U.S. HISTORYCHAPTERS 18, 20, 24 & 25


Name:______Due Date:______

C LEVEL (350 POINTS):Each assignment on the C Level is worth up to 100 points. All assignments must be checked off in class with Mr. Arnold on the day they are due. Students will NOT be allowed to submit assignments after the due date for credit. In other words, whatever points you have earned at the time of the due date will be the final points you will receive for the C Level.

  1. Study Guide Notes
  1. Map Activity: 1. Correctly label the following items on a map of Europe: A)All European countries. B) Baltic Sea, North Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Ocean, and the Adriatic Sea. C) Color the communist European countries red. Color the non-communist European countries blue.
  1. Collect a picture for each of the following 10 people involved with the cold war and build a display using any method of your choosing: Harry Truman, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, Mao Zedong, Joseph McCarthy, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Nikita Khruschev, JFK, Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev. The picture of the individual must also contain a 2-3 sentence explanation outlining the specific role of this person in the Cold War (Why did this person make the history book?).

4. Read Winston Churchill's “Sinews of Peace” speech (commonly referred to as the

“Iron Curtain" speech and Joseph Stalin’s “Election Speech.” Both speeches are

found on the blog. Type a 500word paper summarizing the speeches (250 words per speech). Concludethe paper by noting how ideas from each speech directed the foreign policy of each nation (Britain and Soviet Union) during the Cold War era. No cutting and pasting or plagiarism from the Internet is allowed. In other words, the work you turn in must be yours and yours only.

  1. Build a chart that lists the U.S. foreign policies that were used during the Cold War, defines each foreign policy, and provides a detailed example of how each foreign policy was used. Include ALL of the following foreign policies on your chart: Domino Theory, Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Eisenhower Doctrine, Brinkmanship, and Détente.

Foreign Policy / Definition / Example of how it was used and who it was used upon

Cold War C LevelName:______

Assignments / Points Possible / Points Acquired
  1. Study Guide Notes
/ 70 Points
  1. Map: Correctly label the following items on a map of Europe: A) All European countries. B) Baltic Sea, North Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Ocean, and the Adriatic Sea. C) Color the communist European countries red. Color the non-communist European countries blue.
/ 40 Points
  1. 10 People: Collect a picture for each of the following 10 people involved with the cold war and build a display using any method of your choosing: Harry Truman, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, Mao Zedong, Joseph McCarthy, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Nikita Khruschev, JFK, Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev. The picture of the individual must also contain a 2-3 sentence explanation outlining the specific role of this person in the Cold War (Why did this person make the history book?)
/ 70 Points
  1. Iron Curtain/Election Speech:
Type a 500 word paper summarizing the speeches (250 words per speech). Conclude the paper by noting how ideas from each speech directed the foreign policy of each nation (Britain and Soviet Union) during the Cold War era. / 100 Points
  1. Foreign Policy Chart: Build a chart that lists the U.S. foreign policies that were used during the Cold War, defines each foreign policy, and provides a detailed example of how each foreign policy was used. Include ALL of the following foreign policies on your chart: Domino Theory, Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Eisenhower Doctrine, Brinkmanship, and Détente.
/ 70 Points
Total Points Acquired:

Instructions: All assignments must be put into a three ring binder and be in order exactly how they are listed above. Also, your name must be printed on every assignment. You will keep the assignments after they have been checked off with Mr. Arnold.

U.S. HISTORYCHAPTERS 18, 20, 24 &25


NAME:______DUE DATE:______

B Level: Complete just oneassignment from the choices below in order to receive a “B” grade for this unit. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully in completing the assignment.

  1. Build a picture display of the U.S. culture of the 1950’s. The display must have at least 10 pictures representing fashion, music, movies/TV shows, art, literature, and sports. Each picture must have a 2-3 sentence explanation attached.
  2. Design a United States patriotic poster that is anti-communist.
  3. Create a picture display using at least 10 photos that showwhy the Korean War was fought, the countries involved in the war, how the war was fought, and the end result of the war. Each picture must include a detailed explanation.
  4. Watch any of the following videos and follow the video handout instructions located on the blog: Miracle, Apollo 13, The Majestic, Good Night and Good Luck.

5. Study Winston Churchill's famous "Iron Curtain" speech. Type a 2 page rebuttal

to be given to the United Nations General Assembly by the Soviet Ambassador.

6. Build a replica of a Cold War U-2 spy plane out of any material of your choosing.

Also, include a 2 page typed paper on the U-2 spy incident involving Francis Gary


7. Build a display comparing the atomic bomb to the hydrogen bomb and ICBM’s. The

display must consist of at least 10 pictures and each picture must be accompanied

with a 2-3 sentence explanation.

8. Create a Summer Olympics display showing the medal count and competiveness

between the United States and Soviet Union. All of the following Olympics must be

represented: 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, and 1992.

Also, be sure to show why the 1980 and 1984 games were unique AND what

controversy occurred in the 1972 Soviet Union-U.S. gold medal basketball game.

9. Create a display depictingthe history of the United States in space exploration from

1958-present day. The displaymust consist of at least 15 pictures of any space mission; however all of the followingmissions must be included in the display: Apollo 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. Also,each picture must be accompanied with a brief explanation written in your own words.

10. Build a display, in any manner of your choosing, of the Berlin Wall. You must use at

least 10 pictures if you choose to include photos with your project. Each picture must

also have a brief 2-3 sentence description of the picture. Accompany your project

with a minimum 250 word typed paper explaining why the wall was built, the

significance of the wall, the materials used in making the wall, and the fortifications

along the wall.

11. Complete assignment #7 on the A level unit sheet to count as both an A and B

assignment (150 points).

U.S. HISTORYCHAPTERS 18, 20, 24 & 25


NAME:______DUE DATE:______

A LEVEL: Complete just oneassignment from the list below in order to receive an “A” grade for this unit. Each report must be typed, minimum 500words in length, and of your own work. Any reports shorter than 500 words in length or plagiarized from another source will receive no credit. Also, you will only be allowed 2 spelling or grammar mistakes per page. Be sure to run the “Spell Check.”

1. Report: What government actions during the Communist “Red Scare” conflicted with

the Bill of Rights? Explain.

2. Report: Agree or disagree? As “The” supreme power of the world, the U.S. has the

responsibility of using the U.S. military to intervene in other countries to promote

democracy and supply aid.

3. Report: How well do you think President Kennedy handled the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Cite specific examples to justify your response.

4. Report: In your opinion what factors caused the end of the Cold War?

5. Report: Which of the two superpowers do you think contributed more to Cold War

tensions during the 1950’s? Explain your reasoning and provide specific examples.

6. Report: Should one nation have the right to remove another nation’s head of

government frompower? If so, when? If not, why?

7. This assignment will count as an A level and a B level!! Create a children’s book

titled “I Wonder Why the Cold War Was Fought and Other Questions about The Cold

War.” The book must be 10 pages in length and include a cover with the title and a

picture. Each page must include the following: A) 3 questions relating to the subject.

B) a brief, accurate and detailed answer to the question written in your own

words. C) a picture next to each question. Pictures may be hand drawn only if you are

artistically gifted. Otherwise all pictures need to be printed pictures. Create your

book on unlined white paper and bind it with a plastic slide sleeve. Important Note:

remember your audience when you write this book. Also, all work must be original.

Do not cut and paste information off the Internet. Have fun with this and be creative. I

have 2 examples of books if you want to examine them before getting started on your
