IBWSC 2017

GAT Project Summary

You will be working with your group to complete this for submission on Thursday; there are helpful questions included to guide you and the group through this. Make sure they answer these questions.

Project name: / Genlink
GAT Name/Leader: / Lister/ Taylor
Highlight the needs identified and being addressed by the project (link to themes and content of conference) / The lack of communication and understanding between parents and students around the world can be unsettling, and calls for attention. As stress increases, students require a stronger support system from both parents and administrators; equally as important, it would be beneficial for students to realize the efforts that their parents are making. High expectations coming from both ends strains the relationship between parents and students. / Mission & Objectives:
What you want to achieve (aims)?
Our mission is to create a safe environment and strengthen support systems for both parents and students. Additionally, we aim to reinforce bonds that are built on mutual understanding between parents and students, further aiming to reduce stress therefore improving the wellbeing.
Activities (objectives):
How the project will achieve your goals? / The project, setting up sessions involving students and parents, will achieve our goals because it will promote communication between both parties. We hope that this communication will build healthier, more open relationships, leading to less stress. We will have a website that explains the purpose of the project, allowing for administrators, students, and organizers to understand the aims of these sessions. The website will describe the importance of the issue and give an overview of the impacts of stress caused by high expectations of the parties. The website will also help to raise awareness and contain links to professional help as well as more information about mental health in general. / Collaborators:
What groups are important in the development and implementation of the project? (within the organization)
●Schools and administrations.
Are groups or organizations are crucial to the development of the project?
What are their roles? (outside the organization) / ●School boards (for expansion purposes)
●Parents (for cooperation, participation and permission)
●Students from other schools. / Timeline:
What sort of timeline have you developed?
●This is a CAS proposal that will be flexible enough to adjust to different organisations.
●The tentative time to successfully complete this would be a month.
●The organisation can arrange weekly- evening sessions for students and parents.
●It is important for the proposal to gain popularity in the organisation and so an assembly should be arranged where the project is to be proposed and explained thoroughly to obtain volunteers.
●A consent form is to be handed out to parents for confirmation regarding their participation in the sessions.
Funds and materials needed / ●Counselor
●Website management
●Staff will be needed and will need to get involved on a case by case basis (per each school).
●A classroom will be needed in each school to conduct the sessions. / Communication:
How would you use social media or other approaches to communicate your project?
●We would use both Twitter and our website to communicate our message to both students and parents. We can do this by further explaining the purpose and execution of these sessions.
How you will measure success?
What challenges would you have to overcome as a result of implementing this in the real world? / Genlink plans on measuring success by providing space on the website in which participants can upload stories, pictures or videos of their experiences with the project. This will be useful in evaluating execution, as well as inspiring and influencing the movement to grow. Foreseeable challenges include a potential lack of participation, as well as stigmas that may surround “session” participation. it is also possible to have some sort of feedback form which will further evaluate the success of the session.

IBWSC 2017

GAT Project Summary

Project name:
GAT Name/Leader:
Background: / Mission & Objectives:
Activities (objectives):
/ Collaborators:
Partners: / Timeline:
Budget/Resources: / Communication: