1985SRT begins service on 6.5 km line with five stations.
The trains take power from a third rail and must be grade-separated—requiring stairs, elevators, etc. The line attracted high ridership but the stations and vehicles were too small for expansion and the old technology became outmoded, requiring purchase of expensive replacement upgrades.
2007TTC endorses Transit City Light Rail Plan, March 21, 2007,as the basis for rapid transit expansionin Toronto. This plan included the extension of the Scarborough RT and a network of seven new LRT lines.
2009Metrolinx releases Scarborough Rapid Transit Benefits Case
January 2009, comparing 2 SRT and 2 LRT options.
2010Joint City/TTCreport released April 26, 2010:Scarborough Rapid Transit Draft Environmental Project Report – Executive Summary
2010TTC, May 6, 2010, adopts study recommendation to convert SRT to LRT and
extend line to MalvernTown Centre.
Plan calls for an 11.4 kilometre LRT line with existing stations at LawrenceEast, Ellesmere, Midland, Scarborough Centre, and McCowan, withfuture expansion to CentennialCollege, Sheppard Avenue, and Malvern Town Centre.
2010City Council approves, June 8, 2010 [EX44.23] conversion to LRT and
extension to Malvern Town Centre.
2010MOE approves the Scarborough Rapid Transit Conversion and Extension Project. October 2010
2010Rob Ford cancels TransitCity after December 2010 election.
2012Council reaffirmsTransitCity concept, February 8, 2012, including Scarborough RT conversion to LRT—extension to Sheppard Avenue
and to MalvernTown Centre when funding available.
2012Metrolinx,at April 25, 2012 Board Meeting announces takeover of management of the four LRT projects using Alternate Financing and Procurement (AFP) in cooperation with Infrastructure Ontario. This takeover delays TTC work already underway.
2013City Council, October 8, reconfirmed three stop extension of Line 2, (Lawrence Ave. E., Scarborough Centre, and Sheppard Ave. E).
????Council approves plan for 17-stop LRT East [Sept 2009, Jan 2016, March 2016???]
EA? Provincial approval?
2014City and TTC commence work on Scarborough Subway Extension Project Assessment (SSEPA)
2015Phase 1 Public Consultation January to March 2015
2015?Final Terms of Reference (June 4, 2015? No date on the document)
2016City Council, July 12, 2016 [EX16.1] removes 3-stop Subway and replaces with Scarborough Subway Extension Express Option.
City Manager and TTC asked to prepare Environmental Project Report for TRAP.
2017Open House, March 1, 2017
2017Draft – Executive Summary: Scarborough Subway Extension Environmental Project Report
April 25, 2017 from City and TTC.
2017Open House, May 10, 2017 re TPAP
2017Notice of Completion – TPAP. City and TTC have completed an Environmental Project Report (EPR) for the express Scarborough subway extension (SSE). August 24, 2017.
Begins MOE three-month evaluation period
30-day public comment period
2017MOE approves or asks for changes or for new study, (November 24th?)