MAY 28, 2008



Vice-Chairman Terry Mostyn called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm.

Roll call was taken and members in attendance were: Ward Donigian, George Ervin, Jean Lascar, Terry Mostyn, Julia Smith and M.J. Sokolik.

The flag salute was followed by the Sunshine Law announcement. On a motion by Jean Lascar, seconded by M.J. Sokolik, the meeting minutes of April 30, 2008 were approved. All in favor, motion carried.

Chairman’s Opening Statement

Thanks to Ward for chairing the Fishing Contest. We had a good turnout and everyone had a great time. Thanks to everyone for helping out.

Old Business

Home Depot – George and Terry will go over the paperwork after tonight’s meeting and hopefully have progress by next month’s meeting.

Fishing Contest - There were only 32 fish caught this year - the fish were not biting, possibly because the pond was stocked the day before. The day went well and everyone had a great time. The Goldfish crackers were a big hit. The digital pictures were great. We will need rechargeable batteries for the camera. A special thank you goes out to Harry’s children for taking and processing the great pictures.

New Business

Softball – Harry has been collecting the applications. The turnout is good this year, and there are more women joining this year. We have approximately 70 men and 20 women so far.

Seniors Report – The seniors will be going to the Art and Garden Tour at the Brooklyn Museum of Art and the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens on June 25.

Senior Picnic – The Senior Picnic will be on July 17. Julia reviewed last year’s supply list. Are there any supplies, such as trays and serving utensils, left over from last year? Julia will check with Suzanne if they are stored at the Senior Center. Discussed borrowing the grill from Drew. We need the DPW to post the message board, and ask if someone will stay and help out at the picnic. A motion was made by Terry Mostyn and seconded by M.J. Sokolik, to look into the cost of renting a grill for the picnic. All in favor, motion carried. Jean will check into rental prices. Joanne will send press releases to the newspapers and cable TV. Terry will help Julia shop for supplies. A purchase order for $1000 will be made out to Terry.

Paddle Days – Paddle Days will be Tuesday nights in July, beginning July 8. Discussed having a new system to handle the crowd waiting on line, taking turns and the amount of time out on the lake. Perhaps we can use a horn to call back everyone in groups. We can use Polaroid cameras for photos, as there is no electricity at the lake. Joanne will send press releases to the newspapers and cable TV.

Movie Nights – Movie Nights will be Tuesdays in July at 8:00, beginning July 8. Ward will Chair, George will Co-Chair. Joanne will send press releases to the newspapers and cable TV. A purchase order for $600 will be made out to Ward.

Recreation Director Job Description – the committee reviewed the proposed job description. A motion was made by Terry Mostyn and seconded by Ward Donigian, to approve the job description as written. All in favor, motion carried.

Recreation Director’s Report

No report.

General Comments


On a motion by Terry Mostyn, seconded by Jean Lascar, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm. All in favor, motion carried.

The next meeting will take place on June 25, 2008, at 7:30 pm in the Recreation building.