Minutes of the Meeting of Cleeve Parish Council held on 10th November 2015, commencing at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Cleeve.
Minute Ref: / Agenda Item / ActionPresent:
141/15 / Cllr Hilary Burn (Chairman)
Cllr Jean Ashman (Vice Chairman)
Cllr Marianne Pitman / Cllr Chris Joyce
Cllr Toby Morton
Cllr George Stringer
In attendance: Gemma Richards (Clerk to the Council), PC Paul Morris and two members of the public.
142/15 / Apologies:
They were received from Cllr Alan Doughty and District Councillor Deborah Yamanaka.
143/15 / Members of the Public
The new landlord of the Lord Nelson introduced himself and said that he has been in post for three months and is very keen to engage with the community. He said that he has been working with Greene King since March and is planning on staying here for the long term. He is very keen to engage with local people and would like to hear any suggestions. The pub is going to remain branded a Hungry Horse and they are looking to hold more functions in the pub and possibly skittle events. He advised that he will be making another request to change the licence and explained why. He said that a later opening time on a Friday and Saturday night gives him more time to let customers leave in an orderly fashion. At the moment he is calling last orders earlier. He would also like to be able to open the pub earlier to serve breakfast and be able to hold charity events for coffee etc. He stated he has no intention of serving alcohol before 11am. This will help increase trade and therefore bring improvements to the pub. The Chair explained the reasons the Parish Council objected to the later opening hours on the recent licence application. The landlord confirmed he is not looking to change to a chargeable car park and has already stopped commercial vehicles parking in the corner. The Chair asked if he would be interested in contribution to the Community Resilience team and he said he would be happy to be contacted. The Chair will ask Pat Walmsley to contact him.
Another member of the public said that they do not feel that the speeding on Bishops Road is any worse than in previous years. During the day parked cars near the shop and outside houses do a good job of slowing down traffic. They also said that they would support the planting of trees on Bishops Road and suggested that they are upright trees of a reasonable size. / HB
144/15 / Declaration of Interests
Declarations of Interest relating to items on the agenda.
There were no new declarations of interest.
There were no applications for dispensations for section 33 (b) to (e).
145/15 / Minutes of the meeting held on 13th October 2015
The minutes of the meeting held on 13th October 2015 were agreed as an accurate record and the master was then signed by the Chair.
146/15 / Clerk’s Report
The Clerk advised that:
· The payments approved by the Council have been made.
· Cllr Morton has filled out the form detailing how many sports pitches are on the playing fields and their size and the form has been returned to North Somerset Council.
· All risk assessments were reported to the Area Officer for action. A response has been received that an order has been made to replace the sign on Meeting House Lane and the footpath is on the contractors list to cut back however they are working through a long list at present. A response was also received about the rubbish at the back of the restaurant on the Old Main Road. It said that as this is on private land it would involve a cost to North Somerset Council to remove. Also the rubbish is unlikely to burn as it is very damp but agreed that it is not satisfactory and will come back after making another request.
· After reporting the broken stile on the footpath next to 50 Bishops Road, North Somerset Council has confirmed that they are not going to repair or replace the stile and will proceed to remove it as it is no longer required for stock control purposes. The owner of the structure and the farmer have confirmed that they do not want to maintain it or require a structure at this location.
· Cleeve’s Parish Liaison Officer at North Somerset Council has left and we are awaiting someone new to be assigned.
· After initial investigating the new Pension law is unlikely to affect Cleeve Parish Council due to the Clerk and Village Orderly not earning enough above the lower threshold. The Clerk will review further as the “staging date” is not until summer 2016.
· The funds available to the Parish Council as at 27 October are £22,541.11.
147/15 / District Councillor’s Report & Police Report
PC Morris advised that there are no crimes to report in Cleeve and there are no current trends of criminal activity in the area at the moment. He said that the usual advice stands in that keep sheds and garages locked. PC Morris highlighted that the vehicle activated sign at the Brockley end of Cleeve needs to be looked at as it comes on all the time. PC Morris also advised that the motorbike nights held in Weston Super Mare are now finished until next year. / GR
PC Morris left the meeting.
148/15 / Planning Applications
For discussion:
(a) 15/P2350/F 5 Rhodyate Lane, Cleeve – Loft conversion and single storey rear extension – It was agreed by all that there are no objections however concerns over the height of the proposed roof.
(b) 15/P/2464/F Kingswood Farm, Cleeve Hill Road, Cleeve – change of use of stables to holiday units including the erection of a front extension, a patio area and addition of new windows and doors – It was agreed by all that there are no objections.
(c) 15/P/2481/F 64 Main Road, Cleeve – construction of pitched roof incorporating first floor office and storage, with velux roof lights to front elevation and dormer windows to rear elevation. Erection of ground floor extension to front and rear of existing building. Installation of a extraction system with external flue to rear elevation – It was agreed by all that there are no objections.
(d) 15/P/2500/F The Barn, Yew Tree Farm, Cleeve – Erection of a single storey rear extension – It was agreed by all that there are no objections.
149/15 / Finance
(a) Payments received – the Clerk said that she has received notification that a BACS payment has been made of £134.67 from North Somerset Council for the village orderly grant.
(b) Payments for authority – The Council approved the following items for payment:
Item / Cost (£)
North Somerset Council – dog bin emptying / 115.20 (v)
Backwell School – grass cutting / 223.39 (v)
Clerk’s Salary 12 Oct to 8 Nov 2015 / 415.80
Litter Picker’s Salary / 51.20
Inland Revenue / 12.80
Clerk – administration / 37.82
Clerk – travel – 4 miles @ £0.45 / 1.80
Clerk – use of home as office – 4 weeks / 16.00
(c) First 2016/17 budget discussion
The Clerk explained the first draft of the budget spreadsheet for the financial year 2016/17. It was agreed that the initial decision will be a 3% increase of precept giving the Parish Council an additional £417.15 over the whole year. This would be considered again at the December meeting when general precept information should have been received from North Somerset Council.
150/15 / Consultations: Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014
It was agreed that the only comment should be to ensure that dog fouling is included as an order for Cleeve. / GR
151/15 / Honey Fungus on Pound Green?
The Chair explained that Cleeve’s Tree Warden Carolyn Woodthorpe had sent through a picture of a fungus she had found near a Norway Maple on Pound Green. Unfortunately before anyone could take a closer look it has been cut by the lawn mower. The picture has been sent to Alan Down at Cleeve Nursery who thought that it was not honey fungus but couldn’t be sure unless he sees it when it grows back. The picture was also sent to James McCarthy, a Tree Officer at North Somerset Council, who also said that he did not think it was honey fungus but would also need to take a closer look when the fungus grows back. He also stated that even if it is honey fungus it does not necessarily mean that the tree needs to be felled and only if the tree becomes stressed. As the tree has recently had some large branches die and it is a large tree near the A370 the Clerk asked James McCarthy to come and have a look. The Chair has met with James McCarthy who advised that the tree appears healthy at the moment. He said to look in the spring and see if the leaf canopy is healthy and also look again at the fungus and get it identified. He confirmed that it is not necessary to take a tree down even with honey fungus but to watch the roots and see if there is any movement. If there is any movement then the tree will need to be felled immediately. He said that the two dead branches are from bad pruning and can be removed next year if the tree is not to be felled. It was agreed by all to leave until the spring next year and have a look if the tree was healthy.
152/15 / Speeding on Bishops Road
The Clerk updated the Councillors that a resident from Bishops Road had visited to let the Parish Council know that they have complained to the police about speeding on Bishops Road. They have estimated that some vehicles are travelling at 50-60mph instead of the 30mph limit. The police have responded and sent out a speed watch car however could not find anywhere to park so will send out a motorbike instead. The Clerk and Chair have also met with a Senior Highways Officer to discuss what options there are to reduce speeding on Bishops Road. He has suggested some narrowing points. Two narrowing points have been suggested between the start of Bishops Road on the A370 and the bend after Bishops Road. He suggested another point on the straight after the bend towards Court de Wyck School but this would need permission as it is within Claverham’s boundary. The Chair suggested than an application is made to Bristol Airport’s Community Fund for a grant to pay for the work. The Highways Officer said that an estimate of £5,000 per narrowing would need to be considered. The Chair explained that a decision needed to be made tonight whether to proceed with asking North Somerset Council to prepare a detailed plan and costing to be submitted to Bristol Airport at the meeting in March 2016. Cllr Pitman suggested a fourth narrowing be added to make it two on the straight between Court de Wyck School. Cllr Pitman also asked if anywhere else locally had narrowing points so that she could see what it would look like. The Clerk said she would enquire. It was agreed by all to proceed with asking North Somerset Council to draw up plans as they would need to suggest locations of the narrowings for safety etc. The Clerk would also write to Yatton Parish Council for permission. / GR
153/15 / Parish Incentive Scheme to keep waste from landfill
The email received from District Cllr Yamanaka prior to the meeting regarding an event she had attended to reduce landfill waste was discussed. It was agreed by all that Cleeve would not opt in to this scheme due to the lack of events taking place to advertise this initiative. Cleeve would be happy to put up posters in any event.
154/15 / Planting Trees on Highways Land
The Chair said that she had spoken with the Tree Officer when reviewing the honey fungus issue detailed under minute 151/15. North Somerset Council has confirmed that any trees planted on highways owned land will automatically become its responsibility. He suggested that Cleeve Parish Council submit a plan to them detailing where the trees would be planted and what type of trees would be planted and they would then review it and respond. He also suggested upright trees be considered. The Chair suggested that planting of the trees could be tied in with the narrowings as mentioned under minute 152/15 which will really enhance Bishops Road.
155/15 / Risk Assessments
156/15 / Report on meetings attended
Cllr Stringer had attended the Village Hall Committee AGM and the current committee was re-elected. He highlighted an upcoming entertainment evening on 21 November as there are still tickets available. Cllr Stringer advised that another £500 grant had been received from Wessex Water towards the solar panels.
Cllr Morton had attended a Playing Fields Committee meeting. He updated everyone that a new boiler had been fitted however it will cost a further £2,000 for a complete electrical re-wire of the building. It will also cost another £400 to replace a circuit which is setting off the burglar alarm when the tennis court flood lights are switched on. He also advised that four dead small trees will be removed on the corner of the field.
Cllr Pitman raised that the speaker for a recent WI historical lecture could not find the Village Hall due to the sign being knocked down. It was agreed to ask for this to be replaced ASAP.
The Chair had attended a Bristol Airport Consultative Committee meeting and there is still a debate as to whether to allow enforcement of illegal airport parking through the Environment Fund however it has been agreed in principal. North Somerset Council is going to assist Bristol Airport with its Staff Travel Plan as there are currently no objectives. The airport continues to be on high alert for terrorism. / GR
157/15 / Invitations to External Meetings
· CPRE Avonside AGM on 17 November @ 7.30pm in the Create Centre, Bristol – no take up.
· Bristol Airport Annual Review on 9 December @ 6.30pm at Bristol Airport – JA/GS/CJ.
158/15 / Correspondence:
· The Chair read out an email received from Groundwork responding on points raised at a meeting a few months ago. Groundwork confirmed that when finalised, the new Woodland Management Plan, will be sent through. The email also confirmed that deer culling and squirrel culling are currently not necessary but will review in future. Groundwork has asked if the Parish Council would support a sign to the front of the Centre building, it was agreed by all they it would. It was also agreed that the Parish Council would support a separate sign giving directions to the Lodge. Groundwork advised that they will be holding a walking event to engage with the local community and details will follow.
· Agenda and associated papers for the Airport Consultative meeting on 4 November – handed to the Chair.
· Cllr Pitman raised that the charity hardship vouchers of £4 are available to apply for and a form needs to be completed.
· Cllr Ashman raised that during her regular checks on the defibrillator cabinet she has noticed that the led light in the cabinet does not always turn on. Before a new bulb is purchase she will arrange for an electrician to have a look at the cabinet in the first instance.
/ JA
159/15 / Meetings
The Council confirmed the date of the next meeting:
· Council Meeting – 8 December 2015 at 7.30pm
The meeting closed at 9.30pm