Massachusetts Watershed Coalition Annual Meeting

March 17, 2011 at Doyle Conservation Center, 464 Abbott Avenue, Leominster

Community Stormwater Solutions

To Protect and Restore Your Streams

Stormwater is the leading cause for water impairment in New England. Rapid runoff from roads, homes and businesses washes toxic pollutants into living waters, erodes stream banks and lessens the groundwater recharge that sustains stream flows during dry seasons. This meeting will focus on answers to runoff problems that harm aquatic ecosystems, damage property and spoil uses of local streams, lakes and water supplies.

Stormwater is produced by the entire community and everyone can help to remedy runoff. As outlined below, workshops will supply guidance for watershed groups, lake associations, town officials, highway departments, local stormwater committees, home-builders and engineers, which can prevent damages and renew the health of community waters.

The meeting is free. Pre-registration is requested - email or call (978) 534-0379 to register for the meeting.

4:30 p.m. Registration and refreshments

Display Tables: Stormwater & Conservation Assistance Programs

5:00 Community-Based Solutions (plenary)

·  Welcome & Workshops Overview

·  Linking Municipal, State & Federal Stormwater Regulation – Fred Civian, MassDEP

·  Connecting Community Solutions – announcement of stormwater outreach initiative to coordinate and help communities cleanse polluted runoff – Bob Levite, MWC President

6:15 Local Problems & Opportunities (three concurrent workshops)

·  “Why We Should Care About Wild Trout Streams and their Inhabitants” – effective actions that people can take to protect and restore healthy coldwater resources - Russ Cohen, Division of Ecological Restoration, MA Dept. of Fish and Game

·  “Stormwater Matters” Program & MS4s – nurturing community awareness & involvement in stormwater management – Nancy Bryant, SuAsCo Watershed Community Council

·  “A Community Guide for Growing Greener” – better site design and stormwater practices that prevent harm to local waters and habitats - Debbie Shriver, MA Watershed Coalition

7:15 Stormwater Solutions (three concurrent workshops)

·  Using biodegradable sediment and erosion controls for local land disturbances and construction projects – John Engwer, Phase II Stormwater Products

·  Tree box filters, infiltration trenches and rain gardens – source reduction practices that will protect and improve local streams and lakes – Paul Iorio, Green Street Systems

·  Applying effective measures for reducing the directly connected impervious areas (DCIA) in your community – Mike Clark, Weston & Sampson Engineers

8:15 MWC Business Meeting

8:30 p.m. Adjourn