♣ Community : http://cafe.daum.net/Inhamulticulturaledu

1. Introduction :

Since the end of 20th century, Korea is becoming a country of multicultural society. That’s why finding a way to manage harmoniously this critical situation is one of the most important task in Korea and the government is asking top-ranked universities to train many experts of multicultural society. Facing this need of Korea, Inha University creates Program in Multicultural Studies and Education in 2011 for the first time in Korea.

Program in Multicultural Studies includes all the related topics from exploration of the Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Trans-Inter-Meta-Multi-culturality (for the short-term) to the development of the new and renewable theories which can produce synergy effect of Multicultural society in Korea (for the long-term application). Graduates of this program will play a leading part in global sustainable future society.

2. Major :

1) Multicultural Studies

2) Multicultural Education

3. Faculty Members

(1) Multicultural Studies

1) Kang, Ji Soo (강지수)

* Office : 5S120

* Tel : +82-32-860-8019

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : English Literature / University of Washington / U.S.A.

- M.A. : English Literature / University of Washington / U.S.A.

* Research Area : English Medieval Literature

* Academic Works :

- “Clerical Anxiety, Margery's Crying, and Her Book” in GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES ON MEDIEVAL ENGLISH LITERATURE, LANGUAGE, AND CULTURE, ed. by N. H. Kaylor et al. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications (2007)

- Julian of Norwich among Her “Even Cristen” Feminist Studies in English Literature, v. 14 (2006), 31-61

- “The Story of Aeneas and Dido on the Tablet of Memory: The House of Fame and the Reader” Medieval and Early Modern English Studies, v. 14 (2006), 37-59

2) Kim, Eui Young (김의영)

* Office : 5S118

* Tel : +82-32-860-8028

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://english.inha.ac.kr

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D. : AmericanLiterature / Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey / U.S.A.

- M.A. : EnglishLiterature / Seoul National University / Korea

* Research Area : Twentieth-Century American Literature

* Academic Works :

- "James Baldwin’s Complex Humanism in the Early Essays and Go Tell It on the Mountain." Studies in Modern Fiction 18.1 (2011): 253-84.

-"Domesticity and Its Discontents in Uncle Tom’s Cabin." American Fiction Studies 18.1 (2011): 163-83.

-"The Ethics of Melancholia in James Baldwin’s Essays.” American Studies 31.1 (2008): 267-86.

3) Min, Byung Chan (민병찬)

* Office : 5S421

* Tel : +82-32-860-8061

* E-mail :

* Educational Background : Inha University/ University of Tsukuba(Doctor of Linguistics), 1999

* Major : Japanese Linguistics

* Interest: Japanese Education

* Major thesis and journals:

- Some Problems of Japanese Honorific, Bul-Yi Mun Hwa Sa, 2006

- A Study on Classical Japanese, Bul-Yi Mun Hwa Sa, 2005

- A study on the background of '『futsu-gakkou-kokugo-dokuhon』published in

1912', Japanese Education, 43, pp3~15, 2008.

4) Park, Cheong Yi(박정의)

* Office: 6-312

* Tel: +82-32-860-8795

* E-mail:

* Homepage: http://

* Educational Background:

- Ph. D: Communication / Michigan State Univ. / US

- M.S.: Communication / Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies / Korea

* Research Area: Communication, News sociology

* Academic Works

- Media Effects on Acculturation and Biculturalism: A Case Study of Korean Immigrants in Los Angele's Korea town, MASS COMMUNICATION AND SOCIETY, 2007.

- A Theory of Planned Behavior Study of College Students' Intention to register as Organ Donors in Japan, Korea, and the United States, HEALTH COMMUNICATION, 2007.

- Decomposing Korean news media credibility in the Internet age, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH, 2006

5) Lee, Jean Young (이진영)

* Office : 9-620

* Tel : +82-32-860-7971

* E-mail :

* Homepage :

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Politics(Nationalism) / LSE (University of London) / U.K.

- M.A. : Politics/ Yon-sei University / Korea

* Research Area : International Politics, China, Migration

* Academic Works :

-Paradigm Making for Multi-cultural and Multi-ethnic Society in Korea (in Korean) with Kim Iseon and Whang Jeongmi/ Institute of Women Policy, 2007.

-Chinese Nationalism and Peace in East Asia in the 21st Century (in Korean)/ Journal of International Peace, Vol. 3-2, 2006.

-Human Migration and International Cooperation in East Asia/ Li Gangzhe et all(ed.) Global Migration of Korean-Chinese and International Network (in Japanese) /Institute of Asia Economy, 2006

6) Jang, Yoon Hee (장윤희)

* Office : 5S-418

* Tel : +82-32-860-7991

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://www.asiakoreanology.net

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D. : Korean linguistics / Seoul National University / Korea

- M. A. : Korean linguistics / Seoul National University / Korea

* Research Area: History of Korean language, Korean Grammar

* Academic Works :

- A Study of Sentence-terminating Endings in Middle Korean (2002)

- Diachronic Change of the Embedded Clause Headed by 'jeon'(前, before)” (2008)

- “A Study of the Derivational Suffixes in Old Korean” (2006)

- “Grammatical Elements of Present-day Korean and Diachronic Information” (2005)

7) Jung,Young Tae (정영태)

* Office : 9-314

* Tel : +82-32-860-7965

* E-mail :

* Homepage :

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D: Comparative Politics / University of Texas at Austin / USA

- M. A: Political Theory / University of Texas at Austin / USA

* Research Area : Labor and party politics, Korean politics

* Academic Works : Korean Society and Progressive Parties in the Age of Neoliberalism, Inha University Press, 2005 (in Korean); Korean Society and Politics in the Age of Neoliberal Globalization, Inha University Press, 2005 (in English); Voting Behavior and Political Attitude of Democratic Labor Party Supporters in Korea, Institute for Progressive Politics, 2006 (in Korean)

8) Cho, Byung Joon (조병준)

* Office : 5S419

* Tel : +82-32-860-8037

* E-mail :

* Homepage :

* Educational Background :

- Ph.D., University of Rouen(French Literature), 1991

[ Dissertation : Analyse de l’espirt dans les oeuvres de Henri Michaux ]

- M.A. : M.A. University of Rouen(French Literature), 1987

-B.A. Inha University (French Language and Literature), 1986

* Research Area : French Literature, Multicultural studies

* Academic Works :

- An Epistemological Study on the Korean Identities in an Era of Multicultural Societies, The Language and Culture, No 9-3, 2013.

- Landscape Analysis in the works of Maupassant, Foreign Literature Studies, No 47, 2012.

- Reflection on intercultural conflict in Un Barbare en Asie of Henri Michaux, Revue d'Etudes Franco-Coreennes, No 57, 2011.

9) Choi, Byung Wook (최병욱)

* Office : 5S-220

* Tel : +82-32-860-8075

* E-mail :

* Homepage :http://www.asiakoreanology.net

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D. : History of Vietnam / Australian National University / Australia

* Research Area : Social History of the 19th Century Vietnam

* Academic Works :

- Southern Vietnam under the Reign of Minㅇh Mang (1820-1841): CentralPolicies and Local Response (in English) (2004)

- History of Southeast Asia in the Traditional Time (in Korean) (2006)

-“OverseasTrade of Vietnam in the First Half of the 19th Century - Fromthe Hands of Chinese Settlers to Those of Ethnic Vietnamese” (in Vietnamese) (2008)

10) Cha, Tae Geun (차태근)

*Office: 5s417

*Tel: +82-32-860-8051


*Educational Background:

-Ph. D: Chinese literature and culture/Beijing Normal University/ China

-M.S.:Chinese language and Literature/ Korea University/ Korea

*Research Area: Chinese modern Culture and Thought

*Academic Works:

-Trans-modernity :Beyond Regional Border, 중국현대문학, vol.30, pp.201~223, 2004.

-Liang Qichao and the formation of national character discourse in china, 중국현대문학, vol.45, pp.1~34, 2008.

-Modernity of literature, medium and critical mind, 대동문화연구, vol.59, pp.483~512, 2007.

-Modern Knowledge, Education, and Literature, 중국현대문학, vol.42, pp1~29, 2007.

-The Discourse and Network of the knowledge on Eastern Asia in the first half of 19th century-- focusing on the Chinese Repository(1832-1851) 중국현대문학, vol.32, pp.119~138, 2005.

-The Network of Western Learning Groups and Discours of China in the 19th century, 대동문화연구, vol.52, pp.5~35, 2005.

-The Image of Chinese Characters and "Awakening" China, 중국현대문학, vol.36, pp.1~27, 2006.

-Modern Subjectivity and the Position of Esthetics --Focusing on Wang Guowei' esthetics, 중국어문학지, vol.27, pp.213~247, 2008.

11) Hong, Young Bog (홍영복)

* Office : 6-601

* Tel : +82-32-860-7813

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://ybhong.blog.me

* Educational Background

- Ph. D : Business Administration / Cheongju University / Korea

- M.S. : Business Administration / University of Texas / USA

* Research Area : Corporate Finance, Stock Investments

* Academic Works

- The Practice of Investments, 2nd ed., (Seoul: Tamjin Publishers, 2007).

- Financial Management, 2nd ed., (Seoul: Bluechip Publishers, 2008).

- “Changes of Financial Structure of Korean Firms after the IMF Bailout,” Management Review (December 2005), 65-91. Management Research Institute, Inha University.

12) Hong, Jung Sun (홍정선)

* Office : 5S-205

* Tel : +82-32-860-7995

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://www.asiakoreanology.net

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D. : Korean Modern Literature / Seoul National University / Korea

- M. A. : Korean Modern Literature / Seoul National University / Korea

* Research Area: Korean Modern Poetry, 1920-30's Proletariat Literature in Korea

* Academic Works :

- Promethean Times (2008)

- KAPF and North-Korean Literature (2008)

- Literature as the Humanities (2008)

13) LI, Hong (이홍)

* Office : 5S415

* Tel : +82-32-860-8036

* E-mail :

* Homepage :

* Educational Background :

- Ph.D., University of Paris Ⅶ,1988.

- M.A., University of Paris Ⅶ,1983.

- B.A., University of Paris Ⅶ,1982.

* Research Area: Comparative History

* Academic Works:

- Étude sur certaines caractéristiques des populations originaires de Chine, du Japon, de Corée du Nord et de Corée du Sud immigrées en France, Revue de l’étude de la culture française, vol. 25, pp.181-212, 2012.

- La renaissance des campagnes en Corée du Sud, 1960-2012, L’Harmattan (Paris), 2012.

- Le développement agricole de la République démocratique du Congo: L’exemple coréen, Croisements, vol. 3, pp.112-129, 2013.

14) Lim, Hun (임헌)

* Office : 5S 420

* Tel : +82-32-860-8038

* E-mail :

* Homepage :

* Educational Background :

- Ph.D., University of François Rabelais à Tours (1993)

- M.A., University of Seoul National University (1983)

- B.A., University of Seoul National University (1981)

* Research Area : French Literature

* Academic Works :

- Balzac, la modernité et la culture civile (I) - Une lecture d'Un prince de la bohème, Revue d'Enseignement de Langue et Littérature Françaises, vol.17, pp.521-539, 2004.

- Un homme moderne de Balzac, L'Illustre Gaudissart, Revue des Etudes Françaises, vol.51, pp.335-354.

-Balzac - Modernité, fluidité, critique culturelle, Revue d'Enseignement de Langue et Littérature Françaises, vol.2, pp.415-449, 2006.

15) Shepherd Iverson

* Office : 5S135C

* Tel :+82-32-860-8900

* E-mail :

* Homepage : inhainha.info

* Educational Background :

- B.A.: History / Brown University / U.S.A.

- M.A.: Anthropology / University of Florida / U.S.A.

- Ph.D.: Anthropology / University of Florida / U.S.A.

* Research Area : Multicultural Studies

* Academic Works :

- The Korean Peace Fund,North Korean Review, Vol. 8, No. 2 (2012).

- One Korea: A Proposal for Peace. (Jefferson, North Carolina,McFarland & Company, 2013)

(2) Multicultural Education


1) Kim, Young Soon (김영순)

* Office : west - 217

* Tel : 032) 860 - 7867

* E-mail :

* Educational Background

- Ph. D : Culture Studies / Freie Universitaet Berlin / Germany

- M.A. : Cultural Semiotics / Technische Universitaet Berlin / Germany

* Research Area : Culture Change, Cultural Education & Culture Policy

* Academic Works

- (Book) Media and Cultural Education: Reading Media, Hankuk Pub. 2006.

- (Book) Humanities and Culture Contents, Dahal Media, 2007.

- (Book) Understanding Alternative Education, Hakjisa, 2008.

- (Translation) Multicultural Education and Human Relation, 2011.

- (Translation) Choosing Democracy, 2012.

- (Translation) Doing Multicultural Education for Achievement and Equity, 2013.

2) Kim, Jee Hun (김지훈)

* Office : Hightech 1512

* Tel : 032) 860 - 7863

* E-mail :

* Educational Background

- BA : Sociology / Korea University

- MA : Sociology / National University of Singapore

- MSc : Environmental Policy / University of Oxford

- Ph. D : Sociology / University of Oxford

* Academic Works :

-KIM, J. 2012. “Remitting 'Actual' and 'Virtual' Co-residence between Korean Professional Adult Children Couples in Singapore and Their Elderly Parents” Ageing and Society 32: 1337-1359

-Kim, J. (co-authored with I. Hwang and H. Kim) 2012. “Political Economy of Higher Educational Policies in Malaysia and Singapore”. The Southeast Asia Review 22(3): 195-239.

-Kim, J (co-authored with M. Lee). 2011 “A Qualitative Study on Choice of Study Destination and University Life Experiences of International Studies at a University in Seoul” East Asian Studies 30(2): 73-101

-Kim, J. 2011. “Living as Expatriate Wives/Mothers: Balancing Work and Family Issues among Korean Working Women” The Southeast Asia Review 21(1): 217-246

-KIM, J. 2010. “‘Downed’ and Stuck in Singapore: Lower/Middle Class South Korean Wild Geese (Kirogi) Children in Public School” Research in the Sociology of Education 17: 271-311

3) Park, Deok yu (박덕유)

* Office : Seo-212

* Tel : +82-32-860-7843

* E-mail :

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Korean Grammar / Inha University / Korea

- M.S. : Korean Grammar / Inha University / Korea

* Research Area : Korean Grammar, Korean Language Education

* Academic Works :

- A Study of the University Students’ Consciousness Changing from the Point of Social Linguistics, Korean Language Education, 2008.

- The Comprehension of Old Korean Grammar, JNC, 2008.

- A Study on the Methods for Improvement in teaching Ability of the Korean Teachers, Educational Research Institute, 2008.

- A Study on Ways of Developing Effective Phonological Education, Korean Language Education, 2007.

- A Comparative Study on the Verbal Aspect in Korean and Mongolian: With Reference to Syntactic Expressions of Aspectual Oppositions. The Korean Society of Bilingualism, 2006.

4) Park, Sun Mee (박선미)

* Office : west - 218

* Tel : 032) 860 - 7864

* E-mail :

* Educational Background