Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne

1st Year Lettorato Exam September 3rd 2015 Duration: 75 minutes

A – Grammar Choose the correct answer

1. As a child, she …………………… long blonde hair.

a) was having b) would have c) used to have d) was used to have

2. She …………………… with her parents while she is saving up money to travel around the world.

a) lives b) has lived c) was living d) is living

3. Students …………………… to bring their ID cards to the oral exam

a) don’t have to forget b) mustn’t forget c) should remembering d) ought remember

4. Economists predict that the recession …………………… in the new year.

a) will continue b) continues c) is going carry on d) is carrying on

5. As soon …………………… any news, I …………………… you know.

a) when I hear / would let you know b) as I have heard / am going let

c) as I hear / will let d) as I don’t hear / should let

6. He …………………… asparagus.

a) said he had the allergy to b) told me he was allergic to

c) said me he was allergic at d) claimed being allergic at

7. The new system is …………………… the old one.

a) as complex than b) less complex that c) not as complex as d) more complex that

8. I …………………… my homework, so I can come out for a walk.

a) have just finished b) just stopped c) was just finishing d) had just stopped

9. The PC …………………… on normally, but the monitor appears to ……………………

a) had been turning / broke b) turned / be broke

c) has turned / be broken d) was turning on / be broke

10. Could you pass me …………………… hat, please? It’s …………………… grey one on …………………… window sill.

a) my / the / the b) the my / a / the c) this / the / a d) a / the / a

11. What ……………………about GM foods?

a) is your opinion b) are you thinking c) is your thought d) think you

12. Please can you tell me ……………………?

a) when leaves the next bus b) when the next bus leaves

c) at what time departs the next bus d) what time next bus departs at

13. If you …………………… put on weight, you …………………… so much chocolate.

a) don’t want to / shall not eat b) hadn’t wanted to / shouldn’t eat

c) don’t want to / might not have eaten d) didn’t want to / shouldn’t have eaten

14. When ……………………?

a) did they introduced the new law b) was passed the new law

c) has the new law been passed d) was the new law introduced

15. You …………………… me you were coming! I …………………… a cake.

a) should had said / would bake b) should tell / could have made

c) might have told / would have made d) could have told me / could make

16. “Did you enjoy the book I lent you?” “I ……………………”

a) haven’t already finished reading it b) didn’t finish reading it still

c) didn’t yet finish read it d) haven’t finished reading it yet

17. There …………………… a power cut while we …………………… the film on TV last night.

a) had been / were watched b) was / were watching

c) had been / watched d) was being / had been watching

18. If I …………………… him, I …………………… more friendly.

a) recognised / will have behaved b) had been recognised / would have been being

c) had recognised / was being d) had recognised / would have been

19. I …………………… him once, a long time ago.

a) met b) have met c) used to meet d) was meeting

20. They asked us to wait in the lobby as our room ……………………

a) was still cleaning b) still was cleaned c) had still be cleaned d) was still being cleaned

21. The policeman asked me ……………………

a) where I was going b) where was I going c) where I went to d) where did I go to

22. If it ……………………, we …………………… our trip to the seaside this weekend.

a) is raining / are probably going cancel b) rained / would probably have cancelled

c) rains / will probably cancel d) had rained / would cancel probably

23. …………………… the Taj Mahal?

a) Have you ever been to b) Were you ever in c) Did you never go in d) Had you never been to

24. When I looked in my bag, I realized that my purse ……………………

a) was stolen b) stole c) had been stolen d) was stealing

25. I …………………… my wallet before I got to the airport, because I remember buying a cup of coffee in the Departure Lounge.

a) mustn’t have lost b) can’t have lost c) couldn’t lose d) might not lose

26. You …………………… food and drinks into the IT room.

a) aren’t allowed to bring b) mustn’t bringing c) should not to bring d) have not bring

27. I …………………… a book about globalization. It’s very interesting.

a) had read b) am reading c) have been read d) didn’t reading

28. Cochlear implants allow …………………… to hear.

a) persons what are deaf b) persons which are deaf c) people whose are deaf d) people who are deaf

29. She has lived in this house …………………… she was a little girl.

a) for b) from c) from when d) since

30. Ulysses is …………………… famous novel by …………………… Irish author called James Joyce.

a) the / the b) --/ the c) a / an d) the / --

31. I think the situation …………………… improve, but I’m not sure.

a) would b) can be c) might d) is going

32. Don’t book your summer holiday …………………… your exam results.

a) until you receive b) unless you don’t receive c) until you received d) as soon as you didn’t receive

33. “…………………… out with us this evening?” “No. I …………………… at home and read a book.”

a) Will you came / will stay b) Are you coming / I’m going to stay

c) Might you come / I would stay d) Are you going come / I should stay

34. He told me …………………… in the car while he checked my driving license.

a) that I waited b) to wait c) should I wait d) that I had wait

35. His behaviour was really bizarre yesterday. He ……………………

a) must have been drinking b) can have been drunk c) must had drunk d) should be drunk

36. What …………………… if you …………………… your father’s will.

a) do you think would you discover / had read b) would you have discovered / read

c) do you think you would discover / read c) is your opinion you would discover / had been reading

37. I’m finding this year’s programme …………………… but also ……………………

a) harder / more interesting b) as hard / interestinger

c) less hard / as interesting as d) hard / not interesting as

38. The children …………………… when Father Christmas …………………….

a) slept / had arrived b) had slept / was arriving c) were sleeping / arrived d) slept / arrived

39. Where …………………… if this trip ……………………?

a) would have you gone / had been booked fully b) would you have gone / had been fully booked

c) would you go / had fully booked d) will you have gone / was booked fully

40. Organ regeneration can help patients …………………… kidneys are diseased.

a) whom the b) of which the c) to whom d) whose

Choose the option which is correct and has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

41. I only studied Spanish because there were no places available on the French course.

a) If there had been any places available on the French course I wouldn’t have studied Spanish.

b) I would have studied Spanish, even if there had been places available on the French course.

c) I would give up studying French if places became available on the Spanish course.

d) I would rather study Spanish than French.

42. It is possible that the children broke the window by accident.

a) The children must have broken the window by accident.

b) The window can’t have been broken by accident.

c) The children shouldn’t have broken the window.

d) The window might have been broken by accident.

43. Professor Plum shot Mr. Black in the library.

a) Professor Plum was killed by Mr. Black and a revolver in the library.

b) Mr. Black was killed by a revolver in the library with Professor Plum.

c) Mr. Black was killed by Professor Plum with a revolver in the library.

d) Professor Plum was in the library when he was shot by Mr. Black.

44. He started working here five years ago.

a) He worked here from five years.

b) He has been working here for five years.

c) He has worked here since five years.

d) He is working here from five years ago.

45. I will arrive in Dublin early on Monday morning.

a) On Friday evening I will have been arriving in Dublin since five days.

b) Since Friday evening I will be staying five days in Dublin.

c) By Friday evening I will have been in Dublin for five days.

d) From Monday I will have been staying five days in Dublin.

46. Have you seen the new “Tile” item-trackers? They can help you find your keys, wallet or other small items.

a) The “Tile” is a new invention who helps you find lost items.

b) The “Tile” is a new technology by whom lost items are finding.

c) The “Tile” is a new technology which helps you track lost items.

d) The “Tile” is an innovation in which lost items are found.

47. Joshua insisted that his mother read to the end of the story before he went to sleep.

a) Joshua went to sleep when his mother had finished the story.

b) Joshua’s mother finished the story when Joshua had gone to sleep.

c) Joshua went to sleep while his mother was finishing the story.

d) Joshua was falling asleep while his mother finished the story.

48. The Godfather Part III was not as successful as the other films in the trilogy.

a) The third Godfather film was more successful than the other two.

b) The first two Godfather films were worse than the third one.

c) The Godfather Part III was successful like the two other films.

d) The third Godfather film was less successful than the first two.

49. Don’t worry! There is some money left in our account.

a) There is little money left in our account.

b) There is a little money left in our account.

c) There is a few money left in our account.

d) There is few money left in our account.

50. Please make sure that you have included all the items on the list.

a) You should make sure that you have included every item on the list.

b) You should be sure that you have included each items on the list.

c) You should check you didn’t forgotten any items off the list.

d) You should check when you have forgotten some items on the list.

B - Vocabulary Choose the most appropriate word to go in the blank.

51. She has been in …………………… since her father died five years ago.

a) bereavement b) sorrowful c) mourning d) profoundly sadness

52. One of the hardest aspects of your job may well be maintaining a good relationship with your ……………………

a) classmates b) colleagues c) cooperators d) collaborators

53. Much of the recent political unrest can be attributed to …………………… of food and water which are ultimately due to global warming.

a) shortages b) lack c) shortfalls d) decreasing

54. A lot of my school friends ended up …………………… university without completing their degree courses.

a) retreating from b) retiring from c) resigning out of d) dropping out of

55. One of the advantages of being self-employed is that you don’t have to ……………………

a) clock on and off b) stamp in and out c) watch up and down d) observe specific hourlies

56. I ……………… my CV, which gives full details of my qualifications, work experience and ………………….

a) am attached / ability b) have been attaching / skill c) enclose / skills d) put on / dates

57. Do you usually have a lot of …………………… to do at weekends?

a) job b) work c) works d) project

58. In that culture, young people are always very …………………… of their elders.

a) respectful b) respectable c) respected d) respecting

59. Teaching is stressful and …………………… but can be immensely ……………………

a) bad paid / satisfactory b) poorly paid / rewarded c) badly paid / rewarding d) underpaid / satisfied

60. Human activity has a big …………………… on wildlife and the ……………………

a) influence / ambient b) impact / environment c) effect / environmental d) repercussion / pollution

61. I’m afraid your …………………… has been sent to Rome.

a) bags b) baggages c) luggage d) casing

62. When I first heard the news, I felt a bit ……………………

a) shock b) upheaval c) took aback d) overwhelmed

63. You will feel a lot better if you …………………… alcohol and …………………… a sport.

a) cut down on / take up b) cut out on / take off c) cut back of / give up d) give up of / take out

64. …………………… never comes.

a) Future b) The yesterday c) Tomorrow d) The today

65. In restaurants and bars in the USA, customers are always expected to leave a ……………………

a) bonus b) tip c) receipt d) bill

66. We are raising money to build a new children’s play area in our ……………………

a) zone b) territory c) neighbourhood d) locality

67. She had trouble sleeping at night because of the incessant noise from the …………………… streets.

a) surrounding b) neighbour c) surrounded d) connect

68. My son is learning the saxophone, but our neighbours keep …………………… about the noise.

a) lamenting b) on to protest c) complaining d) on to grumble

69. It …………………… my son more than eight years to complete his degree, as he was working full time.

a) employed b) wanted c) needed d) took

70. Come on! It’s ……………………!

a) time to go b) the hour to leave c) leave time d) departing time

71. I love being a zoo keeper! I wouldn’t like to do a job where I would be stuck …………………… all day.

a) insides b) indoors c) in of doors d) at office

72. If I had enough money, I’d like to go on a …………………… trip.

a) round-the-world b) globe trot c) world-rounding d) globe-circular

73. The shiny drops on the leaf in the photo look …………………… pearls.

a) as if b) as though c) as d) like

74. I’ve made loads of international calls this month. I’m not looking forward to seeing my phone ……………………

a) bullet b) receipt c) bill d) account

75. If you are not satisfied with anything you have bought, you can …………………… the item or receive a full refund.

a) deliver b) exchange c) receive d) returning