Tuesday, December 5, 2017

7:00 p.m.

The City Council of Mission Woods, Kansas met in regular session on Tuesday, December 5, 2017, at the Westwood City Hall, 4700 Rainbow Boulevard, Westwood, Kansas 66205.

Members Present:Mayor Robert Tietze

Council Member Cory Fisher

Council Member Amy McAnarney

Council Member Darrell Franklin

Members Absent:Council Member Joan Ruff

Council Member Bill Dunn

Others Present:Steven E. Mauer, City Attorney

John Martin, City Treasurer

Mimi Doherty, Outside City Counsel

Mr. Hensley, Resident

I.Call to Order.

Mayor Tietze called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. A quorum was present.

II.Minutes of Prior Meeting.

The first item on the agenda was approval of the November City Council Meeting Minutes. Mayor Tietze asked for corrections or additions. There were none. Council Member McAnarney moved to approve the Minutes as written. Council Member Franklin seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. (Ayes – III; Nays – 0).


The Council next turned to the November Warrants. There was discussion of the bill by Lamp Rynearson – city engineers. Mayor Tietze explained that the bill related to analysis of the “sinkhole” on the south side of Shawnee Mission Parkway. He anticipates an additional, smaller amount will be billed for a similar analysis of the smaller sinkhole on the north side of Shawnee Mission Parkway. With no further discussion, Council Member Franklin moved to approve the Warrants. Council Member Fisher seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. (Ayes – III; Nays – 0).

IV.Police Report.

The Council then reviewed the police report. There were no questions.

V.Ordinance – Public Right of Way Maintenance

The next item on the agenda was a review of an ordinance authorizing the City to maintain property in the public right-of-way (ROW). Mayor Tietze explained that this ordinance was proposed in response to ideas and concerns raised by citizens, including Laurie Franklin. The ordinance would authorize, but not require, expenditures by the City on plantings, shrubbery, and other items in the City ROW. Council Member Fisher made a request that the body of the proposed ordinance include trees, shrubbery and “plantings.” Mayor Tietze also explained that an ordinance number had not yet been provided, so a motion was made to approve the ordinance as amended by Council Member Fisher. Council Member McAnarney seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. (Ayes – III; Nays – 0).

Council Member McAnarney also asked that thanks be expressed to Ms. Franklin for raising this issue and helping the City identify a way to beautify our community. The Mayor and other Council Members also voiced their appreciation.

VI.General Comments.

Mayor Tietze then opened the meeting up for general comments. The Mayor explained one update on the City’s contract with Waste Management. He said that pursuant to the existing contract, the rates will be raised from $15.11 per household to $15.56 per household. There was discussion on whether other cities with other waste/trash collection providers were receiving similar rate increases. There was no concrete information on that issue. Resident Hensley was then asked if his trash was being picked up along with his yard waste. He affirmed that yes, the trash service had been much better over recent weeks.

The only other comment was the Mayor, who noted that the next meeting of the City Council will be on January 2nd, before the new Council is sworn in on January 8th. Council Member Fisher stated that he will not be in attendance at the next meeting. Mayor Tietze thanked him for his service, as this would be his last meeting.

VII.Executive Session.

At 7:30 p.m., a motion was made by Council Member McAnarney to recess into Executive Session to consult with Mimi Doherty, outside counsel for the City, about litigation filed by the Archdiocese of Kansas City, which is deemed privileged in the attorney-client relationship, pursuant to K.S.A. 75-4319(b)(1) and to reconvene the open meeting in approximately twenty (20) minutes. Council Member Franklin seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

At 7:49 p.m., Council Member Franklin made a motion to adjourn the Executive Session and return to open session. The motion was seconded by Council Member Fisher. (Ayes – III; Nays – 0).

Having no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Council Member Fisher. Council Member Franklin seconded the motion, which passed unanimously (Ayes – III; Nays – 0).

The meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.