers (WWII) American Indian Movement (AIM)

Americanization Anti-Federalits Apollo 11 Articles of Confederation

Appeasement Atlantic Charter Axis Powers (WWII) baby boom

Bill of Rights Black Panthers Black Power Black Tuesday

Blitzkrieg Bolshevik bootlegger brinkmanship

Buying on margin bully pulpit capitalism communism

Carpetbagger cash & carry Central Powers (WWI) checks & balances

Civil Rights Act of 1866 13th Amendment 14th Amendment 15th Amendment

18th Amendment 19th Amendment 20th Amendment 17th Amendment

Cold War Columbian Exchange Missouri Compromise Compromise of 1850

containment policy convoy system cooperative Confederate States of America

Counterculture credit (installment plan) Dawes Act (1887) de jure & de facto segregation

De Lome letter détente Dollar diplomacy Big Stick Diplomacy

Panama Canal Moral Diplomacy domino theory doves vs. hawks (politically)

Dust Bowl Great Depression Eisenhower Doctrine Ellis Island

Old immigrants New immigrants Emancipation Proclamation encomienda system

Enlightenment Enola Gay entrepreneur robber barons

Fair Deal New Deal Square Deal Equal Rights Amendment

Fascism Federalists Federal Reserve System Civilian Conservation Corps

WPA TVA Social Security feminism

Final Solution fireside chats flappers flower children

14 Points plan Freedom Riders Free Speech movement French & Indian War

Fugitive Slave Act fundamentalism evolution Scopes Monkey Trial

GI Bill of Rights Levitttown, NY glasnost gold rush of 1849

Great Awakening Great Migration Great Society Harlem Renaissance

Hobo Ho Chi Minh Trail Hollywood Ten Homestead Act

Hoover Dam Hooverville House of Un-American Activities Committee

100 Days imperialism indentured servant Indian Removal Act

Industrial Revolution initiative referendum Iran-Contra affair

Iron Curtain isolationism Manifest Destiny Jamestown

Plymouth jazz & blues Jim Crow laws (black codes) Johnson Doctrine

Judiciary Act of 1789 kamikaze Kansas-Nebraska Act Kellogg-Briand Pact

Know-Nothings Ku Klux Klan laissez-faire League of Nations

Lend-Lease Act Liberty Bonds Lincoln-Douglas debates Little Rock Nine

Louisiana Purchase Lusitania lynching Loose or strict constructionist

Manhattan Project Marshall Plan Mayflower Compact McCarthyism

Mayflower Compact mercantilism Middle Passage militarism

Monroe Doctrine Roosevelt Corollary muckrakers NASA

Suffrage movement nationalism temperance movement National Org. of Women (NOW)

NATO Neutrality Acts New Freedom New Frontier

9/11 attacks Okie Open Door policy Palmer raids

Peace Corps Pentagon Papers perestroika Platt Amendment

Police action popular sovereignty Populist Party Potsdam Conference

Proclamation of 1763 Progressivism Prohibition propaganda

Pueblo Incident Puritans quota system rationing

Recall Reconstruction Radical Republican Red Scare

Roanoke Rosie the Riveter Rough Riders SALT treaties

Salutary neglect 2nd Great Awaking 2nd New Deal Seneca Falls Convention

Self-determination sectionalism sharecropping Sherman Anti-trust Act

Monopolies Social Darwinism Social Gospel speakeasy

Spheres of influence Space race Arms race Strategic Defense Initiative

Suburbs Teapot Dome tenements 38th Parallel

Totalitarian Trail of Tears transcendentalism 26th Amendment

Truman Doctrine Underground RR United Nations Patriot Act

V-E Day, V-J Day Vietnamization Voting Rights Act 1965 War on Poverty

War Powers Act Warren Commission Watergate Scandal welfare capitalism

Whiskey Rebellion Wounded Knee Yalta Conference yellow journalism

Zimmerman note zoot suit riots Frontier thesis Alien & Sedition Acts

Jane Addams Susan B. Anthony Louis Armstrong Neil Armstrong

Omar Bradley William J. Bryan Stokely Carmichael Andrew Carnegie

Charlie Chaplin Cesar Chavez Christopher Columbus Father Charles Coughlin

George A. Custer Clarence Darrow Jefferson Davis Eugene V. Debs

George Dewey Dorothea Dix Sanford B. Dole James Doolittle

Stephen Douglas Frederick Douglas W.E.B. DuBois Amelia Earhart

Thomas Edison Jonathan Edwards Medgar Evers F. Scott Fitzgerald

Henry Ford Betty Friedan Marcus Garvey Bill Gates

Geronimo George Gershwin Rudolph Guiliani Barry Goldwater

Al Gore Alan Greenspan D. W. Griffith Woody Guthrie

Alexander Hamilton William R. Hearst Alger Hiss Langston Hughes

Hubert Humphrey Jesse Jackson Steve Jobs George F. Kennan

Robert Kennedy Martin Luther King Henry Kissinger Dorothea Lange

Robert E. Lee John L. Lewis Charles Lindbergh Henry Cabot Lodge

Huey P. Long Douglas MacArthur Malcolm X George C. Marshall

Thurgood Marshall Joseph McCarthy Billy Mitchell John Muir

Oliver North Sandra Day O’Connor Robert Oppenheimer Lee Harvey Oswald

George S. Patton Rosa Parks John J. Pershing Jacob Riis

Jackie Robinson John D. Rockefeller Donald Rumsfeld Jonas Salk

Upton Sinclair Billy Sunday Clarence Thomas Harriet Tubman

Cornelius Vanderbilt George Wallace Booker T. Washington William Westmoreland

Section 5: Important Battles & Military Info (Explain where, when, significance, etc.)

Antietam The Bulge Bull Run Chancellorsville D-Day

Gettysburg Iwo Jima Lexington Little Bighorn Midway

Okinawa San Juan Hill Saratoga Shiloh Veracruz

Yorktown Bay of Pigs Bataan Death March Berlin Airlift Tet Offensive

Boston Massacre Brownsville Incident Cuban Missile Crisis Fort Sumter Inchon

Chosin Reservoir My Lai Massacre Mexican-American War Operation Desert Storm

Operation Iraqi Freedom War in Afghanistan Operation Rolling Thunder Tonkin Gulf Resolution

Treaty of Versailles Treaty of Paris trench warfare Tuskegee Airmen War of 1812