Ozarka College

Statistical Methods

MATH 2 _ _ _

Course Syllabus

Instructor: / Delong, Alison S
Office Phone: / 870.368.2058
College Fax: / 870.368.2091
Email: /
Office Hours:

Prerequisites:At least one math class with a grade of C or better at the 1000 level or higher or an algebra score on the Compass exam of 41 or higher. (Asset, ACT or SAT equivalent accepted)

Course Description:

A study of methods for organizing and interpreting quantitative data, with emphasis on methods commonly used in any situation requiring the analysis of information recorded in numerical form. A survey of statistical description, including measures of central tendency, dispersion, and correlation; an introduction to methods of hypothesis testing.

3 credits


This course focuses on the introductory information that prepares students for professional life by teaching them how to interpret and employ statistics as a tool in a manner that is conceptually correct and computationally accurate. Whether reviewing and interpreting professionally relevant research literature or actively assisting in generating research, knowledge of the proper selection, use, and interpretation of statistical techniques is essential to “best evidence” professional practice. Accordingly, this course will be taught with an emphasis on statistical interpretation, as it is applied to research, for considering the conceptual and computational appropriateness of specific statistical methods.

Outcomes/Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate the following competencies:

  1. Explain basic concepts of statistics (e.g., population vs. sample, sampling distribution)
  2. Explain the differences among various statistical techniques.
  3. Summarize numeric data by computing descriptive statistics (e.g., mean, variance) and by creating tables and graphs.
  4. Compute various inferential statistics.
  5. Test hypotheses applying probability theory.
  6. Interpret statistical information from research.
  7. Identify an appropriate technique for a given set of variables and research questions.

Text/Required Materials:

  • Basic Statistical Analysis, 8/E
    Richard C. Sprinthall

ISBN-13: 9780205495979

Publisher: Allyn & Bacon

  • Access to a computer and the Internet.
  • Graphing Calculator
    Methods of Instruction:

Reading, PowerPoint, discussion, video, case studies and assignments
Evaluation Procedures:

Total Possible = 1000 pts.
Homework Assignments = 200 pts.

Computer Quizzes and Assignments = 400 pts.
Midterm Exam = 200 pts.

Final Exam = 200 pts.
895-1000 = A
795-894 = B
695-794 = C
595-694 = D
594 and below = F

Grading Scale:

A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 59 and below

Make-Up Policy:

Students may make up exams and assignments within one week of the due date IF prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. Any work not completed within that time period will receive a grade of "0”.

If permission is given to the student to make up an assignment or exam, ten percent (10%) will be automatically deducted from the total grade.

Attendance Policy:

Students are expected to attend class.
According to the student handbook, after a student misses the equivalent of two weeks of class sessions, the instructor has the prerogative of assigning a grade "F" for the course.

Academic Integrity

If an occurrence of cheating is detected, that student(s) grade will be adjusted accordingly, ranging from a grade penalty on the test or assignment involved - to an "F" in the course. When a penalty for cheating is invoked, the instructor is required to submit to the Vice President of Academic Affairs, immediately following the occurrence, a statement of circumstances, the name of the student(s) involved, and the penalty imposed. A student involved has the right to appeal the action through the Academic Grievance Procedure.

Special Needs

Any student with special needs that may require any adaptation or modification of classroom work is responsible for informing the faculty of those needs and possible modifications/adaptations.

Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS)

The Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) contains information about the transferability of courses with Arkansas public colleges and universities. Students are guaranteed the transfer of applicable credits and the equitable treatment in the application of credits for the admissions and degree requirements. Course transferability is not guaranteed for courses listed in ACTS as "No Comparable Course." Additionally, courses with a "D" frequently do not transfer and institutional policies may vary. ACTS may be accessed on the Internet by going to the ADHE website and selecting Course Transfer (

Tobacco Policy

Effective July 1, 2008, Ozarka College campuses are tobacco free. This policy includes all buildings, grounds, and parking lots. Thank you for your cooperation.

Diversity Statement

Ozarka College is committed to learning for all students. One important component of student learning is diversity education; learning about others, learning with others, and learning from others. By providing diversity learning experiences, Ozarka College provides students with the opportunity to work together to influence their future, the future of their country and the future of the wider global society.

Student Success Center

The Student Success Center is located in room C114 of the John E. Miller Building on the Melbourne campus and in the new Student Center Building in Ash Flat. Check with the main office in Mountain View for location on that campus. The center is free and open to all students. The SSC provides academic coaching by appointment or on a walk-in basis for individual or group tutoring. Success Coaches are available to assist with homework and help improve study and time management skills. The SSC also provides career counseling with the KUDER Career Planning System and resume assistance and has a job placement program. If you have any questions, visit our site at contact the SSC by phone: 870-368-2056 or email: .


The mission of Ozarka College is to provide life-changing experiences through education

Important Dates: