
Mugshot 1:

Wrong words (three), apostrophe.

Most people loose money as they make there way threw casino’s.

Imitate the following sentence:

Sweating and leaning, the runner crossed the finish line, but still didn’t win the gold medal.

__(Participle)__and___(Participle)___, the______,but______.

Mugshot 2:

Spelling, wrong word (three)

I definately want to go to collage, but their are plenty of other people that don’t.

1.  Write two simple sentences.

2.  Combine the two sentences.

3.  Rewrite adding a prepositional phrase.

4.  Rewrite adding a participial phrase.

Mugshot 3:

Capitalization, comma, wrong word (3)

Between five people applying for stanford three have all ready been excepted.

Imitate the following sentence:

Because John woke up late, he forgot to pack a few of his things: A toothbrush, shampoo, and a razor.

Because ______(Cause)______,______


Mugshot 4:

Wrong word (four), spelling, comma

Your brave if you drink alot of them herbal remedys but some may work good.

Imitate the following sentence:

Lewis and Clark, two explorers, used the best mode of transportation available: their shoes.


Mugshot 5:

Wrong word (three), punctuation

Miller Systems were apposed to pick up the bore tusks but they forgot.

Imitate the Following:

There wasn’t any running and shouting; all the children behaved very well.

Mugshot 6:

Wrong word (2), spelling, weak verb

I have alot of gold metals that I got from different competisions.

I have recommended this student because she communicates well with other students, faculty, and staff; completes her assignments completely and on time; and demonstrates an ability to organize people, materials, and time.

If I owned a business I would hire someone who …

Mugshot #7

Wrong word (four), extra word

The coffee in there mugs were like empty, but the marbles in they’re cup was wet.

He = who

Him = whom

1.  Write a sentence using who.

2.  Write a sentence using whom.

Mugshot 8:

Wrong word (3), Spelling

The group of students were very noisie because they was making all kinds of sound affects.

Write a sentence following the following format: Subject + prepositional phrase + verb phrase.

Mugshot 12

(4 errors)

My captains advise was that my shoes or my gun are my way into a FBI investigation.

Write one compound sentence and one complex sentence.

Mugshot 13

Although women's college basketball in Connecticut is a marvelously entertaining and increasingly popular sport it is not hard to remember when it was not so popular. Only a few years ago my friends and I could decide on a Sunday afternoon to go to a women's basketball game at the University of Connecticut and believe it or not we could get seats for free near center court. Of course that was before names such as Rebeccca Lobo Jennifer Rizzotti Kara Wolters and Carla Berube became household words. Lobo's book HOME-COURT ADVANTAGE which she wrote with her mother was a best-seller for a brief time in Connecticut. If more than a couple of hundred fans showed up for a game it was considered a big turnout and games were played in practically silent gyms. Nowadays it is almost impossible to buy tickets to a women's game and you can't get seats even in the Civic Center unless you know someone.

Mugshot 14

(4 Errors)

Running and stomp, the bull would run threw the front door of the collage.

Combine the following sentences in 4 different ways.

Jack went to the party. Jill was there.

Mugshot 15

(5 errors)

Bill and Jim was just two guys that was injured cause they was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Write two simple sentences and combine them in 3 different ways.

Mugshot 16

(5 errors)

Alot of people think its expessially difficult to understand poetry but it can be really fun to read allowed.

Write one homonym for each word and briefly explain the difference in meaning:



