Bangladesh Country Profile Information: Access “CIA Factbook” using the link from the class webpage. Use the scroll down menu entitled “Select a Country or Location” and click on Bangladesh (countries are listed in alphabetical order). Click on the tabs for the categories indicated below and fill in the information indicated:


When did Europeans first arrive in Bangladesh, AND which country’s empire did it ultimately become a part of?

In 1947, East Bengal joined with West Pakistan to become what country?

In 1955, what was East Bengal renamed?

When and why did it become the modern country of Bangladesh?

What fraction of Bangladesh floods annually, AND how has this affected the country’s development?

Geography:: Bangladesh

Size (area in square kilometers):

Size (world rank):



Natural Resources (list first 3):

Current Environmental Issues (summarize):

People and Society:: Bangladesh

List the three major ethnic groups and indicate what percentage of the population each accounts for:

Identify the major language spoken:

Indicate the most practiced religion and what percentage of the people identify as belonging to it:

Identify the most current population estimate for the country:

Where does the country rank in terms of population compared to the rest of the world?

What is the median age?

What is the net migration rate?

What percentage of the population lives in urban areas?

What is the life expectancy at birth?

Where does the country rank in terms of life expectancy in comparison to the rest of the world?

What is the country’s literacy rate?

Government:: Bangladesh

Government type:



Economy:: Bangladesh

Read the “overview” section and respond to questions 1-4. Use the rest of the information under “Economy” to complete the rest of the section:

1. List five major problems that have historically undermined Bangladesh’s economic progress.

2. What is the single most important agricultural product produced in Bangladesh?

3. What two sources together accounted for 12% of Bangladesh’s GDP in fiscal years (FYO’s) 2009 and



Where doesBangladesh rank in comparison to the rest of the world for GDP?

GDP per capita:

Where does Bangladesh rank in comparison to the rest of the world for GDP per capita?

Labor Force by occupation:

Agriculture –

Industry –

Services –

Unemployment Rate:

Population Below Poverty Line:

Export Commodities (list top 3):

Export Partners:

Import Partners (list top 3) :

Communications:: Bangladesh

Where does Bangladesh rank in the world for:

(Telephones) Mobile Cellular Usage -

Internet Users –

Military:: Bangladesh

What percentage ofBangladesh’s GDP do military expenditures account for?

Where doesBangladesh rank in the world for military expenditures?

Sri Lanka Country Profile Information: Access “CIA Factbook” using the link from the class webpage. Use the scroll down menu entitled “Select a Country or Location” and click on Bangladesh (countries are listed in alphabetical order). Click on the tabs for the categories indicated below and fill in the information indicated:


Which three European powers established a presence in Sri Lanka between the 16th and 18th centuries?

Which country’s empire did Sri Lanka officially become part of in 1802?

From 1948-1971, Sri Lanka was known as the independent country of ______.

Which two groups fought each other in a civil war between 1983 and 2002?

How has Sri Lanka’s government recently financed ambitious economic programs?

What political issues continue to plague Sri Lanka since the end of its civil war?

Geography::Sri Lanka

Size (area in square kilometers):

Size (world rank):



Natural Resources (list first 3):

Current Environmental Issues (summarize):

People and Society::Sri Lanka

List the three major ethnic groups and indicate what percentage of the population each accounts for:

Identify the major language spoken:

Indicate the most practiced religion and what percentage of the people identify as belonging to it:

Identify the most current population estimate for the country:

Where does the country rank in terms of population compared to the rest of the world?

What is the median age?

What is the net migration rate?

What percentage of the population lives in urban areas?

What is the life expectancy at birth?

Where does the country rank in terms of life expectancy in comparison to the rest of the world?

What is the country’s literacy rate?

Government::Sri Lanka

Government type:



Economy:: Sri Lanka

Read the “overview” section and respond to questions 1-4. Use the rest of the information under “Economy” to complete the rest of the section:

1. How has Sri Lanka’s economic growth been characterized since the end of its civil war?

2. Identify three problems impeding Sri Lanka’s modern economic development.

3. How does Sri Lanka’s per capita GDP compare with other countries in the region?


Where doesSri Lankarank in comparison to the rest of the world for GDP?

GDP per capita:

Where does Sri Lanka rank in comparison to the rest of the world for GDP per capita?

Labor Force by occupation:

Agriculture –

Industry –

Services –

Unemployment Rate:

Population Below Poverty Line:

Export Commodities (list top 3):

Export Partners:

Import Partners (list top 3) :

Communications::Sri Lanka

Where doesSri Lanka rank in the world for:

(Telephones) Mobile Cellular Usage -

Internet Users –

Military::Sri Lanka

What percentage of’Sri Lanka’s GDP do military expenditures account for?

Where doesSri Lankarank in the world for military expenditures?