1. Apologies for absence

Cllr. Buchanan (work commitment).

2. Declarations of Interest

The Chairman declared a personal interest in items 6(b)(i) as a member of his family is employed by the School, 5(d) and 6(b)(iii) as a Village Hall Trustee and 6(c)(i) as a neighbouring landowner. Councillor Brummell declared a personal interest in items 5(d) and 6(b)(iii) as a Village Hall Trustee and 6(a)(i), (ii) and (iii) as a family member is the landowner. Councillor Philcox declared a personal interest in items 8(a) and (b) as he knows the applicant. Cllr. Smith declared a pecuniary interest in item 7(a) as the applicant. Cllr. Coles declared a personal interest in item 6(c)(i) as a neighbouring landowner.

3. Open Forum

No questions from the public.

4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (November 2013)

The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. An amendment was agreed on item 12(d) which was initialled by the Chairman. It was then agreed that they represented a true record of the meeting and were duly signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings:

(a) Alkerton postcodes; feedback from resident

The Clerk confirmed that the resident has agreed to talk to her neighbours regarding a change of postcode.

(b) New Homes Bonus - application for a defibrillator

The Clerk reported that she has applied for the grant.

(c) Trees on the Village Green - date for works

Councillor Coles said that she will speak to the District Council regarding approval for works to the Horse Chestnut Tree. The other trees have been given approval and the tree surgeon will be carrying out the maintenance on 12th December. She understands from the tree surgeon that the District Council has arranged for the conifers at the junction with The Level and Rattlecombe Road to be removed. The dead ash trees between Christmas Corner and Tysoe Hill Cottage are scheduled to be removed if the landowner has not removed them already.

ACTION: Councillor Coles to liaise with the District Council to find out if the works on the Horse Chestnut Tree can be carried out on 12th December.

(d) OCC Community Grant Fund; Village Hall repairs

The Clerk confirmed that she has applied for a grant of £500.

(e) Home to School Transport; consultation

Councillor Coles said that she would look at this.

ACTION: Councillor Coles to respond.

6. Councillors Reports

(a) Gliding and Karting (JP/AC)

A temporary sign, which reads ‘Kart Circuit’, has been erected on the Banbury Road to guide traffic to the Clubs via Sugarswell Lane.

(i) Complaint to District Council

No response.

(ii) Karting Club; update from Cllr. Webb

ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with Councillor Webb

(iii) Gliding Club; planning consents

Councillor Coles reported that the Planning Officer has said that she will respond to us.

(b) Communication (GS/RF)

(i) School

The Chairman confirmed that he has spoken to the Head who will be responding with a date for a meeting.

(ii) Parish Liaison Meeting; 13th November

The Chairman reported that he has sent an email to councillors regarding broadband. It was further confirmed that BT need to survey the Parish before improvements will be made.

(iii) Village Hall Trustees; update from meeting

The Chairman said that the Trustees agreed that the defibrillator could be located on the main wall near the bottom of the stairs.

They have identified a number of contractors to quote for the works but no quotes have been received yet. They are looking at grants but most are for capital purchases and not repairs.

(iv) Shenington Green; article

The Chairman confirmed that the draft, which was approved by councillors, was forwarded to the editor and the Shenington Green has now been published.

(c) Minerals and Alkerton HWRC (JP/MC)

(i) Prohibition Notice

The Clerk confirmed that the notice has been received. Councillor Philcox reported that some of the details on the notice are incorrect and he has informed the County Council. They have confirmed that they will be sending out an amended notice shortly. It was further reported that there will only be a public enquiry if the applicant challenges this notice.

(d) Highways (RF/CB)

(i) Traffic Calming WG

It was agreed that the Chairman should ask Highways to cut back the vegetation from the signs and road edges. The Police are still trying to locate the speed monitoring data produced by PCSO Nikki Dale. It was further agreed that the Chairman would ask the County Highways Officer to look at the safety issue on the Alkerton bends. He would also ask what conditions would need to be met for a 20mph limit. A working group meeting to be arranged after the County have looked at the Alkerton bends. It was also agreed that the Police would be asked if they could liaise with parents of children at the school at the beginning of the school year to point out speeding issues.

ACTION: The Chairman to contact the Police regarding the data and visibility at the school. The Chairman to also arrange for the County Highways Officer to look at the Alkerton bends and then arrange a meeting of the Working Party.

(ii) Speedwatch; update

The Police ran speedwatch in Alkerton on 22nd November between 8am and 9am. 86 vehicles went past and no one was travelling over 35mph. The Police agreed to run this again in other locations.

ACTION: The Chairman to liaise with the Police to identify other locations.

(iii) Highways Maintenance Fund

The Chairman said that Highways have confirmed that there is no safety issue with any of the vegetation in the parish.

(iv) Improvements to road by Bruce Hopkins; update

The Chairman said that Highways have reported that there is no safety issue.

(e) Countryside (AC/MC)

(i) Signage and condition of footpaths; update

ACTION: January agenda item.

(f) Businesses and Services (MC/GS)

(i) Power cables and street lights; update

Councillor Coles said that there is no news from Western Power about when the road will be closed.

(ii) Broadband; update

Councillor Coles reported that the County Council have awarded the contract to BT to upgrade Broadband, within this contract BT have offered to upgrade other areas in the District (ones that are not covered in the main contract) if the District Council will contribute funding to this additional work. Surveys of the area have not yet taken place by BT Openreach and, until these are complete, we will not know what the BT upgrade will deliver in this Parish.

(g) Assets (DB (Shenington) and CB (Alkerton)

(i) Funding for repairs to the war memorial

ACTION: The Clerk to contact Councillor Webb.

(ii) Bus Shelter

Councillor Brummell reported that school children use the bus shelter and also residents when it is raining. It was agreed that Councillor Brummell would look at the bus shelter to see if it needs any maintenance work.

ACTION: Councillor Brummell to look at whether the bus shelter needs any maintenance work.

(h) Emergency Plan (DB)

Councillor Brummell confirmed that he has updated the plan with the new contact details. It was agreed that his name should be the first on the contact list. Councillor Brummell to forward the updated plan to the Clerk for onward transmission to the County and District Councils and the website administrator. The Clerk confirmed that she has received letters from the 2 residents who have no objection to their contact details being published.

ACTION: Councillor Brummell to forward the updated plan to the Clerk for onward transmission to the County and District Councils and the website administrator.

8.35pm Councillor Smith leaves the meeting.

7. To receive planning applications

(a) 13/01660 - High Fields, Rattlecombe Road

This application was discussed and the Parish Council agreed to raise no comments or objections.

8.37pm Councillor Smith returns to the meeting.

8. To receive results of planning applications

(a) 13/01539/F - 1 The Green - granted

(b) 13/01540/LB - 1 The Green - granted

9. Financial/Administration Report

(a) Bank balances

The Clerk confirmed the following balances:

Community Account - £3,549.39

Business Account - £7,208.91

(b) New bank mandate form

The Clerk reported that it is possible for all councillors to be signatories on the bank accounts.

ACTION: January agenda item

(c) Draft 2014/15 budget

The Clerk asked councillors to let her know of any items they would like included in the 2014/15 budget.

ACTION: January agenda item

(d) Asset register; updates

The Clerk confirmed that the location of assets has been added to the register.

10. Second Open Forum

No questions.

11. Passing of any accounts for payment:

The following accounts were proposed by Councillor Coles, seconded by Councillor Court and carried unanimously.

(a) Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s fee (Nov) - £160.85

(b) HM Revenue & Customs (PAYE) - £40.00

12. Closure of meeting

Next meeting 15th January at 7.30pm.

Meeting closed at 9.05pm.