This document is both a guide through the application process and a means to collect project details. You may also view the Assessment Criteria on Bellfund.ca .

Canadian Certification Points

A minimum of 6/10 Points are required to be eligible for the Short-Form Digital Series Program. The producer role does not achieve points, however,to be eligible, the producer must be Canadian. For the creative roles listed below one individual may hold several roles.

Project Title:______

Canadian (Y/N)

Director(s): (2 points)
Scriptwriter(s): (2 points)
Production Designer: (1 point)
Director of Photography: (1 point)
Music Composer: (1 point)
Picture Editor: (1 point)
1st & 2ndLead Performer(s): (1 point each)
Total Canadian Points / /10
  1. Team

Provide by Uploading Documentation through the online application portal:

  • Credits of Applicant Company (track record)
  • Key Personnel/Partners List+ CVs (experience and achievements) (eg. Writer, Video Production Team and for Discoverability the Content and Community Manager)
  • If applicable, Service Agreement (eg. for Discoverability)

Answer the following here:

  • What do you want us to know about your team?
  1. Creative

Provide in your online application form:

  • Link to Teaser for Proposed Series (required for every application)
  • Link (if applicable) to any completed episodes related to application (or link may be provided below)
  • Series Log Line (for press release if applicable) ;use present tense
  • Series Synopsis for use (for press release if applicable); use present tense

Provide by Uploading Documentation:

  • One Script for Proposed Project
  • 3-4 Page Treatment for Series (i.e. plot, story arc, key themes and short, descriptive outline of each main character or host (as applicable for fiction/non-fiction)

Provide the following here:

  • Please describe any development or produced episodes in this project to date and explain how it was financed.
  • Provide a link to any completed episodes here or in the ‘additional videos’ section of the online application.
  • Anything more we should know about the creative?
  1. Feasibility

Provide by Uploading Documentation through the online application portal:

  • Budget (containing finance plan) for Series Production
  • Budget (containing finance plan) for Discoverability Plan
  • Production Schedule
  • Proof of Copyright
  1. Potential for Success

Answer the Following here:

  • Why does your target audience want this series? What tools did you use to determine your target audience?
  • How does this Series compare to existing digital series in the marketplace?
  • If applicable, describe the success of any previous episodes in this series.

Potential for Success (con’t)

Release Strategy

  • On what digital platform(s) will your series be released?
  • What is your release plan? Provide details about # videos, release strategy (per day/week etc.) What are your plans for search optimization and use of analytics?
  • What is your platform’s ability to effectively reach the appropriate targeted Canadian audience?

Potential for Success (con’t)

Discoverability Plan & Budget

Supply a discoverability plan and a budget which is separate from your series production budget. Refer to the ‘Discoverability Plan’ document for more details.

Provide by Uploading Documentation:

  • A discoverability plan
  • A discoverability budget

project details short-form digital series- V13