Jennifer Kreie Tenure Proposal Fall 2002


Courses Taught***

Semester/Course ID / Course / Enrollment

Fall 2002

BCS 450 / Systems Analysis, Design and Implementation / 35
BCS 350 / Systems Analysis and Design (2 sections) / 45
BCS 490 + / Special Topics: Quantitative Methods Using Excel / 6
Spring 2002
BCS 450 / Systems Analysis, Design and Implementation / 32
BCS 350 / Systems Analysis and Design / 55
BCS 110 / Introduction to Computerized Information Systems / 35
Fall 2001
BCS 450 / Systems Analysis, Design, and Implementation / 15
BCS 350 / Systems Analysis and Design / 53
BCS 110 / Introduction to Computerized Information Systems / 42

Summer 2001

BCS 490 * / Special Topics: Oracle 8 & Developer Applications / 32

Spring 2001

BCS 450 / Systems Analysis, Design, and Implementation / 18
BCS 350 / Systems Analysis and Design / 31
BCS 110 / Introduction to Computerized Information Systems / 36

Fall 2000

BCS 450 / Systems Analysis, Design, and Implementation / 20
BCS 350 / Systems Analysis and Design / 36
BCS 110 / Introduction to Computerized Information Systems / 36

Spring 2000

BCS 450 / Systems Analysis, Design, and Implementation / 20
BCS 350 / Systems Analysis and Design / 35
BCS 110 / Introduction to Computerized Information Systems / 37

Fall 1999

BCS 450 / Systems Analysis, Design, and Implementation / 22
BCS 350 / Systems Analysis and Design / 42
BCS 110 / Introduction to Computerized Information Systems / 45

Spring 1999

BCS 450 * / Systems Analysis, Design, and Implementation / 22
BCS 350 / Systems Analysis and Design / 32
BCS 110 / Introduction to Computerized Information Systems / 36

Fall 1998

BCS 350 / Systems Analysis and Design / 46
BCS 110, Sec. 3 / Introduction to Computerized Information Systems / 49
BCS 110, Sec. 2 / Introduction to Computerized Information Systems / 50

Spring 1998

BCS 350 ** / Systems Analysis and Design / 22
BCS 110, Sec. 3 / Introduction to Computerized Information Systems / 39
BCS 110, Sec. 2 / Introduction to Computerized Information Systems / 34
* New course.

** Significantly revised course.

*** Supervised independent study for 5 students over the past 3 years.

+ Developed 1-hour credit course for BCS majors.