The 10th Meeting of the Framework Management Group

2nd Generation Framework Agreement

Wednesday 14 June 2006, 3.00 pm

Meeting Room 1, Level 5, Sherfield Building, Imperial College


Attendees: / Zoe Mulholland (Chair) / Imperial College
Duncan Baxter / NDY
John Caine / Curtins
Chris Cook / Imperial College
Roy Dickerson / Imperial College
Mike Hazelton / Henri Riley
Steve Howe / Imperial College
Kieran McDaid / Imperial College
Nigel Moynihan / T. Clarke
Cathy Stewart / Pascall & Watson
Richard Wilson / ISG
Julie Wood / Arup
Apologies: / Les Ridgwell / Imperial College

Agenda Item

/ Action
1. / Minutes of the Last Meeting
The Minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and agreed.
2. / Matters Arising
(a) Item 2a Mid Range Furniture. Chris Cook reported that new suppliers were to be reviewed and alternatives to be put forward for mid range furniture. Cathy Stewart said she would nominate Sheppard Robson to participate in the selection process. / Chris Cook/
Andy Hitchman
(b) Item 2b. The DDA Working Group is producing a summary document to be produced and distributed on a regular basis. / Cathy Stewart/
Derek Victor
(c) Item 2 c/d. The CCM Report has now been issued through the PM Forum and Kieran McDaid is to distribute it through the FMG. / Kieran McDaid
(d) Item 4a Novation of Architects. Richard Wilson showed a schedule of design duties used by ISG. This schedule defines who owns general design and areas of specialist contractor design throughout the project. Kieran McDaid and Chris Cook to review and reissue as a tender checklist to all cost consultants. / Kieran McDaid/ Chris Cook
(e) Chris Cook to represent the cost consultants at the PM monthly meetings. / Chris Cook
3. / Imperial College Report
(a) Support Services Restructuring. Steve Howe reported that the College has reorganised the way support services are to be managed. There will no longer be a single Director of Estates but the three Assistant Directors will direct their own divisions:
·  Steve Howe – Director of Building Projects
·  Nick Roalfe – Director of Facilities Management
·  Nigel Buck – Director of Property Management
The three Directors will sit on the Support Services Board and will report into Martin Knight, Chief Operating Officer. David Brooks Wilson will be moving to special projects such as Wye, Hammersmith and Exhibition Road.

(b) Key Performance Indicators. All Framework partners have received a letter from Imperial detailing their specific performance metrics against their sector average. The College is currently investigating future method for monitoring performance on a quarterly basis to allow timely feedback and lessons learned to be implemented during the life of a project.

(c) Energy Review Meeting. The College is currently looking at holding dedicated Energy Review Meetings for all major projects. Roy Dickerson invited suggestions regarding the stage which was considered to be most appropriate to hold the meeting. / Roy Dickerson

(d) Initiatives Log. Zoë Mulholland agreed to update the log with all initiatives arising from the meeting.

/ Zoë Mulholland
4. / Architects Report
(a) College Standards. Building Managers continue to request deviations from standardised products; Cathy Stewart asked the College to reinforce the message to Building Managers that architects must comply with standards. / Kieran Mc Daid
(b) Non Framework Companies. In response to Architects’ feedback on the use of non-Framework companies, Kieran McDaid explained that where there were specialist areas, e.g. certain medical unit, which could not be accommodated within the current Framework expertise.
5. / Cost Consultant Report
(a) Standard Preliminaries document has now been issued for each campus.
(b) Davis Langdon were working on a small works version of standard preliminaries.
(c) Benchmarking Data meeting had been set up for the 26 June 2006.
(d) Works Information document. Consistent document for tender stage contents list has now been drafted to provide guidance at tender stage.
Structural Engineers Report
6 / (a) Qualified feedback from KPI letters questioned the determination of the headings and the relationship versus Cost Quality and Time.
(b) Discussion continued on secondary steelwork design and the appropriate point of novation, and ownership of deliverables. Item 2d. should provide more clarity on specialist contractor design ownership.
7. / M & E Engineers Report
(a) Duncan Baxter ran through his report from the M&E Engineers. He noted that the Design Deliverables were agreed for novation at Stage E.
(b) It was agreed that M&E consultants and contractors played a crucial role in ensuring all drawings were compliant with the College’s CAD strategy by rejecting architects drawings that failed to comply with the strategy.
(c) Following the poor response sometimes experienced from some specialist sub contractors, ie fire and security, the College agreed that alternative suppliers could be used but that the final connection to the College network would need to be made by the College preferred supplier.

(d) At Roy Dickerson’s request, consultants agreed to produce specifications that were project specific to make the documents more user friendly for the contractor, and for the College to review.

/ Duncan Baxter
(e) Part L guidelines to be reviewed and approved for distribution. / Roy Dickerson/ Phil Evans
(f) Stage C – Design Review with M & E subcontractor to be actioned. / Duncan Baxter
8. /

M & E Contractors

(a) Nigel Moynihan explained that a joint meeting was held with the contractors and consultant and Duncan Baxter’s had covered most of the points in his report. It was noted that there was poor attendance from both the consultants and contractors at this M&E and they hoped this would improve in future. / M&E Engineers/ Contractors
(b) Nigel Moynihan said that they were continuing to improve their coordination with College Facilities Management at handover of projects.
9. /

Building Contractors

(a) Richard Wilson had organised a Contractor’s meeting for the following meeting agreed to report on the progress. / Richard Wilson
10. / Project Managers
(a) Julie Wood reported that Arup held a very successful lessons learned workshop on the NEC ECC form of contract, attended by Projects Managers and Cost Consultant. Minutes and summary of the lessons learned would be circulated shortly. The next phase would be to follow up with a joint session with Framework contractors / Julie Wood
(b) Implementation of an electronic Document Control system was discussed but it was agreed once again, that this would be difficult to implement across the College. It was suggested as possibility for major projects, if the contractor were willing to instigate set up.
(c) Brian Finnimore, Bovis Lend Lease, to present IIF (Incident Injury Free) 2 hour presentation to Framework. / Kieran McDaid/ Zoë Mulholland
(d) Dave Sellens of Kiley Associates collecting information on preliminary cost trends, professional fee trends and framework benefits. / Dave Sellens
13. / Any Other Business
Seminar on “Sustainable Waste Management” 23 June 2006 at 10am LT 131 RSM, Imperial College.
14. / Date of the Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 12 September 2006 at 3pm, SALC Room 1.


FMG (14 June 2006) – Minutes