Service Award: ACCSC Excellence in Student Services

The Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) is seeking nominations of accredited member schools that operate an outstanding student services program. In selecting the winner for the 2017 Excellence in Student Services Award, ACCSC will consider several compelling aspects such as:

·  The comprehensive nature of the school’s student services program and how the program supports the school’s mission and enhances student achievement outcomes;

·  Significant and positive contributions of the school’s student services program to the students’ educational experience;

·  The commitment of a school to its students; and

·  Stories that demonstrate how the student services program has specifically impacted current and former students of the institution.

Nomination Procedure

Schools desiring to nominate candidates for 2017 Excellence in Student Services Award must submit via e-mail the application and supplemental information on or before July 7, 2017.

To be considered for the 2017 Excellence in Student Services Award, all submitted nominations must include:

o  Completed Nomination Form (attach additional pages as necessary);

o  Additional documentation to support the nomination, including:

§  News articles or video links;

§  Websites referencing school’s community service efforts; and

§  Other documentation of the community service efforts’ effectiveness.

o  Provide a minimum of two (2) letters of support from the following:

§  Current or former students with details on how the school’s student services program has specifically and personally affected them

§  Partner employer

§  News articles or video links

The following Nomination Form is a Word fill-in document; please tab between fields to complete all information. The text boxes allow for unlimited text. Please include further documentation as desired to reflect why this nominee should be selected as the award recipient. All information and nomination criteria must be completed in order to be considered.

The Awards Committee will review all nominations following the nomination period. All nominees will be notified by mid-August with the Awards Committee’s decision.

Excellence in Student Services Award – Nominee Information:

School Name:

ACCSC School Number:

Street Address:

City: State: Zip:

Contact Person:

Phone Number: E-mail Address:

Nominee Application

Provide a detailed description of the student services provided at the institution and explain how the program represents a comprehensive approach to providing student services.

How does the program contribute to the school’s mission and enhance student achievement outcomes?

What significant and positive contributions has the school’s student services program provided to the educational experience of the student body?

Describe how the school’s student services program has demonstrated a commitment to its students.

Show the effectiveness of the student services program by demonstrating the school has exceptional student achievement through reported graduation and employment rates. The school should be able to demonstrate exceptional student outcomes.

School Requirements:

The nominating institution is currently accredited and in good standing with ACCSC. Good standing is defined as (please þ the following):

Not operating under a Show Cause or Probation Order;

Not subject to any form of Reporting (e.g., financial, outcomes, refunds, etc.);

Not subject to an adverse action by another oversight or regulatory entity (i.e., local, state, or federal);

Current in all fees due to ACCSC, including any late fees and sustaining fees, and;

Current in the submission of the most recent ACCSC Annual Report and financial statements.


To ensure that the winner of the 2017 Excellence in Student Services Award is able to participate in the Professional Development Conference on September 25 – 27, 2017, ACCSC will furnish an all-expenses paid trip for one (1) representative to the awards ceremony, including roundtrip airfare to Reston, Virginia; meals; and two (2) nights accommodations at the Hyatt Regency Reston hotel, host location of the Professional Development Conference. The award winner will also enjoy complimentary registration to attend the conference and be formally recognized during the Awards Luncheon. The award winner is also requested to submit photographs for incorporation into a slide show presentation during the awards ceremony.

Submission Period

Schools desiring to nominate candidates for 2017 Excellence in Student Services Award must submit via e-mail the application and supplemental information on or before July 7, 2017.