Heritage EQUIP Retrofit GrantApplication Form

(for applications of $25,000 or less)

PURPOSE of heritage equip

The Heritage Earthquake Upgrade Incentive Programme (Heritage EQUIP) provides support to private owners of nationally significant and earthquake-prone heritage buildings to seismically strengthen their buildings.

Discretionary grants will be directed to the most worthy projects where financial assistance is required to undertake seismic strengthening so that a building is no longer earthquake-prone under the Building (Earthquake-prone Buildings) Amendment Act 2016.

Heritage EQUIP grants contribute up to 50% of the seismic strengthening costs to works that:

  • raise the earthquake resistant capacity of the building to 34%NBS, or
  • raise the earthquake resistant capacity of part of a building to 34%NBS.

Heritage EQUIP recognises that in practice it is difficult to exactly meet 34% NBS, so applications for a design that goes marginally over 34% will be accepted if the application shows the solution presented is the optimum solution.

There is no guarantee that any or all applications received will be awarded funding. Heritage EQUIP funding is only able to match the costs of strengthening a building so that it is no longer considered earthquake-prone (i.e. to 34% NBS). If an owner wants to strengthen their building to greater than 34%NBS, the application will still be considered and an assessment made regarding the level of funding that would be appropriate within the scope of the fund.


Heritage EQUIP RetrofitGrants are available to cover up to 50% ofseismic strengthening costsfor heritage buildings up to a maximum of $25,000. Heritage EQUIP funding is not available for seismic strengthening work already commenced.

Heritage EQUIP RetrofitGrants are designed to support smaller seismic strengthening projects focused on addressing specific building parts or retrofitting solutions for common hazards. For works requesting a grant greater than $25,000, use the application form for Heritage EQUIP Major Works Grants.

To assist you in completing your application, please refer to the Heritage EQUIP Guide for Applicants that accompanies this form.

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact one of the Heritage EQUIP fund advisors by email ator by phone on (04) 499 4229.

v4 Feb 2018

SectioN ONE: Applicant details

Name of building owner
Name of applicant: please state your role for the building owner
Address of applicant
Phone number(s)
Email address
How did you find out about Heritage EQUIP?

SECTION TWO: Building details

Please attach the following documents:
  • Certificate of Title
  • Documentation from your Territorial Authority determining the building as earthquake-prone

Name of building
Address of building
(If different from above)
Current and/or future use of the building
Seismic risk zone
Has your territorial authority notified you (or a previous owner) that your building is either:
“Potentially earthquake-prone”, or
Tell us about the heritage status of your building (as applicable):
Heritage New Zealand listing number:
Heritage New Zealand historic area:
District plan heritage status:
Any other comment on heritage value:

SECTION THREE: description of proposed works

This section helps us assess the structural engineering merits of your application. The section prompts you to clearly outline the problem-solution pathway for your project:
  1. the seismic capacity problems with your building, and
  2. the structural solution to the seismic capacity problems, and
  3. approval to implement your solution from your consenting authority.
Please refer to section six for the list of supporting documentation required
Tell us about the earthquake resistant capacity of your building, and the extent of seismic assessment undertaken
Please re-state the building’s critical structural weaknesses, and refer us to page(s) in the attached seismic assessment so we can verify this
Please provide an overview of the proposed seismic strengthening works with supporting documentation
Please state the seismic strength target (%NBS) on completion of works
Please comment on the extent of work beyond that which would achieve a seismic strength of 34%NBS
Have required resource and building consent approvals been obtained? / ☐ Yes (please attach evidence of approvals to application)
If not, why not?
How will the works impact on the building’s heritage values? Please refer us to page(s) in attached documents so we can verify this.
Likely commencement date of work
Likely completion date of work


Please provide a short description of how your project meets the desired outcome of Heritage EQUIP
(Refer to p7. Guide for Applicants)


Please attach the following documents:
  • Itemised quotes or estimates prepared within the past three months, from recognised professionals,for the seismic strengthening component of the project
  • Evidence you can meet or bridge the full project costs

Total cost of works
Total cost of strengthening works
If practical, please note the cost of work beyond that which would achieve a seismic strength of 34%NBS
Contribution of owner
Other sources of funding (total)
Heritage EQUIP funding request
GST number (if registered)
Have you applied for a Heritage EQUIP grant before? If so what was the result?
*Other sources of funding
Please comment generally on the extent of funding support available in your region for strengthening works
What other sources of funding have you sought from other parties for this project?Please indicate the result of any applications and provide evidence of any grants received.
Funder / Amount requested / Result
*Community support
Please comment on the extent and type of community support for your strengthening works

SECTION 6: Application Checklist including additionalATTACHMENTS needed

All sections of the application form have been completed
Certificate of Title showing you are the owner or part-owner of the property. If you are not the building owner, you’ll need to provide evidence that you have authorization to submit the application on the owner’s behalf
A statement from Heritage New Zealand or a recognised conservation specialist on the heritage conservation values of your project
An archaeological authority from Heritage New Zealand if one is required for your project
Documentation from your territorial authority determining the building as “potentially earthquake-prone” or “earthquake-prone”. If your building has been designated as a priority building, you should also include information about this
Building consent or evidence that the proposed work is permitted. Resource consent if one is required
Evidence of the seismic strengthening work you plan to undertake, including:
a full set of construction drawings
structural design calculations and assumptions including evidence that engineering advice and peer review has been provided by a Certified Professional Engineer
a Producer Statement B1, B2 from a Certified Professional Engineer (structural) certifying that the works comply with the NZ Building Code, or where the works are strengthening part of a building, the works will be integrated into a future phase such that the building as a whole will comply with the NZ Building Code
full specifications for the trades required to carry out the works, including how the removal, reinstatement and protection of heritage fabric (as required) is to be treated
where the works are a phase of a larger structural strengthening project, evidence of when the strengthening of the building will achieve a minimum earthquake resistant capacity of 34% NBS
Photos of the building, including the parts of the building your project affects
Evidence that there is community support for your project, such as a letter from the council or evidence of community investment (financial or otherwise) in the project
Recent (within three months of application date) itemised quotes or estimates from recognised professionals relating directly to the seismic strengthening component of the project
A completed Heritage EQUIP project costing form
Evidence you can meet or bridge the full project costs including other funding sources
A full electronic copy of the application including supporting material and attachments
This declaration must be signed by the applicant identified in Section 1. If the applicant is not the owner or sole owner, the declaration must be signed by a suitably authorised person.
By signing below, I/we acknowledge that:
  1. the information provided in this application form is true and accurate
  2. no information has been deliberately omitted or withheld from the application
  3. by accepting use of third party web-based document sharing platforms the Ministry for Culture and Heritage aims to simplify the transfer of my application information. The Ministry for Culture and Heritageis unable to make representations on the security of any application information (including personal information)provided via third party platforms, and therefore security of information is my/our sole responsibility
  4. the information contained in the application and information subsequently generated in relation to the application may be released, if required, under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). Further information on the OIA is available here:
  5. I/we have the authority to commit to this application and am/are eligible for funding in accordance with the Heritage EQUIP Eligibility Criteria
  6. personal information collected as part of the application process will be used for the purposes of administering the fund. In submitting an application, the applicant acknowledges and agrees that the Ministry for Culture and Heritage may disclose to, or obtain from, any other government department or agency, private person or organisation, personal or other information for the purposes of gaining or providing information for the funding application
  7. compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements relating to the application to Heritage EQUIP is the sole responsibility of the applicant
  8. should I be successful in obtaining a grant, details including owners name, the name and address of the property and its heritage significance, the funding allocated and the strengthening work done will be published on the Heritage EQUIP website. This information may also appear in media releases that may be published by media outlets
  9. details of my project (in 8 above) may also be used in media release(s)
  10. the Ministry for Culture and Heritage reserves the right to seek more information from the applicant before sending the application to the Heritage EQUIP Advisory Panel, and will defer if necessary until the Ministry has received all information requested.

Sign / Sign
Name / Name
Date / Date
Please submit your application form electronically to
If sending applications by post:
Heritage EQUIP Fund
Ministry for Culture and Heritage
PO Box 5364
WELLINGTON 6140 / If sending applications by courier:
Heritage EQUIP Fund
Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Level 1, Public Trust Building
131 Lambton Quay
/ 1