Marcel Gani Internship Program

Startup Company Host Application

The company contact and the intern supervisor do not need to be the same person. We will use the company contact for any internship-related correspondence.
Company Contact: / Intern Supervisor:
Title: / Title:
Address: / Address:
City, State, Zip: / City, State, Zip:
Phone: / Phone:
Fax: / Fax:
E-mail: / E-mail:
How did you hear about the Marcel Gani internship program?
Company Name:
Year founded:
City, State, Zip:
Provide a three-sentence description of the company:
The following information is used by Zell Lurie to determine program eligibility. This information is confidential and not shared with students.
Major product offered by your company and the approximate product launched date:
If you have multiple product lines, please list the 2-3 largest revenue generators and their launch dates
Date of first non-beta customer / sale:
The company (bold or otherwise indicate a selection):
Is owned by founders
Has private investors
Trades publicly
The current role(s) of the company founder(s) (bold or otherwise indicate a selection):
CEO/President COO
Advisor/Board member Other (explain):
The company is funded by (bold or otherwise indicate a selection):
Private loans Bank loans Current sales
Public stock Angel funding Other (explain):
Grants VC / Professional funds
According to your most recent information, what revenue and staffing levels have been/will be achieved:
Cumulative to 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018(est)
Staff or FTEs
Given these revenue levels AND funding received to date, when are your operations projected to be financed through?
The Institute requires that MBA students be paid $1,200 each week and BBA students be paid $900 each week. Bearing in mind that the Institute will pay a stipend directly to the student matching the company's pay (maximum of $7,200 for MBAs and $5,400 for BBAs for the entire summer), are you able to pay this suggested salary?
This information will be posted online for interested students to read. Work assignments are understood to be subject to change based on the needs of the company and the findings of the intern.
Are you looking for an MBA, BBA, or either?
Describe the company’s developmental milestones anticipated in the next 6 months:
Explain how an intern will help achieve those milestones:
Indicate specific skills or unique requirements you seek in a student:
How will this internship add to the student’s skill set, resume, or career?
How much time per week will the intern be working?
How much time per week will the supervisor spend with the intern?
What unique opportunities will be available to the Intern (bold or otherwise indicate a selection):
Attendance at board meeting
Attendance at funding presentations
Attendance at senior strategy meetings
Meet with the company founder
Meet with customers
Assigned to a company mentor
Attendance at trade shows or industry conferences
Other (explain):
Provide any additional information you’d like to include on the job posting (optional):

Submit this application to

Deadline: January 15, 2018