Teacher: ______Cycle: ______

This report can be used to record class needs assessment results and objectives covered during the cycle.

Getting Started:

___ 1. Ask and answer questions about self and others

___ 2. Complete simplified data form

___ 3. Greet people and say good-bye

___ 4. Introduce self and others

___ 5. Identify family relationships and describe own family

___ 6. Locate relevant points on maps

___ 7. Write a timeline

___ 8. Self-assess language and lifeskill learning needs

___ 9. Set class learning goals

___ 10. Self-assess ability to use technology

___ 11. Identify rights and responsibilities as a member of the class; respond to seasonal & other emergency procedures

___ 12. ______


___ 1. Identify communities to which students belong

___ 2. Identify community and neighborhood resources, services, and programs

___ 3. Identify needs related to community & neighborhood resources, services, and programs

___ 4. Access and report on community resources, services, and programs

___ 5. Identify ways to be involved in the community

___ 6. Identify rights and responsibilities of community members

___ 7. Identify a community problem. Identify steps/strategies to deal with the problem

___ 8. Prepare for disasters and community emergencies

___ 9. ______


___ 1. Set class learning goals

___ 2. Identify coins and bills, orally and in writing

___ 3. Describe what someone is wearing, including size and color

___ 4. Identify food items, orally and in writing

___ 5. Read price tags and receipts

___ 6. Ask/answer questions about food/clothing, including price and location

___ 7. Given incorrect change, indicate that there has been an error

___ 8. Express/inquire about likes and dislikes

___ 9. Identify and request basic bank services

___ 10. Complete bank forms including checks, deposit slips and money orders

___ 11. ______


___ 1. Given visuals, identify body parts

___ 2. Ask and answer questions about illness or injury, inquire about someone's health, and ask for and give advice

___ 3. Ask and answer questions about feelings and emotions

___ 4. Fill out a simplified medical form

___ 5. Respond to common instructions from a nurse or doctor

___ 6. Read and explain medicine labels

___ 7. Simulate a call to 911 and request assistance

___ 8. Make a doctor's appointment by phone

___ 9. ______


___ 1. Set class learning goals, i.e. lifeskills objectives to be covered in this unit

___ 2. Given visuals, identify rooms and furniture

___ 3. Given visuals of a house, identify location of rooms and furniture

___ 4. Describe home and housing preferences

___ 5. Given simplified housing ads, respond to questions

___ 6. Identify home safety precautions

___ 7. Identify housing problems and request repairs

___ 8. ______


___ 1. Set class learning goals

___ 2. Ask and answer questions re phone numbers; write phone numbers

___ 3. Locate names and phone numbers in an alphabetical listing

___ 4. Given a phone call, ask for specific person & respond to basic phone requests

___ 5. Take simple phone messages

___ 6. Leave simple messages

___ 7. Give and follow instructions for using pay phones [and phone cards]

___ 8. Obtain phone numbers from directory assistance

___ 9. ______


___ 1. Given visuals of analog and digital clocks, ask and answer questions about time

___ 2. Write times from visuals of analog clocks and from dictation

___ 3. Ask and answer questions about daily routines

___ 4. Read and write dates using ordinal numbers and abbreviated forms

___ 5. Given visuals, ask and answer questions about the weather and seasons

___ 6. Interpret information from a basic weather report or map

___ 7. ______


___ 1. Set class learning goals, i.e.lifeskills objectives to be covered in this unit

___ 2. Given visuals, identify means of transportation

___ 3. Ask/answer questions about transportation used to get to school, work, shopping, and other locations

___ 4. Identify home, school, job on a map

___ 5. Given visuals, identify traffic signs

___ 6. Given a map, give/ask for simple street directions to places in the community

___ 7. Ask/answer questions about bus/Metro

___ 8. Give/follow directions for using a Metro card machine

___ 9. ______


___ 1. Identify job titles, tasks, tools and location

___ 2. Describe present and past jobs. State future job goals

___ 3. Fill out simplified job application

___ 4. Ask questions & report information about hours, duties, salary and benefits

___ 5. Interpret simplified want ads

___ 6. Use office technology and follow instructions. Ask for clarification

___ 7. Follow safety instructions and identify correct emergency procedures

___ 8. Identify good work habits

___ 9. ______

Final Reflections:

___ 1. Reflect on learning and self-assess progress

___ 2. Identify strategies and goals for continued learning

___ 3. Evaluate class and program

___ 4. ______

Writing Level Objective:

___ Generate simple sentences

Reading Level Objective:

___ Read simplified narratives