NATSPEC Annual Residential Conference
The Value of Specialism: Challenges and Changes
Delegate & Workshop List – Tuesday 19th & Wednesday 20th May 2009
Delegate & Workshop List
Tuesday 19th May
A.Promoting Participation through Communication / Room 144First Floor
B.Natspec Project: Support for Learner Transition / Room 127
First Floor
C.Outputs, Outcomes and Impact – Let’s call the whole thing off? / Conference Room 1
Ground Floor
D.Walking the Plank; Exploiting the World of Technology for Colleges and Learners, and doing it Safely / Room 139
First Floor
E.ISC Online Toolkit Phase 2 and 3 / Room 141
First Floor
F.Early Lessons from the ILR Pilot / Room 3
Ground Floor
Wednesday 20th May
G.Race Equality / Room 141First Floor
H.Supporting the Learner Journey: Exploring how the role of the Learning Support Practitioner can Support Inclusion for Learners / Room 3
Ground Floor
I.The eFolio Arrives – Rolling out the New Application / Room 139
First Floor
J.How we work Locally / Room 127
First Floor
K.Getting the most out of Peer Review and Development / Room 144
First Floor
L.Creative Technology in the Curriculum / Conference Room 1
Ground Floor
First Name / Surname / Organisation / Tuesday Workshop / Wednesday Workshop
Margaret / Adjaye / LSIS / N/A / G
Godfrey / Allen / LSIS / N/A / G
Liz / Auchincloss / HinwickHallCollege / C / L
Caroline / Barden / ArdenCollege / A / L
Sarah / Barnes-Whiteley / Linkage Community Trust / B / K
Chris / Beckhurst / ExeterRoyalAcademy for Deaf Education / C / G
Matthew / Bellingham / OrchardHillCollege / C / K
Chris / Berry / HomefieldCollege / C / G
Alison / Boulton / Natspec / N/A / N/A
Mark / Braithwaite / RNIB / F / N/A
Steve / Breese / David Lewis / C / I
Andy / Briant / RNIB Project / B / N/A
Stuart / Bromwich / Mott MacDonald / F / N/A
Christine / Cameron / Craegmoor Healthcare / A / N/A
Paul / Cann / OakwoodCourtCollege / E / K
Dean / Carey / HerewardCollege / N/A / N/A
Andrew / Chiffers / FarleighCollege / E / N/A
Alan / Clarke / LLUK / N/A / N/A
Vanessa / Cleere / FoxesAcademy / B / G
Simon / Coles / Priory - Farleigh Further EducationCollege / D / N/A
Paul / Collings / OakwoodCourtCollege / A / G
James / Collinson / LSIS / N/A / N/A
Sal / Cooke / JISC TechDis / N/A / I
David / Corney / QueenAlexandraCollege / B / G
Norma / Curtis / RNIBCollege / C / K
Dr Mark / Dale / PortlandCollege / C / J
Tracy / de Bernhardt Dunkin / West of EnglandSchool and College for Young People with little or no sight / N/A / J
Karl / Deakin / Veale Wasbrough / C / G
Dr Liz / Dean / ArdenCollege / A / L
Victor / Dejean / Project Leader / N/A / N/A
Jane / Delves / Fortune Centre of Riding Therapy / F / K
Jennifer / Dixon-Clegg / Fortune Centre of Riding Therapy / E / J
Paul / Dolman / St Elizabeth's College / C / G
Claire / Dorer / NASS / C / K
Carol / Draper / LindethCollege / F / I
Mark / Draper / HinwickCollege / N/A / L
Sue / Duffen / RNIB Project / B / N/A
Lisa / Duncalf / PengwernCollege ( Mencap) / C / H
Pat / Dyson / RNIB / B / H
Rupert / Elliott / Craegmoor Healthcare / C / H
Julie / Evans / NashCollege / C / K
Sara / Everett / ESPACollege / C / L
Janis / Firminger / HerewardCollege / C / J
Lorna / Fitzjohn / Ofsted / N/A / N/A
Michael / Frosch / RuskinMillCollege / C / I
Nina / Gerrard / West of EnglandSchool and College for Young People with Little or No Sight / C / N/A
Angela / Gilbert / Northern CountiesCollege / C / K
Andrew / Giles / Livability / F / J
Tracy / Gillett / LangdonCollege / C / H
Debbie / Gittins / David Lewis / B / H
Steve / Goacher / PDM Data Ltd / N/A / N/A
Robin / Goddard / DCSF / N/A / N/A
Gilly / Godwin / David Lewis / E / G
Amanda / Grant / Becta / N/A / N/A
Eirlys / Gravelle / Coleg Elidyr / D / J
Karen / Grist / The National Centre for Young People with Epilepsy / N/A / I
John / Gush / Natspec & LSIS / E / I
Kerry / Hancock / Mott MacDonald / F / N/A
Terry / Harrington / MencapDilstonCollege / E / J
Andrew / Harris / DerwenCollege / E / G
Julie / Harrison / Learning and Skills Council / F / J
Luan / Harrold / ArdenCollege / A / K
Celia / Hart / William Morris House, Camphill Community / A / N/A
Helen / Hewitt / Together Trust / E / K
Steve / Hopewell / PennineCamphill Community / E / I
Peter / Horne / NationalStarCollege / N/A / J
Claire / Howley-Mummery / NashCollege / A / L
Marilyn / Hunter / MencapNationalCollege Dilston / C / K
James / Ingamells / Linkage Community Trust / F / L
Iain / Issott / QueenAlexandraCollege / B / G
Steve / Jackson / DCSF / N/A / N/A
Jonathan / James / Mencap - LuftonCollege of FE / N/A / G
Sue / Jenkins / FoxesAcademy / F / J
Gill / Jennison / HenshawsCollege / F / J
Bev / Jessop / HenshawsCollege / A / L
Alexis / Johnson / HenshawsCollege / E / G
Elisabeth / Johnson / RuskinMillCollege / B / K
Graham / Jowett / TreloarCollege / D / J
Penny / Kay / RoyalCollegeManchester (Seashell Trust) / C / H
David / Kendall / DerwenCollege / F / H
Claire / Kennedy / MacIntyre Training / N/A / N/A
Janet / Kenward / FairfieldFarmCollege / A / K
Deborah / Kenyon / MacIntyre Training / N/A / N/A
Punam / Khosla / LSIS / E / N/A
Emma / Killick / MacIntyre Charity / D / L
Jacqui / Latham / Barrowmore Ltd / E / H
Natalile / Macpherson / MacIntyre Charity / F / H
Mark / Major / HinwickCollege / N/A / L
Martyn / Maltby / DatabridgeMiS / F / H
Pauline / May / ArdenCollege / A / H
Christopher / Mayho / LangdonCollege / B / I
Rhys / McLellan-Evans / HinwickCollege / N/A / L
Peter / McCormack / Townsend McCormack Ltd / N/A / N/A
Andrew / McDougall / The MountCamphill Community / A / H
Theresa / McGinley / MacIntyre / C / K
Alistair / McNaught / JISC TechDis / D / I
Gaynor / Medhurst / The MountCamphill Community / C / H
Alex / Mellon / QueenAlexandraCollege / C / H
Emma / Millard / JISC TechDis / N/A / N/A
Lee / Morton / HinwickCollege / N/A / L
Diane / Muir / NashCollege / C / H
June / Murray / RNIBCollege Loughborough / C / K
Mark / Musselle / ArdenCollege / A / K
Karen / Nicod / LLUK / N/A / C
Hayley / Nicoll / Nord Anglia Education Partnerships / N/A / N/A
Sue / Nokes / Veale Wasbrough / D / L
Marilyn / Nunney / HinwickCollege / N/A / L
Trisya / O'Brien / LSIS / N/A / N/A
Alison / O'Brien / MacIntyre / N/A / K
Tanya / Owen / Fortune Centre of Riding Therapy / D / L
Dave / Paine / David Lewis / D / G
Julia / Park / LindethCollege / F / J
Ian / Pickford / RoyalNationalCollege for the Blind / C / H
Chris / Pickup / ESPACollege / F / J
Sue / Preece / Ofsted / N/A / N/A
Sue / Prescott / South West Development Workforce Partnership / N/A / H
Anne / Price / David Lewis / F / J
Graeme / Pyle / BeaumontCollege / C / L
Amanda / Quincey / The National Centre for Young People with Epilepsy / N/A / G
Donald / Rae / React Team / N/A / N/A
Tony / Reid / Treloar Trust / C / J
Jenny / Rippon / JISC TechDis / N/A / I
Alan / Robinson / DoncasterCollege for the Deaf / F / K
Meg / Rogers / Mencap - LuftonCollege of FE / N/A / J
Kathryn / Rudd / NationalStarCollege / B / N/A
Andy / Ruddick / David Lewis / A / L
Michelle / Ryan / Becta / N/A / N/A
Jo / Saunders / ExeterRoyalAcademy for Deaf Education / A / K
Simon / Scott / HerewardCollege / N/A / N/A
John / Sewell / JISC TechDis / D / I
Helen / Sexton / NationalStarCollege / N/A / N/A
Christine / Sherman / HenshawsCollege / B / L
Steve / Sidaway / Edutxt / N/A / N/A
Ted / Smith / Craegmoor Healthcare / B / N/A
Josie / Southwell / Landmarks / N/A / H
Yvonne / Squires-Nugent / HomefieldCollege / B / J
Moria / Storkey / OakwoodCourtCollege / B / J
Steph / Sunter / RegentCollege / A / L
David / Syson / MWE / N/A / K
Margaret / Taylor / HerewardCollege / A / H
Pat / Teague / TreloarCollege / F / J
Ruth / Thomas / DerwenCollege / C / K
Haydn / Thomas / South West Workforce Development Partnership / N/A / N/A
Maggie / Thompson / BridgeCollege / F / K
Elisbeth / Tibbetts / HinwickHallCollege / N/A / L
Janet / Tobin / PengwernCollege ( Mencap) / B / J
Kat / Tongue / Nord Anglia Education Partnerships / N/A / N/A
Maureen / Tyler-Moore / FoxesAcademy / D / K
Gaynor / Veal / william morris house / D / H
Simon / Vines / OrchardHillCollege / F / G
Fiona / Voysey / NationalStarCollege / F / N/A
Paul / Wapshott / DERWENCOLLEGE / D / J
Peter / Warburton / ACPLoppingtonCollege / B / L
Kate / Ward / StrathmoreCollege / F / H
Angie / Ward / South West Workforce Development Specialist / N/A / H
Sally / Warr / Linkage Community Trust / C / H
Tony / Warren / RNIBCollege Loughborough / B / L
Nigel / Wheeldon / OakwoodCourtCollege / F / I
Bernie / White / RoyalCollegeManchester / F / G
Hugh / Williams / Linkage Community Trust / E / J
Wendy / Williams / RegentCollege / C / H
Gill / Wills / The John Townsend Trust / C / J
Angela / Winrow / Craegmoor Colleges / D / G
Lawrence / York / LLUK / N/A / N/A