
Ch. 19 Earth, Moon, and Sun


Identify the effects of Earth’s rotation and revolution.

Explain the causes of the seasons on Earth.

Days and Years

Astronomy is the study of the ______, ______and other objects in space.


Axis - the imaginary ______that passes through Earth’s ______and the North and South ______.

Rotation - the spinning of ______on its axis.

A point on the equator rotates at about ______km per hour.

Earth’s rotation on its axis causes ______.

Earth rotates ______.

It takes ____ hours to rotate once on its axis. This is called a day.


Earth also travels around the ______.

Revolution - the movement of one ______around another object.

Earth’s orbit is an ______shape.


The Egyptians counted the number of days between Sirius ______, which was about 365.

Earth’s orbit around the sun is about ______days.

Four years of 365 1/4 days each can be approx. by taking 3 years of 365 days and a ______year of 366 days. This is known as ______year.

On a leap year, one extra day in February is added for _____ days.

Dividing the year into smaller parts (months) was difficult.

Early people used the moon cycle which is 29 1/2 days but this only added up to _____.

The Egyptians had a plan to have 12 months of 30 days and 5 extra days.

The Romans borrowed the calendar and devised the one that we have today with ____months of 30 to 31 days and February with 28 or 29 days.

Seasons on Earth

Most places have four seasons: ______, spring, ______, and autumn.

Earth’s Tilted Axis

Earth has seasons because its axis is ______as it move around the sun.

Earth in June

The ______end of Earth’s axis is tilted toward the sun. It is summer in the ______Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

Earth in December

The ______end of Earth’s axis is tilted toward the sun. It is summer in the Southern Hemisphere and winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

Both in June and December

Summer solstice - longest day of the year (______).

Winter solstice - shortest day of the year (______).

Both of these are in the Northern Hemisphere and the opposite in the Southern Hemisphere.

Earth in March & September

Neither hemisphere is ______toward or away from the sun. So the days and nights are in an ______which is equal.

Earth in March and September

Vernal equinox, or ______equinox, occurs around ______and is the first day of spring.

Autumnal equinox, or ______equinox, occurs around ______and is the first day of fall.

19.2 Phases, Eclipses, and Tides


Describe the causes of the moon’s phases.

Explain what causes solar and lunar eclipses.

Identify the cause of the tides.

Motions of the Moon

The moon revolves around ______and rotates on its own axis.

It takes ______days to revolve around Earth.

The same side of the moon always ______the Earth.

Phases of the Moon

Phases of the moon are seen by the ______of the sun on the moon’s surface.

The different shapes of the moon you see from Earth are called ______. The moon goes through its whole set of phases each time it revolves around the Earth, about once a ______.

What Causes Phases?

Phases are caused by changes in the relative ______of the moon, Earth, and the sun.

The Cycle of the Phases of the Moon


When the moon’s ______hits Earth or Earth’s shadow hits the moon, an eclipse occurs.

Two types of eclipses:


Solar Eclipses

During a ______moon, most of the time the moon is a little above or below the sun in the sky.

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between ______and the ______, blocking the sunlight from reaching Earth.

It is really a new moon that blocks your view of the sun.

Total Solar Eclipses

Umbra - the ______pat of the moon’s shadow that is cone-shaped. The point of the cone can reach a small part of Earth’s surface.

Partial Solar Eclipses

Penumbra - larger part of the shadow which is more visible on Earth. During a partial eclipse, part of the ______is visible.

It is not safe to look at a partial ______.

Lunar Eclipses

A lunar eclipse occurs at a ______moon when Earth is between the moon and the sun. Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the ______.

Total Lunar Eclipse

When the moon is in Earth’s ______, you see a total lunar eclipse. You are more likely to see a total lunar eclipse than a total ______eclipse.

Partial Lunar Eclipses

Occurs when the moon passes partly into the ______of Earth’s shadow. The edge of the shadow appears blurry and you can watch it pass across the moon for up to two or three hours.


Two ______tides and two ______tides occur daily, over 24 hours.