PE grant planned expenditure 2015/2016
Number of pupils(When grant allocated as at April 2014)
Total number of pupils on roll September 2015 (Reception pupils not funded)
Total amount of PE Grant received / £8 380
Description / Cost
Annual membership of the North Somerset Schools Sports partnership / £900
Recruitment of PE Subject Leader capacity / £1500
Non-statutory swimming - transport, pool entry & extra teachers / £1200
Transport for attendance at sporting activities and eventssupport staff / £3000
Dance / £800
Purchase of resources / £480
Staff CPD / £500
TOTAL / £8 380
Overview of the school
PE Grant used for: / Amount allocated to the provision: / Is this a new or continued activity? / Brief Summary of provision, including details of Year groups / groups of pupils involved. / Specific intended outcomes: how will provision improve PE for pupils? What will it achieve if successful? / How will the activity be monitored, when and by whom? How will success be evidenced? / Actual impact: What did the provision actually achieve?Seek pupil quotes
Membership of North Somerset Schools PE Association / £900 (£100 increase from 2014-15). / Continued / Membership will enable us to participate in North Somerset level 2+ competitions and tournaments / festivals
KS1 – NSSPEA Multi-Skills event – June 2016
KS2 – Cross country, Football, Hockey, Archery, Tennis, Tri-Golf, Swimming, Athletics.
Curriculum enrichment day (5 hours) / Increased participation in sporting events and competitions
Experience of a higher level of competitive sport and inter school competitions.
Access to county level selection
Development of school teams: sporting attitude / teamwork etc
Provide CPD so that staff gain confidence and help increase the chance of sustainability within areas of weakness. / Attendance at North Somerset Level 2 events and inter school tournaments / festivals
Events in School diary
Reports in Star of the Week assemblies
Participation in an increased number of county based sporting events.
Staff audit
Staff questionnaires. / Greater number of pupils participated and represented Flax Bourton in level 2 sports competitions. Attended more events than previous academic year.
Attended and competed in a level 3 (county) event in hockey for the first time in the school’s history whilst working with Shine.
Recruitment of PE Subject Leader capacity / £1500 / Continued / Buy in PE subject leader time from Shine Sports Coaching
To organise and attend competitive and performing sporting events - eg
EYFS – Gemini Gymnastics club visit, multi-skills festival and others to be arranged.
KS1 – Gemini Gymnastics club visit, cluster festivals including multi-skills, athletics, football, modified striking & fielding games.
Achieve the ‘Silver’ Sainsbury’s School Games Mark.
Continue to deliver the Young Sports ambassadors course.
Staff play a lead role in the development of PE:
To attend subject leader PE mtgs and CPD and to dissimilate to all staff
To organise staff CPD events
Early Years, KS1 and KS2 / Expand our staff capacity and expertise in order to access and deliver experiences that enable pupils to participate in a wider range of high quality
sporting activities and competitions.
Higher profile PE in school
Clear PE development action plan in place to action findings of PE audit carried out in Summer Term 2014
Help pupils learn to lead, engage, manage and officiate school games activities. / Staff mtg minutes reflect CPD activities.
School diary will reflect an increase in participation in sporting competitions and events.
PE lead. Events will be put on and delivered by YSA’s. / PE curriculum changed from previous academic year to ensure there was a more rounded well balanced curriculum for pupils to experience and participate in.
Greater number of sporting events took place at both level 1 (intra-school) and level 2 (inter-school).
Success criteria/standards being completed throughout the year in order to support the school’s application for the ‘Silver’ School Games award in recognition for sports provision (June 2016 onwards).
Young Sports Ambassadors trained and delivered school games activity to other pupils within the school.
Increase in publicising sports provision and events within school and the local community eg newsletters, bulletins, school games website etc.
Continued and introduced new links between school and local sports clubs.
Transport & Support Staff / £3000 / Continued / Transport for attendance at sporting activities and events
Support staff used to ensure sufficient pupil:staff ratios are adhered to.
Early Years, KS1 and KS2 / Removes barriers of cost of transport and the complex and time consuming organisation of parent volunteers using their own transport to enable participation in events.
Allow pupils to access new sporting facilities and opportunitiesand experiences. / School diary will reflect an increase in participation in sporting competitions and events.
School diary will reflect an increase in participation in sporting competitions and events. / Greater number of pupils participated and represented Flax Bourton in level 2 sports competitions. Attended more events than previous academic year.
Pupils/school gained new sporting experiences by attending the Shine KS1 Football tournament, Sports hall athletics comp and KS1 multi-skills event.
Non-statutory swimming - transport, pool entry & extra teachers / £1200 / Continued. Previously funded by school budget but no longer able to do this. / 10 swimming lessons in the Spring Term for pupils in Years 4,5,6 (Year 3 statutory and paid for by school as part of core provision)
Additional swimming coach
Pool entry / Pupils attend weekly swimming sessions with qualified coaches and progress through school swimming level scheme. / Progress of pupils through school swimming scheme to be monitored by PE Subject Leader
Pupils aim to progress one level minimum by the end of the 10 week programme. / Progress made by most pupils as a result of providing experienced swimming coaches to deliver swimming. 80% of pupils progressed by at least one level across Beech and Oak classes.
Dance / £800 / Continued / Dance Unit of work delivered by specialist teacher + Dance Festival attendance (Year 5+6)
Annual subscription to dance resources / Subject specialist delivering a weekly lesson to develop pupils and teacher skills
Participation in a large multi-school event at a professional performing venue / PE subject leader to monitor
Staff confidence increased
Dance Festival participation – March. JB to attend. Perform in Star of the Week assemblies to the whole school and parents. / Attended and participated in the North Somerset dance competition.
Teaching staff improved their confidence in the delivery of dance by observing and team teaching with dance coach specialist.
Resources / £480 / New / Resources purchased in line with PE audit findings – all pupils
Resources to promote active lunchtime play– all pupils / To promote opportunities for physical development and skills
PE lesson resources fully meeting need
Pupils engaged in more physically active playtimes / Staff feedback
Observations / Pupils actively engaged during lunchtimes however more equipment could have been purchased to increase the participation rate even further.
New school games day trophy purchased to help promote and enthuse the new event taking place this academic year.
Staff CPD / £500 / Continued / Develop skills and confidence in teaching PE – all teaching staff
Hire in expert coaching from fully qualified staff in their areas of expertise. eg Proposed use of gymnastics coaches at Gemini Gym Club, Nailseaand hockey coaches at Firebrands hockey club, Failand. / Identify areas of professional development required following staff audit.
Source specific training in identified areas. / Allocation of staff mtg time.
Staff confidence increase when teaching identified PE units. / Teaching staff improved their quality and confidence in delivering football after a 6 week block of football was delivered to Beech and Willow class.
Gym and hockey coaches were not used to help with CPD as teaching staff declined the offer to use facilities.