Tarzan - logged on

Tarzan - Wass’up???
Tarzan - Anyone here?
Tarzan - Hellooooooooooo?
Amy - Hey there Rick! Welcome
Tarzan - Is anybody still here? I know Im late
Amy - How are you doing tonight Rick? Everyone wants to know how you’re feeling after your tumble in Orlando.
Tarzan - That’s the Tarzan reference. No broken bones
Tarzan - I’m bruised tho
Tarzan - Jennifers OK too
Amy - Glad to hear that! Ready to begin??
Tarzan - oh yes
Amy - OK: ’Angels of the Disappeared’ was partially inspired by, ’The Lovely Bones’....have books inspired any other songs you’ve written? ~Bethany in WI
Tarzan - Yes, I often get title ideas from the books I read. The Ender series was great for SDAA
Viv - logged on.

Amy - Next Q: from SLOBIE: What do you do on a typical day, besides do tv shows and take fans to On Air Proms?
Viv - Sorry but I’m totally lost
Viv - is this Tarzan or Superman? LOL
Amy - Welcome Viv...we’re doing a bit different tonight so everyone is a bit confused...it’s OK
Tarzan - I hang out in the studio like I am doing now
Tarzan - Hi Slobie
Amy - Studio? Fans are curious what Rick would be doing at the studio right now...?
Tarzan - Did you tell your husband I never touched you??
Tarzan - We are remixing ’Angels of the D’ for a tour thing we have in mind
Tarzan - a special CD
Tarzan - with abunch of other stuff
Amy - Hey now Slobie did say you might get lucky on national TV...but we digress...
Tarzan - Gomer, Ronnie, Matty, Rodger and Dudley are all here
Viv - Love SDAA. I was just wondering which song on the album is your personal favorite. from Renee Strock Hodgenville, KY
Tarzan - I like doing Jesus saves live. It’s ablast

Amy - I hear a chorus allover the world of fans saying HI to allthe guys.
Viv - it’s definitely a blast to hear and and watch live too
Amy - Have you stayed in touch with or heard from Sal, Packy, Maggie, John, or any of the EFX cast members?
Amy - From Susiq in PA
Tarzan - They say hi back...except Rodgee who is anti social

Tarzan - I email them from time to time.
Viv - Are there any plans for a S/D/A/A concert tour video? We would love one! Just attended the Florida shows and they ROCKED! April in Sarasota, FL
Tarzan - Yes we are talking to video people right now to film something

Amy - Can you explain the significance of the dogtags you sometimes wear? My brother is deployed in Iraq. Kristen in WA
Tarzan - My dad was a lifer in the army and I lived on aRMY bases all my life and the tags that I wear were given to me and they list my stay in Vietnam in the laTE 60’s

Viv - Do you plan to discontinue (or alter) your ventures into the crowds at your shows as a result of your recent balcony fall? I sure hope not, I’m looking forward to seeing you out & about the crowd at upcoming shows! Laura R

Tarzan - No. I am no wimp. Hey I kept doing the EFX show after I broke my arm in 2 places so a little bruising is nothing.

Tarzan - Scooby Doo Doo
Tarzan - Just wanted to see if the censorship is still in order
Tarzan - Bucky
Amy - If you had the time and opportunity to go to a concert,what artist would you want to go see? Tracey in SC
Tarzan - Blow me
Viv - seems that it is
Tarzan - Oops guess nthat one got by the censor
Amy - Yep still there, and pretty much still funny. Wow Rick...way to get around it!

Tarzan - Ronnie is here with me so I guess "intox’ will not be making an apppearance
Viv - we miss you intox!!
Amy - Ronnie is INTOX? No one told me!

Tarzan - You didnt hear it from me
Amy - Which concert would you like to go to Rick if you could? Tracey in SC
Viv - it’s just a rumor I guess
Tarzan - THE Beatles

Viv - What is the origination of the saying "No Bad Love" and what does it mean to you? Tammi in CA
Tarzan - Sorry thaT
Tarzan - t’s for us to know and for you to find out. Private joke and I love having private jokes in corporate situations
Tarzan - No bad love
Amy - Since you released Rhythm of the Beat on SDAA (LE), do you plan on adding it to your live shows? Rick in Chicago.
Tarzan - No bad love
Tarzan - No I dont think so. It belongs in EFX. I wrote it for that show and I dont really see it in my show. I may rewrite it sometime. Its pretty ’show specific’
Viv - If offered, would you participate in a Celebrity Survivor type show? If yes, do you think you could "survive"? Christa from Lousiana
Ribs - logged on
Ribs - Got knocked off

Ribs - The answer to that is no and I think Id do okay. Would not eat RATS
Amy - As in "Not Broken But Bruised" Ribs?
Amy - From Ally in UT: Which emotion of the four in the title of SDAA do you think is the most prevalent?
Ribs - Yes, of course

Ribs - Most prevalent in what. Me or the songs or life????
Amy - Both, I guess.
Ribs - Me (anger) The songs (anger) life (anger)
Ribs - Actually that’s only based on the fact that love is there in the 1st place
Ribs - ’LOVE’
Amy - Why did you change the lyrics in "Beautiful You"? It seems you have a "less violent/angry" version now. Kendra in Cinci
Ribs - As in ’No bad..."

Ribs - It was a concensus and I dont think it hurt the song. In fact I think it suited the more AC feel better.
Viv - what is the funniest question you have ever been asked by a fan? Kelly in St. Louis

Ribs - This is not a violent album, Angry at times but NOT violent

Ribs - Is there really a ’Jessie’s girl"?
Amy - My twelve year old nephew, Mikey would like to know if you enjoy playing video games, and if so what are some of your favorites? Stacy H

Ribs - My boys play the games and I watch. my fave is ’Code of Honor’

Viv - What is the significance of the new tattoo? Cheryl New Orleans, LA
Ribs - It is a spiritual meaning and it has Scoob and Ronnie represented on the Celtic cross
Tarzan got attacked by the big bad boot.
Amy - IF you cou! ld BE anyone from the past who would it be and why? Char Rush from IL

Ribs - I’d have been Beethoven because he wrote the most beautiful music in the world. Or the guy that planted the bomb by Hilter that didnt kill him, and I would have put it in the RIGHT place

Ribs - Wass’up Char??

Viv - If you could be re-incarnated as any animal which would you choose and why?

Ribs - Gomer. What a great life this dog has. Eating in restaurants, his own chaffeur, sleeping till late every day then getting up and taking a morning nap...what could be cooler

Amy - Who is YOUR favorite guitar player? Sarah Fox, Strongsville, OH.
Ribs - Hey this chat isnt very funny. i need Intox and his errant buddies

Ribs - Jeff Beck

Amy - Sometimes informative is just as good as funny.

Viv - what is in your CD player right now? Michelle Napa, CA
Ribs - woohooo

Viv - woohooo is in your CD player? new band? LOL
Ribs - We are mixing aND I’m chatting and we’re also watching the game. I love the informatiuon age
Ribs - information

Viv - nothing like multi-tasking
Ribs - The Mars Volta

Ribs - The Move

Amy - Would you consider doing a whole show of fan requests? The fans got such a kick out of it on the Borders Tour in CA .
Amy - From a CA fan

Amy - (Mixing, chatting, watching the game...what game...what’s he wearing...this is what the fans want to know...)

Ribs - Yes but it would have to be a fan only show. The outsiders wouldn’t get it
iv - What is your favorite part of touring, is it playing the music, connecting
Viv - with the fans, is it singing the music or is it getting to go home and rest
Viv - afterwards? Lisa in WA

Ribs - It’s ALL 3

Viv - long question
Ribs - Ask me something no one has ever asked me
Amy - Donna T aka Iguana Girl wants to know why you went from baggy clothes to tight jeans...she digs it MUCH better.

Amy - Concert attire, she means.
Ribs - It’s just a diff. look. I felt like wearing jeans for a while

Amy - Unless there’s something you and she weren’t telling everyone.
Viv - Have you had any funny or surprising fan reactions at recent meet and greets or cd signings? Cheryl Leominster, MA

Ribs - Crying is always good. i appreciate that

Amy - Cindy C asks Do you believe in fate?
Ribs - Yes and no

Amy - explain?
Ribs - OKAY Rodgee is going to answer some of the questions for a bit

Viv - How do you really feel about being groped at concerts? Is it true you do not like your hair to be touched? Peggy Rappoccio B Rick, NJ

Ribs - Si ey no....Yah und nine...... ash und shtine...oui et non
Viv - I think that question is for Rick and not Rodgee
Viv - is Scooby typing now? LOL
Ribs - ( this is from RODGEE) I dont like it but ’little Rick’ stands up and salutes

Viv - LOL good answer
Ribs - Hey...he’s a dog!!! He can speak but he is clueless on typing
Amy - Rodger, the fans want to know if you gave Rick tattoo advice
Ribs - DONT touch the ’do’
Ribs - He’s have a Basset hound on his arm if I gave him advice
Ribs - He’d

Amy - Sherry and Cindy in TN want to know if you went to any proms in high school, and if not, would you want to be their date for the prom this weekend?
Ribs - C’mon, ask me something!!!!!!!

Ribs - I never graduated high school and the only prom I went to was one I played at. I’ll only go if they put out

Amy - Uh Rick....you say that like it might prevent the offers....
Viv - have you ever wished you had finished high school?

Ribs - No. I finished high school and went to college in all the books I read and all the countries I visited and all the people I met

Amy - Mary in SC asks if the Beautiful You video will be seen on any of the music channels (actually we got this question from a lot of fans)

Ribs - I have to go soon. So you better ask some provocative questios now....
Ribs - Not yet but at every interview I do
Viv - When was the first time you ever sang. We know you wrote and played guitar but when did the singing start?

Ribs - questions
Viv - ok provocative....what was the last prono flick you saw

Ribs - I was 14 and I sang for my family and the family next door

Amy - wow, that blows the "what is your toothpaste" question I had right out of the water...

Ribs - Hustler’s Nymphos

Amy - Fans here wanted to know what you sleep in? Jammies? Boxers? Nothing?
Ribs - A T shirt only. Need to feel free

Ribs - I ahvent worn jammies since I was 12
Ribs - havent

Viv - I know someone else that sleeps that way too LOL

Ribs - Okay times up, Imust go. Ronnies Is pulling at my typing hand

Amy - OK, OK, OK...thanks so much Rick for coming to chat with everyone!
Viv - Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with us Rick. It’s always appreciated.

Amy - We really appreciate the multitasking...we know you’re crazy busy right now.
Viv - Tell all the guys hello from everyone

Ribs - The shows have been great lately and ’BY’ is most added on AC radio for a 2nd week. Keep up the awsome work

Amy - The fans are looking forward to seeing you out this weekend and so many others. :)
Viv - we start asking provocative questions and you leave LOL

Ribs - I will tell them. They say ’yo’

Ribs - Hey, I gave you your chance baby

Viv - SDAA is also the #1 import in Germany, Austria and Switzerland Rick
Ribs - love and lotion.... Ricky

Amy - Love and lotion...now there’s a parting thought.
Ribs - Yeah baby. we’’ get the word out to the unbelievers yet!!!
Ribs - we’ll
Viv - you have a great bunch of street teamers out there Rick
Ribs! - See you all on the road or in a bedroom near you
Ribs - Ta ta. I love all of you.
Viv - love to you and the guys
Ribs - I’m trying to make! a heart with this typewriter but it doesnt work
Ribs - bye, the ribmeister signing off
Amy - Love to you from everyone Rick! And the guys...you’re all the greatest!
Viv - make a sideways one :-) <3

Amy - And it appears Rick has left the building!