EFCOG Working Group Planned Activities for FY 2017
Revision 1
Activity / Benefit / Deliverable/Key Milestone(s) / Estimated Hours to Complete1.0 Integrated Safety Management
1.1 Document Configuration Control
(Task ISMS-16-01) / Currently EFCOG primarily produces documents in the form of guides, white papers, reports, etc. that are or have been uploaded to the EFCOG web page. The lack of any prescribed document numbering process or document management strategy such as periodic reviews for relevancy creates a challenge to potential end users of these documents.
Separate, but related, to the above task, once the strategy has been formalized, then each task group lead needs to back fit previous documents with the numbering scheme and provide direction to where the document should be filed. / EFCOG policy document that describes the management approach for EFCOG products to include:
1.1.1 Document numbering scheme
1.1.2 Index approach
1.1.3 Periodic review expectations
1.1.4 DOE interface/utilization protocols
Integrated Safety Management – Contractor Assurance System
1.2 CAS Maturity Evaluation Tool
(Task CAS-15-02) / As part of an overall approach in identifying the maturity of Contractor implemented DOE O 226.1 CAS programs at various sites a tool would be beneficial in assisting a contractor in evaluating the overall maturity of their CAS with appropriate consideration/flexibility dependent on their mission.
Overall consistency across the complex allowing for site specific determination of level of rigor. / 1.2.1 Evaluation Tool that each contractor can use to discern the Maturity (graded approach) for their project
1.3 Effective Issues Management Core Elements
(Task CAS-14-01) / A white paper describing an effective issue management program, what is an effective corrective action, and how to measure effectiveness of an issue management program. / 1.3.1 White Paper
1.4 CAS Element Survey
(Task CAS-15-01) / As part of an overall approach in identifying the maturity of CAS programs at various sites an effort is needed to identify the core elements of a DOE O 226.1CAS. / 1.4.1 Develop a Survey
1.4.2 Evaluate Results
Integrated Safety Management – Human Performance Improvement
1.5 HPI Best Practices that Ensure Quality V&V of Procedures and Guidance
(Task HPI-15-01) / Submit best practices from DOE organizations related to ensuring good human factors have been considered in the validation and verification of procedures prior to approving them for use. Procedure Use and Adherence is a fundamental HPI tool; however, using an improperly conceived or written set of instructions can lead to adverse events, delays, or rework, as depicted in the Anatomy of an Event diagram. If sufficient BPs are submitted, an EFCOG Best Practices document/report will be produced. / 1.5.1 White Paper
1.6 Use of HPI Fundamentals/Tools to Improve Organizational Effectiveness
(Task HPI-13-01) / HPI Task Group will focus on HRO/Organizational Culture Effectiveness to:
• Provide a White Paper and an EFCOG Leadership Engagement Document which includes all levels of management to improve use of HPI fundamentals to focus on behaviors and the Work Environment to improve organizational effectiveness - Phase I
• Leaders need to focus on appropriate use of HPI fundamentals including use of HPI tools to make organizational improvements
• Provide a White Paper and an EFCOG Coaching Document which includes all levels of management to improve coaching and correction in the field - Phase II
• Provide instruction to Leaders to improve Coaching and Correcting Skills / 1.6.1 White Paper
Integrated Safety Management – Safety Culture/HRO
1.7 Develop guide to monitoring safety culture
(Task SC/HRO-15-01) / Develop a Guide to Monitoring Safety Culture which will describe how organizations can measure and monitor safety culture prospectively and foster continuous improvement of safety culture
The guide will be based on the concepts presented in NEI 09-07 Fostering a strong safety culture
And built on contractor best practices across the DOE complex. / 1.7.1 Guide
1.8 Establish a comprehensive information exchange site
(Task SC/HRO-15-02) / Establish a communications strategy to integrate resources into a comprehensive information exchange site that includes:
- Best Industry Practices
- Contractor specific safety culture evaluation resources
- Training
- Survey
- Experienced safety culture evaluators from the contractor community
Integrated Safety Management – Work Management
1.9Assist Visits to help with the implementation of the DOE Handbook
(Task WM-14-04) / Perform a minimum of two Assist visits, to perform a peer to peer evaluation on how well hosting site are implementing WP&C into all activity level work planning. / 1.9.1
2.0 Nuclear and Facility Safety
2.1 Development, revision and implementation of DOE standards
(Task NFS-15-01) / Contractor input to development, revision, and implementation of DOE Standards (e.g., DOE-STD-1189, DOE-STD-3011, DOE-STD-1120, and DOE-STD-1104, DOE-STD-3007, DOE-STD-1020), and other DOE documents (e.g., USQ guide, accident analysis handbook, X/Q dispersion modeling paper, software quality assurance guide) as well as other DOE activities (e.g., DOE Toolbox software) / 2.1.1 Completed standards
2.2 Resolution of recommendations from Operating Experiences
(Task NFS-15-02) / Contribute to the resolution of recommendations from Operating Experiences (OEs) (e.g., OE-1: 2015-1, Evaluation of Existing Facilities to DOE-STD-3009-2014; OE-2: 2015-1, Evaluation of Nitrate-Bearing Transuranic Waste Streams; and OE-3: 2015-02, Atmospheric Dispersion Parameter (X/Q) for Calculation of Co-located Worker Dose.) / 2.2.1
2.3 List of nuclear safety SMEs
(Task NFS-15-03) / List of nuclear safety subject matter experts to expedite performance of work and create efficiencies in sharing information / 2.3.1
2.4 Feedback on DOE Directives
(Task NFS-15-04) / Provide feedback on adequacy of DOE nuclear and facility safety directives / 2.4.1
2.5 Review and rank NNSA and DOE-AU projects
(Task NFS-15-05) / Review and rank NNSA and DOE-AU 2016 nuclear safety R&D projects to provide this input on schedules that meet NNSA and DOE-AU’s goals. / 2.5.1
3.0 Quality Assurance – Policy and Procedures
3.1 Graded Approach
(Task P&P-11-02) / Review the existing EFCOG graded approach paper/presentation and determine if the document should be updated or another paper written - New paper will be drafted
Describe various grading processes methodologies used across DOE
Provide examples of how the graded approach could be implemented for each QA program element, as applicable. / 3.1.1
3.2 Support DOE S/CI Handbook writing team
(Task P&P-14-04) / Support EHSS (AU) completion of the latest draft (9/2013) DOE Suspect/Counterfeit Items (S/CI) Resource Handbook that was received from AU-20. / 3.2.1 writing team review comments, and RevCom comment resolution.
3.3 Guide for Large Scale Procurements in 413.3B Projects
(Task P&P-16-01) / Develop a guide that will provide project teams information to help ensure subcontractors for large scale design build projects perform work to expected quality performance standards for nuclear grade tasks: The guide will entail guidance of tools/considerations throughout the DOE Order 413.3B project cycle to reduce risk in the acquisitions particularly where the supply chain may not be experienced in nuclear grade tasks. This guide will consider best practices/examples complex wide to enable teams to more effectively tailor quality strategies for specific project acquisitions. / 3.3.1
3.4Guide for Large Scale Procurements in 413.3B Projects
(Task P&P-16-01) / Develop a guide that will provide project teams information to help ensure subcontractors for large scale design build projects perform work to expected quality performance standards for nuclear grade tasks: The guide will entail guidance of tools/considerations throughout the DOE Order 413.3B project cycle to reduce risk in the acquisitions particularly where the supply chain may not be experienced in nuclear grade tasks. This guide will consider best practices/examples complex wide to enable teams to more effectively tailor quality strategies for specific project acquisitions.
The guide will help quality professionals and project teams better understand the available strategies to manage large scale 413.3B procurements where the supply chain may not be used to nuclear grade tasks. This tool is beneficial to enable improved implementation of 413.3B project large scale acquisitions, particularly for teams not experienced in performing such tasks. / 3.4.1 Guide For Large Scale Procurement
Quality Assurance – Supply Chain Quality
3.5 Develop a Complex Wide Subject Matter Expert Listing
(Task SC-12-01) / Action: Develop a comprehensive Supply Chain Quality Site, Site contact, and Departmental list of Subject Matter Experts from across the complex. The list should include National Laboratories, NNSA, EM, and Science. Determine if the list is to be controlled (through the supplier evaluation tool) or publicly available (through a website or other means)
Phase 1 - QA Manager / Subject Matter Expert
Phase 2 - Engineering and Procurement Management
Phase 3 - This becomes a living document to ensure all DOE sites have the opportunity to participate / 3.5.1
3.6 Evaluate Feasibility of developing a standard set of criteria for Commercial Grade Surveys and Suppliers
(Task SC-12-03) / Work with Engineering Practices Work Group to evaluate the feasibility of developing a standard set of criteria for Commercial Grade Surveys and Suppliers for Non-NQA-1 suppliers. / 3.6.1
3.7 MASL / JSEP Integration
(Task SC-12-04) / Utilize a single tool for supplier quality data.(MASL / JSEP Integration)
1- Obtain Consensus on Data Warehouse Tool - 1/2012
2- Resolve data access issue(s)
3- Brief EM, NNSA, EFCOG, & BMAC Leadership Teams on proposal to proceed
4- Define Governance Structure
5- Establish Roles & Responsibilities
6- Establish access protocol
7- Make software modifications
8- Develop Program Document and data entry protocol
9- Develop Procedures, Training, Qualification
10- Develop Marketing & Roll Out Plan
11- Develop Cost Savings Metrics
12- Add Commercial Grade Survey capability to the tool
(Note: Individual Tasks for these items will be developed as required) / 3.7.1
3.8 QA in DOT Type A Procurement Specifications for the Complex
(Task SC-12-09) / Work with the PMC to develop Procurement Specifications and reduce quality assurance related issues concerning commonly used DOT Type A containers (drums and boxes) for packaging and transportation of solid and/or liquid radioactive materials and waste complex-wide / 3.8.1
3.9 Commercial Grade Dedication Training utilizing the new DOE CGD Handbook
(Task SC-14-02) / Problem Statement: Commercial Grade Dedication programmatic controls are not fully understood and consistently applied that implement NQA-1 2008/2009a or later requirements across the complex.
Task Description: Evaluate / modify existing Commercial Grade Dedication training in conjunction with the new DOE CGD Handbook to provide consistent application of NQA-1 2008/2009a requirements.
Phases & Schedule - Evaluation different training available on CGD / 3.9.1 Training
3.10 Commercial Grade Dedication Handbook
(Task SC-14-03) / Problem Statement: Commercial Grade Dedication programmatic controls are not fully understood and consistently applied that implement NQA-1 2008/2009a or later requirements across the complex.
Task Description: Provide a DOE / NNSA Commercial Grade Dedication Handbook with examples that clarify the programmatic controls for consistent application of NQA-1 2008/2009a requirements. / 3.10.1 Commercial Grade Dedication Handbook
Quality Assurance – Software Quality Assurance
3.11 Commercial Grade Dedication of Software
(Task SQA-11-01) / The task team has reviewed the draft DOE Guide for dedication of commercial grade software as well as current industry initiatives (e.g., NRC, ANS, IEEE, EPRI, NQA.) A desktop guide to assist with development of CGD packages for software will be developed to enhance contractor understanding of what constitutes an effective commercial dedication program for software. / 3.11.1
3.12 SQA SME contacts list
(Task SQA-15-01) / Prepare a list of Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Subject Matter Experts (SME) and/or Points of Contacts at DOE/NNSA (et.al.) Sites. The list will be posted and integrated with the EFCOG SME list. / 3.12.1
3.13 SQA Knowledge Base (Preservation/Transfer/Retention)
(Task SQA-15-02) / A large percentage of SQA practitioners will be leaving the workforce within the next 5 years. The task will produce a prioritized list of 2 to 3 pages that will identify potential challenges/issues that need to be addressed and possible management strategies. For example:
•Training Qualifications – including credit for education and periodic maintenance
•Share experiences/knowledge
•List of Resources
•SQA Requirements
•Mentoring Programs
•Social Media – proper use/leverage
•Communication tools
•Web-based training
•Integration of new tools/techniques/processes
•Partner with schools to develop SQA courses/intern program / 3.13.1
4.0 Regulatory and Enforcement
4.1 Provide formal training for Enforcement Coordinators
(Task RE-15-01) / With the influx of new Enforcement Coordinators, it was determined that a formal training module should be developed that can be provided to Enforcement Coordinators on a regular basis. The training is intended to provide an overview of the Enforcement Coordinator position, lessons learned from experienced Coordinators, and the contractor’s perspective on the Coordinator role.
The training includes the following elements:
•Purpose of the enforcement process
•Roles and responsibilities of the Enforcement Coordinator
•Organization and organizational interfaces
•Documentation, metrics, trending, and reporting / 4.1.1
4.2.1 Data analysis and identification of potential programmatic and repetitive trends across the DOE Complex
(Task RE-15-02) / As lessons learned from current enforcement activities are exchanged at the annual workshop, the interactive discussions regularly reveal a common area of concern that may result in a white paper to the Office of Enforcement or a best practice that may result in an EFCOG Deliverable. / 4.2.1
4.3 Guidance document to assist Enforcement Coordinators and Office of Enforcement staff
(Task RE-15-07) / Develop a guidance document to assist Enforcement Coordinators and Office of Enforcement staff to reach a common understanding regarding expectations involved in the flow down of worker safety & health requirements to subcontractors and the oversight of subcontractor performance with respect to the enforcement program. / 4.3.1
4.4 Generate a prioritized listing of requirements in nuclear safety, WS&H, and security functional areas
(Task RE-15-08) / Based on complexity and uniqueness of the DOE requirements, generate a prioritized list of requirements in nuclear safety, worker safety & health, or security functional areas for the generation of summaries or enforcement aids that can be utilized when evaluating potential non-compliances. / 4.4.1
4.5 Develop regulatory summaries or enforcement aids
(Task RE-15-09) / Work collaboratively with members of the SWG to develop regulatory summaries or enforcement aids for the highest priority issues. / 4.5.1
5.0 Sustainability and Environment
5.1 Evaluate Environmental Management System and ISO 14001
(Task SE-15-01) / In conjunction with the ISO 14001 Revision Working Group, evaluate Environmental Management System (EMS) re-declaration and the new ISO 14001 standard / 5.1.1
5.2 Recommended strategies addressing climate change
(Task SE-15-02) / Position paper on recommended strategies for addressing climate change impact in the DOE community / 5.2.1
5.3 Develop peer-to-peer sustainability exchange
(Task SE-15-03) / Develop peer-to-peer sustainability exchange sites/contactors (at least 3) over the next 2 fiscal years to enhance lessons learned and increase complex-wide goal achievement / 5.3.1
5.4 Develop gap analysis
(Task SE-15-04) / Develop gap analysis for one site to be used as an example/methodology template for use at other sites to identify opportunities for DOE to address new EO sustainability goals using a portfolio approach / 5.4.1
6.0 Worker Safety and Health
6.1 Update DOE-HDBK-1139 Chemical Management Volume 3
(Task WSH-15-07) / Updated DOE-HDBK-1139 Volume 3 of 3 / 6.1.1
6.2 Develop return to service sampling survey protocol
(Task WSH-15-13) / As a part of improving DOE direction and clarification of applicable requirements for evaluation of non-DOE owned/operated transportation conveyances prepare a sampling survey protocol and ALARA recommendation document. Action resulted from December 2013 meeting with DOE and WM EFCOG members. Issues to resolve are applicability of DOT vs DOE criteria for release; applicability of DOE O 458.1 to return to service evaluations vs. applicability of existing 10 CFR 835 exemption statement, and resolution of conflicts in existing DOE Orders and standards. / 6.2.1
6.3 Fall Protection Clearance Distances
(Task WSH-15-17) / Provide guidance on the application of fall protection clearance distances when using a leading edge SRL. / 6.3.1
Worker Safety and Health – Electrical Safety
6.4Develop Best Practice for “Breaker/disconnect Switch Operation and Required PPE”
(Task WSH/ES-16-05) / Develop best practice for “Breaker/disconnect Switch Operation and Required PPE” as it relates to arc flash hazards and NFPA 70E 2015 requirements. This best practice will benefit each sites electrical safety program and provide consistent guidance that will promote compliance and worker safety. / 6.4.1There will be a best practice developed and posted to the EFCOG Electrical Safety Group webpage.
6.5Develop Best Practice for “Contact Release Training”
(Task WSH/ES-16-06) / Develop best practice for “Contact Release Training” as it relates to NFPA 70E 2015 required training.
This best practice will benefit each sites electrical safety program and provide consistent guidance that will promote compliance and worker safety. / 6.5.1 There will be a best practice developed and posted to the EFCOG Electrical Safety Group webpage
6.6Develop Best Practice for “Controlled Work Area”
(Task WSH/ES-16-07) / Develop best practice for “Controlled Work Area” as it relates to electrical safety boundaries.
This best practice will benefit each sites electrical safety program/lockout tagout programs and provide consistent guidance that will promote compliance and worker safety. / 6.6.1There will be a best practice developed and posted to the EFCOG Electrical Safety Group webpage.
6.7Develop Best Practice for “DC Arc Flash Calculations”
(Task WSH/ES-16-08) / Develop best practice for “DC Arc Flash Calculations” as this relates to the Ammerman method used in an excel spreadsheet. This best practice will benefit each sites electrical safety programs and provide consistent guidance that will promote compliance and worker safety. / 6.7.1 There will be a best practice developed and posted to the EFCOG Electrical Safety Group webpage.
6.8 Develop Best Practice for “Physical Separation”
(Task WSH/ES-16-09) / Develop best practice for “Physical Separation” as it relates to lockout tagout.
This best practice will benefit each sites electrical safety program/lockout tagout programs and provide consistent guidance that will promote compliance and worker safety. / 6.8.1There will be a best practice developed and posted to the EFCOG Electrical Safety Group webpage.
6.9 Develop Best Practice for “Risk Assessment Process for Electrical Safety”
(Task WSH/ES-16-10) / Develop best practice for “Risk Assessment Process for Electrical Safety” as it relates to requirements in the NFPA 70E 2015. This best practice will benefit each sites electrical safety programs and provide consistent guidance that will promote compliance and worker safety. / 6.9.1 There will be a best practice developed and posted to the EFCOG Electrical Safety Group webpage.