This policy covers activities which the school organises without specific funds or involvement from the Local Education Authority.

Activities which take place during school hours.

This school has always viewed visits as a most valuable aid to the

curriculum, as we believe it enhances the pupils knowledge. Visits are

also a valuable addition to the development of children’s social skills and

the children’s understanding of the world around them.

For such visits to take place, the school will continue to invite voluntary

contributions from parents towards the cost of such activities.

Residential visits and day visits must be self financing as no money

is available from school funds. If contributions were insufficient visits

would not take place, and voluntary contributions returned to parents,

unless the Broad Town School Association (BTSA) agreed to subsidise or

fund the visit. If the child is in receipt of pupil premium then the Headteacher may decide to use pupil premium funds to subsidise or pay the cost.

The cost of subsidising pupils from low income families may be met by

school fund or B.T.S.A. funds at the discretion of the Head.

We may ask parents for voluntary contributions for the following

a)Travel and admission fees

b)Day Study visits

c)Swimming lessons

d) Visiting workshops

e) Theatre productions

Should insufficient funds be raised the visit would be cancelled and all

monies returned to parents.

Residential Visits

Residential visits are usually offered to children in Y4, Y5 and Y6.

The school will charge for the food and accommodation of such visits.

This is in line with L.E.A. policy. Costs for additional activities will also be

added to the total cost.

For families who receive Income Support, Income-based Job Seeker

Allowance, Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act,

Child Tax Credit (providing they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit,

and annual income, as assessed by Inland Revenue, does not exceed

the specified amount),an application for remission of fees will be submitted.Social

Services may also pay the cost for looked after children.

Swimming Lessons

The Local Education Authority no longer provide a swimming grant. At

the moment, we do get a Sports Premium Grant that may be used to

to subsidise the cost of swimming. Parents will continue to be asked for

a voluntary contribution to help cover the cost of swimming.

Should insufficient funds be raised in this way, the swimming programme

may have to be reduced.

Instrumental Music Tuition

The Act allows charges to be made for tuition in the playing of a musical


Other Charges to Parents

The Governors reserve the right to charge parents for wilful damage

and vandalism to school property or materials for which their children

are proved responsible.

Parents will be asked to pay the full charge for items such as, school

sweatshirts, photographs, book folders, etc.

Parents may also be asked to pay for materials used in after-school


June 2015