Information Student WillNeed to Write a Final Report

The internship employer must make sure that the student clearly understands what information about the internship experience can be shared with the intern’s peers in a classroom setting and that which is confidential. If the nature of the work experience is to prevent active participation of the intern in class discussion due to strict confidentiality rules, the student might not be able to earn internship credit. This does not diminish the value of the work experience, but suggests that the experience should not earn internship credit.

AGEC 289 Internship Paper Assignment

Each student seeking credit for AGEC 289 must prepare a comprehensive report describing the management strategies used by the company or organization where he/she spent their internship. The purpose of this report is to stimulate students to think more broadly about their internship experience rather than only considering the duties or assignments of the internship itself. The well-prepared student will begin work on this term paper during the internship period by seeking needed information from the coordinating employer. However, the term paper is not due until the student when the student completes AGEC 289 upon their return to Purdue.

Each internship differs somewhat, thus the following are general guidelines.

  1. Cover Page – Student name, course title, your major, company name, job title of internship, dates of internship, location of internship, and internship supervisor.
  2. Internship Summary - (1 page) A summary providing highlights of what is presented in the full report.
  3. Table of Contents - (1/2 to 1 page as needed, on a separate page).
  4. Internship Learning Goals - (1 or 2 pages) A list of the learning goals that were set for the internship, and agreed to by you, the employer, and the Internship Coordinator.
  5. Job description - (1 page) A copy of the job description for your position.
  6. Company goals - (1 to 2 pages) A summary and explanation of the stated business goals of the cooperating employer.
  7. Company history (1 to 2 pages) A summary of key historical milestones for the company.
  8. Major Products and Services - (2 to 4 pages) A detailed description of the breadth and depth of the company’s product and service mix. What are the major segments of customers served? Who are the major competitors? What is the growth opportunity for these products?
  9. Locations of Company Property - (1 page) Where are the company manufacturing and processing plants, warehouses and distribution centers, retail outlets, etc.
  10. Research and Development - (1 to 2 pages) What is the product life cycle for some of the company’s main products? How does the company fund new product developments? How big is the product development group? Does the company have important patents?
  11. Organizational Structure - (2 to 3 pages) Describe the type organizational structure of the company (centralized or decentralized, the number of divisions, line and staff functions, etc.).
  12. Human resources - (2 to 3 pages) How does the company manage human relations (centrally or at each location)? What is the educational background and work experience of the HR professionals in the company?
  13. Budgeting - (2 pages) Describe the financial budgeting process for the company (are budgets driven from a corporate office or do they come from the field).
  14. Sales and Marketing Efforts - (3 pages) How does the company communicate with its customers? What is the company’s value proposition?
  15. Supply Chain Management (2 pages) Does the company handle logistical functions internally or are these responsibilities outsourced to third-party-logistics firms? Does inbound logistics differ from outbound logistics?
  16. Summary of Firm Performance - (1 page) Provide an overall evaluation of how well the firm meets its stated goals.
  17. Reflection on This Firm and Industry - (2 to 3 pages) Begin with a discussion as to how the learning outcomes were achieved. Are you interested in pursuing a career in this industry or in this firm? Why or why not?
  18. Suggestions and Recommendations - (1 page) What are your suggestions and recommendations to other students who might wish to pursue an internship with your internship employer.


  • 8.5" by 11" white paper, single-spaced, 1-inch margins, and 12 point font.
  • Number all pages.
  • A modest use of color is acceptable.
  • Figures or tables will not count as fulfilling the minimum requirements. Nevertheless, this report should include only a few figures or tables.