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Curriculum Committee / (213) 891-2434
(213) 891-2144

Kathleen Bimber, Vice President, DCC Chair (City), David Beaulieu, President, DAS, Yasmin Delahoussaye, Vice Chancellor Educational Services, Dr. Kim Perry,VP Academic Affairs Liaison (City)


Friday, June 17, 2011

12:30 to 3:30 pm

District Office-Wilshire Room

  1. Attendance: Elizabeth Atondo; PIERCE, Sheri Berger, VALLEY;Kathleen Bimber, DAS VP and DCC Chair; Yasmin Delahoussaye, VC Ed Services; Bobbi Kimble, Dean Educational Support Services; Lauren McKenzie, HARBOR; Said Pazirandeh, MISSION; Maria Reisch, CITY; Steve Wardinski, EAST.
  2. Welcome and Approval of the Agenda-Kathleen Bimber opened the meeting at 12:45 PM with a welcome to committee members. The agenda was amended with one correction and the addition of two items: under Item # 4-Cross-listing Approvals-remove “Studies” from Hebrew Studies on all four courses. Board Approval Schedule for Curriculum and Update on Kinesiology subject change.
  3. Approval May 6, 2011 Minutes-the minutes were reviewed and approved unanimously as presented.
  4. Campus updates on Curriculum Chair status-LASC will likely have a new Curriculum Chair.
  5. Dates: The next date for the DCC is meeting is July 8th at LACC. The new Vice President liaison will be Anna Davies from Pierce. District Policy on Prerequisites subcommittee meeting is set for August 16 at 9:30 AM.

Old Business:

  1. 6201.13 Residency Requirement-S. Berger presented the draft with revisions discussed in the May meeting. The following edits are in bold italic: Students must complete at least twelve (12) units of work in residence with at least six (6) units in the major for the degree being awarded at the college conferring the degree. Students must be in attendance at a college within the districtwithin which the student applies for graduation. S. Berger will make final revisions and send to the committee.
  2. Cross-listing procedure-S. Berger asked whether courses schedule to be de-cross-listed in the district should be de-cross-listed in Assist. Some courses are linked in Assist due to cross-listing. E. Atondo stated that CSU/UC’s make the determination for Assist and that it is not necessary to remove them from this list.
  3. The committee reviewed suggested changes to the revision of E-65 on the process for Cross-listing courses. The following changes were suggested: First paragraph-add to last line “…respective district discipline committees and the DCC. Step 5: Following all college approvals the initiator will consult with the appropriate DAS VP to obtain contact information for each District Discipline committee The initiator shall have ninety (90) calendar days (excluding summer) to gain approval. Step 6-remove”and course outlines of record” and change “ninety days” to “20 working days”. Delete “posting” and add “in accordance with the posting schedule.” Step 7-first sentence-Within90 calendar days, the cross-listing proposal, along with the recommendation from the District Discipline Committee will be sent to the DCC Chairpersonand placed on the next available DCC agenda for action.
  4. In addition, B. Kimble asked K. Bimber to work on revisions of the Cross-listing form. Berger asked that the approval signatures be moved to reflect the new process.
  5. Kimble was asked to remove/wipe clean all current cross-listed courses not approve as of June 30, 2011. Kimble asked K. Bimber to send her an email and copy the Curriculum Deans with this request.
  6. ECD Update-S. Berger updated the committee on the ECD system on the following items:
  7. Berger met with IT to discuss the noncredit course outline for ECD. IT needs to decide whether to keep and revise what is currently in the system or start over. The hours and standard weekly columns don’t always total the way the proposer of the course intends. When faculty enter in standard weekly hours it multiplies it by 18 and the total does not always come out to the number intended, usually due to fractions. This problem could be resolved by entering in the total hours rather than the weekly. DCC agreed to change the course outline for noncredit so only total hours are entered rather than weekly standard hours. M. Reisch mentioned that hours and units are still mismatched. Berger stated IT is still working on correcting this problem.
  8. Courses cloned by other colleges are not permanently lost but are exist somewhere in cyber. IT is still working to return the missing outline. The cloning problem has been resolved and faculty can once again clone course outlines.
  9. Faculty can now download forms without having to be in a course outline.

New Business:

  1. College Strategic Plan Self Inventory-S. Berger shared the 2009-10 self inventory document with the committee and directed attention to areas that may be difficult to track. Y. Delahoussaye said this document is no longer in use. A new strategic plan is being developed with fewer objectives and DCC Chairs should disregard this document.
  2. Board Approval/Posting Schedule-S. Berger expressed concern that the Board has revised the meeting schedule so that official business will take place only once a month. This will result in a slowdown in obtaining Board approval for courses, certificate, degrees and other curriculum items. The committee expressed concern at the delays and asked Yasmin to speak to the Board about the ramifications to curriculum.
  3. Kinesiology Update: B. Kimble was asked to update the committee on the Kinesiology subject title change. Kimble stated that nothing new has been submitted and that she needs the finalized list of courses to be archived. The TOP Code will remain the same.
  4. Courses Proposed for Cross-Listing Process-E-65 revision-K. Bimber

Discipline Reviewed-K. Bimber

  • Mission-Psych 13/Soc. 24-Psych-No Response. Soc-Approved DCC Not Approved
  • Valley-Chicano Studies 44/Spanish 16- Chicano St.Approved; Spanish-Approved; DCC Approved
  • Valley-Chicano Studies 37/Spanish 46-Chicano St.-Approved; Spanish-Approved; DCC Approved
  • Valley -Chicano Studies 42/Spanish 12- Chicano St.Approved; Spanish-Approved; DCC Approved
  • Valley-Sociology 12/FCS 31-Sociology-Not Approved; FCS-Approved; DCC Not Approved
  • Valley-Hebrew 2/Jewish Studies 12- Approved-only campus offering these courses; DCC Approved
  • Valley-Hebrew 9/Jewish Studies 9-Approved-only campus offering these courses; DCC Approved
  • Valley-Hebrew 10/Jewish Studies10 –Approved-only campus offering these courses; DCC Approved
  • Valley-Hebrew 1/Jewish Studies 11-Approved-only campus offering these courses; DCC Approved
  • Valley-ENV SCI 7/Geology 10-awaiting signatures-tabled-not ready for DCC Action
  • Valley-GEOG 3/Meteor 3-awaiting signatures- not ready for DCC Action
  1. Course Numbering and Data Collection-Y. Delahoussaye lead a discussion on problems with course numbering and data collection district-wide. Valley has ESL courses listed under the subject of English. This could create difficulties when trying to collect data for Achieving the Dream. Delahoussaye mentioned that funding will be based on performance so accurate data collection is vital. Delahoussaye mentioned she would like to meet with some discipline committees to address these concerns. Bimber volunteered to accompany Delahoussaye.
  2. Achieving the Dream-S. Berger presented a data collection template for the LACCD that was discussed at the AtD conference. Data is sent to a national clearinghouse. Two cohorts will be followed, degree seeking and non-degree seeking. A district-wide definition is important and the committee felt faculty must be involved. It will be also be important to place courses in the correct category for effective data collection. Since the district does not have common course numbering for all areas, Berger felt it might be more effective to think in terms of course content rather than a course number. The committee asked K. Bimber to invite Maury Pearl to the next DCC meeting to discuss concerns of the committee.
  3. Draft 2011-12 Posting Schedule-B. Kimble reminded the committee TMC degrees must be approved by the state before they can be put in the catalog. Chairs were reminded to use the TMC catalog language sent to chairs by K. Bimber and distributed at the DCC meeting earlier in the semester. The suggested catalog language is also posted on the TMC website. S. Berger said she would email it to chairs.
  4. The meeting adjourned at 3:15 PM