Lesson 2-5: PVT pHet SimulationName: ______
Physical SciencePeriod: _____

Learning Goals:

  • Explore the relationships between pressure, volume, andtemperature.
  • Create graphs based on predictions andobservations.
  • Make qualitative statements about the relationships between pressure, volume,and temperature.

Background Information:

Air is a gas. Gases have various properties that can be observed with our senses, including the gas pressure (p), temperature (t), and the volume (V), which contains the gas. Careful scientific observation has determinedthat these variables are related to one another. By understanding these relationships, it is possible to explain how gases behave under certain conditions.

Set-Up: Students are working in pairs and should be using two (2) different colored pencils or markers.


  1. Open the pHet simulation “gas properties” by going to
  2. ClickRun Now.

Part 1:

  1. Investigate the simulation involving gas properties. Practice thefollowing:
  2. Adding air to thecontainer
  3. Changing the size of thecontainer
  4. Adding and removing heat with the heat control

NOTE: Be sure to keep the gravity and the type of the gas in the container constant (the same)

  1. In your data table record your initial levels of number of particles (found in upper right), temperature (K for Kelvin), volume (size of your box), pressure (atmfor Atmospheres), movement of particles (draw one particle and arrows), andsystem.
  2. Now try some variation listed in your data table and record the effects on the number of particles, temperature, volume, pressure, particle movement, and if the system is currently open orclosed.
  3. After you complete your data table, you may try out some other variations and then complete your analysis questions found on the back side of this worksheet.

Number of particles / Temperature (°K) / Volume (size of box) / Pressure (atm) / Particle Movement / Open or Closed System?
1. Initial Levels
2. Pump the bike pump 2 more times
3. Decrease box volume (drag scuba guy to the right)
4. Add ice under the box by dragging slider for heat down
5. Slide lid of the box
over to the right (now box is open)
6. Close lid and pump the
bike pump 15 more times

Part 1 Analysis Questions:

  1. How did adding ice under your box affect the particles?
  2. How do you think putting a fire under your box to add heat would affect the particles and why?
  3. Which values seemed to be related? For instance, when you changed one factor, were there some values that always went up or downtogether?
  4. When did you have an open system and when was it a closed system? How did it affect the particles?
  5. List 2 things that this computer model of a system helped you understand today.
  6. List 1 thing that was not helpful about this computer model or that you would like to improve about it

Part 2:

  1. Complete the table below without using the simulation, sketch what you think the graphs would look like using one of your colored pencils. Note: Be sure to label your x and y axes.

Volume-Pressure graph / Explain your reasoning for the graph’s appearance:
Temperature-Pressure graph / Explain your reasoning for the graph’s appearance:
Volume -Temperature graph / Explain your reasoning for the graph’s appearance:
  1. Using the simulation, verify, or correct your graphs and reasoning using a different colored pen or pencil.
  2. Looking at your graphs, draw or write in your own words the relationship that exists between pressure andvolume.
  3. Looking at your graphs, draw or write in your own words the relationship that exists between temperature and volume.

Part 2 Analysis Questions:

  1. Using the data chart on the next page, make a prediction for each of the following scenarios. Predict what you think the graphs will look like, then using the simulation, verifyor correct your graphs and reasoning with a different colored pen or pencil. Make sure you label your axes and include a key to the colors you used for your predictions andcorrections.

a.Explain why the size of a bicycle tire seems larger in the summer than in the winter

b.Explain why a can of soda pop explodes if left in the hotsun.

c.A rigid container filled with a gas is placed in ice (ex. nalgenebottle). What will happen to the pressure of the gas? What do you think will happen to thevolume?

d.An infected tooth forms an abscess, area of infected tissue that fills with gas. The abscess puts pressure on the nerve of the tooth, causing a toothache.
While waiting to see a dentist, a person with the toothache tried to relieve the pain by treating the infected area with warm water. Will this treatment help or hurt the toothache? Why?

2.What other experiments could you try using thissimulation? Explain.

Scenario / Graph / Reasoning
  1. Bicycle tire
  1. Can of pop in the sun
  1. Container in ice
  1. Infected tooth