3/28/12 Interdisciplinary Center Meeting

In attendance:

Dr. Alice Murray

Dr. Jan Lloyd

Dr. Susan Hurley

Dr. Daniel Haight

Catherine Lavallee-Welch (call-in)

John White

Dr. Murray began the meeting by updating the committee members on the progress of the construction at new USFP campus site. She explained that there is a link on the website that will lead you to aerial photographs of the site ( The “pads” for the Interdisciplinary Center for Excellence, residential halls, and the central utility plant have been set in place. She set out two Building Program binders for the present members to review.

Dr. Murray discussed how to correctly fill out the Space Description Forms. She clarified that there needs to be a description of the entire department which states the square footage that they need, the number of office, conference rooms, storage, etc…

Then there needs to be one form for EACH room detailing the size and what furniture/equipment is needed in each. These forms need to be extremely detailed as far as size and furniture needed.

Dr. Murray pointed out that no students were present in the meeting. Dr. Jan Lloyd was to discuss the issues brought up at the meeting with SGA members. Dr. Murray needs more input from SGA on their needs/wants and she will also ask the partners for more information on options for food service. Dr. Lloyd reiterated that if the pool will be open to the community, SGA should not be responsible for it, foundation money should be used. SGA is only responsible for common areas for students such as a locker room.

Dr. Murray proceeded to ask Dr. Haight on his thought about what the community would need as far as nearby shopping areas and housing. They discussed the mixed zoning and having grocery stores and fast-food restaurants surrounding the campus. The area around the campus will become a “small city” having restaurants, retail shops, housing, and a movie theater. The idea is for students to have all these within walkable distance. It is important to create synergy between the campus and community. Dr. Haight suggested having racks of bikes scattered about, renting them with a credit/debit card. Students could get at bike at one end of campus and return at the other end.

Dr. Murray suggested that the committee members submit a plan for the entire building, detailing each department and their needs. Once that is put together, consultants can be brought in to help finalize the plan and decide which are crucial areas for phase 1.

John White suggested that departments with “privacy” concerns, such as Dr. Hurley’s department, be placed in the corners or outer office areas. There could be an “open” office area in the center so that it can be easily changed in the future if needed.

Next meeting will be a visit to the cafeteria at Lakeland Regional Medical Center and the construction site.