CTDP-Practice Exam Questions

The following questions are extracted from the pool of 200 questions for the CTDP exam. Your exam will have 100 questions drawn from the pool.

Type / Proposed Question/Answer / Competency Reference & Explanation
Definition / How is performance defined in The Competencies for Performance and Learning Professionals?
Select the correct option. / Introduction: Key Terms and Assessing performance needs: Introduction, paragraph 2
To respond to this question correctly, you need to know that performance is observable, therefore eliminating options B, C, and D. Many terminology definitions are included in the exam. It’s important to understand definitions and how they apply, rather than memorizing.
Performance refers to behaviours that indicate progress towards an important outcome
Performance refers to skills and knowledge that differentiate one performer from another
Performance refers to the ability to do something well for an extended period of time
Performance refers to progressive attitudes that contribute to success
Concept / Why is it important to gather initial information from other stakeholders before planning a needs assessment?
Select the two (2) correct options. / Assessing performance needs: 1b
The key word in this question is “before.” A & B happen when preparing to assess. C happens when you’re trying to identify performance gaps. And D happens you’re determining the causes of those gaps.
To determine extent to which client’s perspective is shared by other stakeholders
To confirm that desired performance has the potential to affect business results
To conduct a job, competency or goal analysis to determine performance outcomes
To determine job, process or organization causes of performance gaps
Scenario / A large, national insurance company wants to change the scope of the inbound call centre roles from handling inbound calls from customers wanting to update information to a combination of inbound calls and outbound sales. The outbound sales calls will involve calling customers to sell them new features and products. You are assessing performance needs prior to designing learning and performance solutions.
What’s the best type of analysis to conduct in this situation?
Select the correct option that applies to this specific situation. / Assessing performance needs: 2b and related outputs
To respond to this question correctly, you first need to understand the difference between the types of analysis, which can be found in The Competencies.
Job analysis
Competency analysis
Goal analysis
Task analysis
Scenario / You are designing a curriculum for onboarding new hires and have created a preliminary roadmap for the curriculum.
Which of the following steps should you take first, before doing the other three?
Select the correct option that applies to this specific situation. / Designing curricula: Overall process and 2a
These are all steps to take when creating a preliminary roadmap, but the FIRST next step is A.
Identify desired performance and other outcomes
Sequence performance and other outcomes
Identify learning and other performance solutions
Determine paths for identified groups of learners
Concept / Which of the following activities can be used to evaluate learning objectives that require learners to apply their learning?
Select the two (2) correct options. / Designing learning experiences 2b
To answer this question, you need to be familiar with the different levels of evaluating learning objectives (remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create). C & D only require learners to remember and understand).
Case studies
Sequencing activities
Scenario / You are facilitating a session in which one learner keeps answering all the questions you ask, and you notice others are starting to look uncomfortable.
What is the best next step to take?
Select the correct option that applies to this specific situation. / Facilitating learning: 2e
The key to answering this question correctly is to understand that as a facilitator, it’s important to maintain respect for all learners. Even though one learner is dominating the class, it’s important to speak with him/her in private, rather than address his/her behaviour publicly.
Take the individual aside during the break and encourage him to allow others an opportunity to answer as well
Praise the individual openly and hope he will give others a chance to respond
Ignore the individual when he raises his hand next, so as to allow another learner the opportunity to speak
Encourage other learners to raise their hand to answer the next question you ask
Scenario / You are facilitating a session on peer coaching skills. A key learning objective is for learners to listen attentively and ask great questions of their peers so as to provide effective feedback.
What actions can support the transfer of learning to the workplace?
Select the three (3) correct options that apply to this specific situation. / Facilitating learning: 4c
As a facilitator, the best opportunities to support transfer of learning occur during the learning experience. Of the four options, D depends on learners reading the article after the session and is therefore the least preferred option, since the A, B, and C involve input from the facilitator during the session.
Provide relevant scenarios that reflect the learners’ actual work environment
Encourage learners to refer to a job aid while preparing for their mock coaching scenarios
Have learners complete an action plan at the end of the session, then revisit the plan in 2 months
Provide learners with an article about the benefits of coaching as they leave the session
Scenario / You are designing a learning experience for app developers who support both Android and iOS. You know employee skills and knowledge change constantly as the technology evolves. Learners often find relevant articles describing the latest in technology as part of their work.
What is the best way of helping learners keep up-to-date after they complete the learning experience?
Select the correct option that applies to this specific situation. / Support transfer of learning: 1a
Also, Assessing performance needs 4c
The relevant information in this scenario is that the information changes constantly and learners can source their own content. So allowing learners to be responsible for their own learning is the best option in this situation.
Provide a forum for developers to share ideas and links
Provide performance support tools for developers
Communicate expectations for performance to developers
Provide mentoring support by the managers of the developers
Scenario / You are designing an evaluation of learning objectives for a live virtual classroom session on new features within a software application. You have identified an appropriate level of evaluation (such as remember, understand, apply… ) for each learning objective.
What is the best next step to take?
Select the correct option that applies to this specific situation. / Evaluating learning: 2b
The key to getting this question correct is selecting the best next step. Options B and C relate to development of materials to evaluate learning objectives, so they would come after the evaluation itself has been designed. Options A and D both relate to designing the evaluation, and A is a step that occurs before D.
Identify appropriate type of evaluation for each learning objective
Prepare assessment forms for each learning objective
Write test questions and scoring guides for each learning objective
Determine how you will administer the evaluation to the learners
Concept / What are potential benefits of supporting clients in making effective choices?
Select the two (2) correct options. / Partnering with clients: 2
When you support a client in making effective choices related to learning solutions, the overall outcomes are related to the learning solutions developed. Options C and D relate to how the project is managed, which has nothing to do with the design of the learning solution.
You create effective and efficient learning solutions
You avoid jumping to simplistic solutions and being swayed by current fads
You schedule realistic project plans that can be implemented efficiently
You manage projects within the overall timelines and budget

CTDP - Practice Exam Questions1