For immediate release

Date: 16 July 2012



Robbie Gladwell & Friends will be performing another one of their concerts in St Andrew’s Church, Church Road, Bulmer, Nr Sudbury on Saturday 28th July 2012 at 7.30pm to help raise funds for Age UK Essex and Age UK Suffolk.

Robbie Gladwell (member of Steve Harley’s Cockney Rebel) has been supporting Age UK Suffolk and Age UK Essex for over 3 years as he wanted to do something to help older people in the local community, particularly those who are isolated.

The Robbie Gladwell and Friends concerts give many local musicians and singers who appear with him the chance to showcase their talent.

Peter Bland, Deputy Chief Executive at Age UK Essex, said “we are once again delighted that Robbie Gladwell has offered to do this concert for us at St Andrews Church, Bulmer. Robbie highlights our work and raises our profile within the community. It will be a fantastic evening and Robbie will be inviting other musicians to join him to make the event one to remember!”

Tickets will be available on the door priced at £10 (concessions £5 for under 16’s and over 65’s). Come along and bring a picnic! Refreshments will be available.

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Age UK Essex is a local independent charity, operating from a head office in Chelmsford and fifteen other locations around the county. We operate services for people in later life in Essex, including information & advice, befriending, advocacy, home help and toenail cutting. We can be contacted on 01245 346106.

Age UK Suffolk is a local independent charity working with and for older people and their family carers in Suffolk. It offers: someone to call – with information and help centres to visit or phone; someone to visit – including home visits by welfare benefits advisors, ensuring people get their maximum income and help with application forms, independence advisors for people worried about being able to go on living independently at home, advocates to assist when making big decisions about life or care and supporting people to challenge decisions made about them, befriending services, home helps; and something to do – its own day centres, help in finding local activities, and lots of volunteering opportunities. Call its head office on 01473 359911 for more information.


Peter Bland

Age UK Essex

112 Springfield Road, Chelmsford CM2 6LF

01245 346106