Item EAS Board

University of South Australia

School of Education


20th November 2009, 3.00pm - 4.30pm

Magill Campus Room B1-55



Present; Jenny Barnett, Marie Brennan, Anne Carrington, Briony Carter, Lynette Copus, Glenn Cupit, Tony Densley, Trevor Feder, Brenton Fopp, Ruth Geer, Susan Hill, Steven Hodge (HDR Rep), Vikki Hopwood, Bruce Johnson, Rosie Le Cornu, Zheng Lin, David Lloyd, Bill Lucas, Denise MacGregor, Faye McCallum, Janet McDowall, Meg Napper, Erina Newnham (Library), Sue Nichols, Helen Nixon, Michael O’Donoghue, Kathy Paige, Judy Peters, Gwen Phillips, Greg Restall, Anna Rogers, Margaret Scrimgeour,John Sellar (Student Rep), Sue Shore, Michele Simons (Chair), Tom Stehlik, Lyn Tonkin, Bruce Underwood, Christy Ward, Peter Willis, Greg Yates, Yvonne Zeegersand Lew Zipin.


Division EASS 2009 Research Award Recipients:

  • Mid Career Researcher – Associate Professor Rob Hattam

This award recognises EAS Researchers with 5 to 15 years post-doctoral experience who have demonstrated a consistent commitment to high quality research achievement.

  • Best Community Engagement – Dr Elspeth McInnes

This award recognises Early Career Researchers who have demonstrated excellence in research achievement in the 5 years after their doctorate was awarded.

  • 10-Year Supported Researcher Award – Mr Steve Keirl and Dr Peter Willis

In 2009 the following EASS researchers have attained Supported Researcher status for 10 years, which is a tremendous achievement.

  • 10-Year Plus Supported Researchers – Assoc Professor Phil Cormack, Assoc Professor July Gill, Professor Roger Harris, Professor Bruce Johnson and Assoc Professor Michele Simons

The Division also recognises the achievement of the following researchers who have achieved Supported Researcher status for more than 10 years.

  • Supervisor of the Year – Professor Marjory Ebbeck

Divisional Research Performance Fund Recipients

  • Project Team: Peter Bishop (CIL), AsPr Rob Hattam (EDS/HRI), Dr Sam Sellar (EDS), Ms Gretta Koch (CIL)

Project Title: Globalisation, diaspora and reconciliation: a postcolonial mapping of Dharamsala, the capital of “Free Tibet” and its relation to Australia.

DRPF amount awarded: $10,000

  • Project Team: Dr Sue Nichols (EDS/HRI), Dr Collette Snowden (CIL), Dr Kathleen Connellan (AAD)

Project Title: Media and consumer culture participation of new arrival families: an intergenerational study and exhibition. DRPF amount awarded: $11,422

  • Project Team: Dr Barbara Spears (EDS), Professor Bruce Johnson (EDS/HRI), Dr Margaret Scrimgeour (EDS), Dr Ruth Geer (EDS), Dr Deborah Price (EDS), Ms Deborah Green (EDS)

Project Title: Cyber bullying and the role of the bystander

DRPF amount awarded: $12,213

Note: 3 of the 4 grant applications submitted by EDS were successful

  • 2009 Division EASS Program Director Award for Excellence Recipient – Dr Ruth Geer
  • 2009 Division EASS Teaching and Learning Award Recipients – Dr Anna Rogers, Dr Rosie Le Cornu
  • 2009 Division EASS Teaching and Learning Grant Recipients:

Project Teams:

•Margaret Freund, Margaret Scrimgeour & Sue Shore

•Faye McCallum & Rebecca Vivian

•Janet McDowall & Jeff Meiners

•Cathy Hammond, Petra Ball & Faye McCallum

Grant values up to $3000

  • Council has conferred Lisa Davies doctorate. Congratulations Dr Davies
  • CEASA Association Awards: Home Economics Institute of Australia (SA) Perpetual Trophy was awarded to Denise Macgregor for her outstanding contributions to the Home Economics profession


Leave; Rosemary Badenoch, Barbara Comber, Roger Harris, Rosie Kerin, and Brenton Prosser.

Apologies Received; Valerie Aloa, Wing Au, Andrew Barr, Jill Burton, Mike Chartres, Carol Collins, Phil Cormack, Ali Diamond, Heather Foster, Cathy Hammond, Robert Hattam, Sue Knight, Ann Moore, Clare Nocka, Debbie Price, Sharon Russo, Wendy Schiller, Sue Shore, Moira Simpson, Barbara Spears, Elspeth Stephenson, Bruce White, Victoria Whitington.

3.Confirmation of Agenda Items

Agenda confirmed.


Approval of minutes for 23 October 2009 has been deferred until the next School Board meeting on 11 Dec 2009.

5.BUSINESS ARISING from Minutes of last meeting (not listed elsewhere on the Agenda)

Date of Meeting / Agenda Item No. / Person to Action / Task / Outcome/Timeline
23/10/2009 / 8.1 / Michele Simons / Post Review of Education presentation to School Board website
23/10/2009 / 8.2 / Faye McCallum / Table Step 2010 Stage 3 proposal at School Board when draft is ready
23/10/2009 / 11.1 / Faye McCallum and Michele Simons / Address issue and perhaps discuss topic at School Board
23/10/2009 / 11.1 / Michele Simons / To provide information from Deans of Education discussions e.g. 3 + 2 model
25 Sept / 6.1 / Sue Shore with Michele Simons / To discuss and develop a MIU for CEASA from School of Education.
25 Sept / 8.1.1 / Michele Simons / Michele will make reference to the appointment of the de Lissa Chair in the School Report to ensure it is brought to the PVCs attention. / An offer has been made. Negotiations are underway.
25 Sept / 8.1.1 / Michele Simons / Michele will add to the Executive Summary details of the two committees The Indigenous Education Committee and the Education for Sustainability Committee.


No presentations this meeting.


7.1Education Prizes and Scholarships Review L Copus/D Faigen

Discussion:This paper is a result of the University review of prizes and grants with values less than $500. For Education it will mean that the school will need to review the prizes indicated by the review date. However, the School has successfully argued the importance of Professional Associations in the Education Sector and PVC has acknowledged that these prizes should be retained. The document was tabled at Division Executive meeting.

7.2Minor Amendment – Course Statements for Master of Teaching [LMTC] M Simons

Discussion:Michael O’Donoghue spoke to school board and referred members to the summary in section 3 of the document. Courses have been reviewed and changes have been made to content, assessment and texts. Michael acknowledged the assistance of Vicki Clark in Div EASS office in preparing the paperwork.

Motion:School Board approves the minor amendments to courses in the Master of Teaching

Moved:Michael O’Donoghue

Seconded:Bruce White

Motion Carried

7.3Minor Amendment - Early Childhood Education: Major, Sub-major and Minor C Ward

Discussion:As a result of the PER process, consequential changes to the ECE major, sub-major and minor are needed as some courses are no longer being offered.

Motion:School Board approves the minor amendment to make changes to the ECE major, sub-major and minor course offerings

Moved:Christy Ward

Seconded:Glenn Cupit

Motion Carried

7.4Minor Amendment – MMEU (TESOL) amendment to entry requirements M Simons/ J Barnett

After a review of documentation, the School must submit a Major Amendment to change the language proficiency conditions for the program. Documentation will be submitted at a subsequent School Board.


8.1Head of School Report (Michele Simons)


  • Head of School advised that the school can expect 6 retirements between Nov 2009 and Mar 2010 and acknowledged the importance of celebrating the achievements during long and productive careers.
  • New Positions
  • An overview was given about the status of the recruitment of the identified positions. It was noted that due to School Board’s decision several meetings ago to not provide workload data, consequential delays have resulted in the recruitment timelines for approval of positions. A report is being prepared by the Dean: Teaching and Learning which will include an analysis of workloads and recommendations for remedial actions.
  • Budget 2010 has not been approved by SMG with some changes expected to the Division’s strategic contributions. Positions identified have been included in the staffing budget but the timing of recruitment will be a factor for salary savings.
  • 40 positions are currently being sought from Schools in EASS. For EDS 3 positions have been approved with 8 still in process. The process to seek suitably qualified candidates will be extensive and will possibly include international sourcing. Minimum requirements will be Level B with PhD qualifications.
  • Contingencies need to be discussed and planned for the start of SP2 2010. There will be a need for a greater reliance on casual teaching staff to fill the gaps. The Division HR team will be running a recruitment drive to increase the casual pool.
  • The process for approval to recruit is extensive and includes preparing a business case, a detailed recruitment form and preparing a position description for each position.
  • Some positions should be filled by SP2 e.g.ECE positions are a high priority due to load expansion with DECS and COAG initiatives. 13 permanent staff will be teaching 600 EFTSL. However the budget model imposes a staffing structure with a core group with peripheral staffing in the form of casual staff. A model adopted by TAFE 10 – 15 years ago.
  • Some members of the program teams present articulated their frustrations in the process but Head of School gave her assurance that all would be done to fill the positions in a timely fashion. EDS must work with the process. 11 positions were identified in the 2010 budget, which was very sound and there have been no indications at this stage that the school will need to reduce the no. of positions being requested.
  • A discussion ensued with the following points raised by school board members;
  • School Board was reminded to consider the Collective Agreement conditions and the EDS workload model as a source of reference during times of workload pressures and reviews.
  • what are the implications to workloads and recruitment with the 6 ensuing retirements
  • Contingency plans should include equity issues for casual staff whereby employment contract should be made for all SP2 not part. Working conditions for casual staff should be monitored. It was recommended that as many contracts as practicable should be in place by end 2009.
  • Program teams raised concerns about issues in their programs such as load, retention rates, transfers, labor market supply and demand data analysis and effects on graduate employment outcomes
  • Concerns were raised about the selection panel membership and the lack of representation by Education staff.

Motion: School Board strongly recommends that selection panels include members from research and teaching in subject matter.

Moved: Bruce Johnson

Seconded: Marie Brennan

Motion Carried

  • Head of School to discuss with program teams support for new staff, induction process, and advised that new staff will treated fairly and commence teaching in June 2010.
  • Professional staff positions currently in recruitment process as contracts are ending for essential roles. The next few weeks should see the positions being advertised and filled. Staff are requested to be mindful of the affected professional staff during this time.

ACTION: Faye McCallum to prepare report on data analysis on student transfers between programs.

ACTION: Faye McCallum and Michele Simons to review program transfer process.

Industrial Action

  • At this stage it is understood that the university will apply for exemption for finishing students, international and sponsored students so staff may transmit their results. If this application for exemption fails, the university will petition the fair work tribunal
  • All staff are reminded that this industrial action is not a protected action so if not a member of the union, and you participate in the action, the university may take disciplinary action.

School Calendar

  • Head of School thanked everyone for their involvement.
  • Program team meeting dates should be sent to Landy Yann for collation so Linda Phillips can add to school calendar.

ACTION: Landy Yann to provide collated Program Team meetings for Linda Phillips to enter on School Calendar.

School Retreat Day

  • To be held 29 January 2010.
  • A venue will be booked in due course with consideration to the summer weather conditions.

Summer School

  • 35 registrations received to date
  • Writer in residence (Clare Atchinson) will be available
  • Program will be circulated soon
  • Location to be at Magill


  • First half of the year will be very busy
  • ERA submission due in June
  • RIBG funding model will change
  • New formula with 3 components
  • Factors weighted on staff research activity in Cat 1 grants
  • Survey of academic research activity
  • All academics will be required to participate
  • UniSA must get 67% response rate
  • Survey to be done twice
  • Administrative Audit Publication Authorship forms; “Statement of Authorship”form has been changed. This activity is being coordinated by Sarah Rose. All academic staff publishing must complete form.
  • Storage of research data – audit and form completion.
  • Implementation of the Code of Ethics
  • 2 Research Ethics Advisors required in EASS
  • 0.4 FTE workload, refer to Position Description (Tabled Item 8.1.1)
  • PVC has requested EDS to provide one
  • Ethics Proposal ranking changes; E1, E2, E3
  • Unsure whether EDS to fund salary

8.2Associate Dean – Teaching and Learning Report (Faye McCallum)

  • New 2010 Assessment Policy Procedures Manual
  • 2010 Orientation week commencing 22 February is currently being planned. The Student Leadership Undergraduate and Graduate Committee (SLUG) will be actively involved and are enthusiastic about activities.
  • Polo shirts with professional experience logo being sourced for EDS students to wear on professional experience placements. A purchasing system with Campus Central is being discussed. EDS students will be reminded about respecting the school dress codes where they attend placement.

8.3Associate Dean – Research Education Report (Tom Stehlik)

  • Offers have been made to three international sponsored applicants and two international fee-paying applicants into PhD programs
  • A University President’s Scholarship has been offered to Nazanin Ghodrati, a PhD applicant from IRAN who scored very highly during the international scholarship round. Her research topic is in TESOL
  • 10 applications have been received for Australian Postgraduate Award Scholarships – nine for PhDs and one for the EdD. The ranking process occurs on November 25
  • PhD completions:
  • Lisa Davies has been informed that her PhD has been assessed as complete and will be legally awarded on 17/12/2009. Principal supervisor: Tom Stehlik, Associate Supervisor: Roger Harris
  • Sutida Siripong received her completion letter on October 23. Principal Supervisor: Jill Burton, Associate Supervisor: Jenny Barnett.
  • Yuk Ching (Eva) Lai has submitted her final thesis after undertaking corrections. Principal Supervisor: Judy Gill, Associate Supervisor: Wing Au, with assistance from Greg Yates
  • So far this year, 28 PhD colloquium panel meetings have been convened for PhD, Ed D and M Ed candidates. Two more are scheduled for December. This represents a significant amount of work for supervisors, RDCs and panel members, all of whom I would like to thank for their commitment and collegiality. A list is attached.
  • With assistance from the leadership team I coordinated a school response to two review documents from the DVC research and innovation - Review of Membership of Register of Postgraduate Research Degree Supervisors and Allocation of Higher Degree by Research Scholarships at UniSA: Alignment of High Quality Students with Research Concentrations and Research Active Supervisors at UniSA (attached)
  • Major reviews of progress are being steadily submitted. Thanks to supervisors and RDCs for following these up
  • Overtime HDR candidates remain an issue for the school - there are currently 11 who are overtime. Some have applied for extensions, but I will be contacting supervisors to discuss strategies for timely completions
  • The Quarterly Research Education report for the division was received and showed the school to be doing well against the other schools and the division. The only concerns were overtime students as noted, and increasing withdrawals from HDR programs over the year to date

Two Documents tabled for noting:

  1. Response to research register and scholarship allocation process papers
  2. 2009 Research Proposal Panel

8.4Associate Dean – Research and Consultancy Report (Reported by Michele Simons for Rob Hattam)

  • Research Highlights, Achievements and Major Developments in 2009
  • CREd
  • Uni Aspirations Project
  • Northern Area collaborations
  • SILA project
  • New SACE project - Professor Marie Brennan submitting project proposal next week
  • Research Leaders Day – PD opportunities
  • Framework of Co-operation – between Div EASS, HRIS and Schools, negotiations have finished and the framework has been written. Implementation and staff involvement yet to be advised.

8.5School Manager Report (Lynette Copus)


  • Staff are reminded of the changes to travel approval processes as a result of FBT and the ATO pursuing compliancy
  • Declaration of private travel component and proportional reimbursement of costs. Refer to the policy and calculation examples on Finance Unit webpage
  • Declaration of non-business person travelling companions (e.g. spouse) to determine true costs of travel and potential reimbursement for private benefit (FBT implications)
  • A travel diary must be submitted with travel request form
  • Documentation must be kept for 7 years. ATO may audit

8.5.2Professional Development Funds

  • Staff are reminded to refer to the policy on professional development funds
  • A reminder that if spending funds on items for self that HoS approval must be sought e.g. computing equipment, travel
  • A reminder that any funds accumulated in PD accounts (the generic fund 15 only) prior to 30 April 2008 must be spent by 30 April 2011. All other revenue received after 30 April 2008 must be spent within 3 years.

Additional Item – Vice Chancellor Authorisations (VCAs)

  • New VCA policy is being introduced by SMG with Bands being developed (see finance unit website for details)
  • All current VCAs will be cancelled by finance unit on 1 December 2009. However an interim phase out will occur during December. From 1 Jan 2010, all new VCAs must be approved and reach Planning and Assurances office before you can authorise any expenditure.
  • New VCAs will be prepared when finance unit advise outcome of request to set up generic cost centre manager VCA.
  • All HR staffing contracts (including CAS and regardless of funding source) must be authorised by Head of School.

8.6School Academic Staffing and Workloads Committee Report (Marie Brennan)