Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC

Linking Discovery & Self-Employment:

From Vocational Themes to Business Planning

Most folks with significant disabilities get only one or two chances at securing employment. Therefore, our efforts at finding a quality ecological fit require precision. The Discovering Personal Genius (DPG) process reveals an individual’s skills, tasks they perform, interests, support and instructional strategies that work, and the vocational options that match these conditions. This session reviews critical Discovery actions, helps translate the information into both wage and self-employment development strategies, then details feasibility studies, funding and benefits/work incentives options, the business planning process and basic financial statements that meet the needs of individuals and systems alike.

Tentative Agenda

Day One

8:30 am

Welcome, Introductions, Agenda Review, Handouts

Activity: Critical Concerns

9:00 am

Overview of Customized Employment (Case Studies)


Exploitability in the Labor Market

Self-Employment Myths & Opportunities

Circumventing Comparative Employment Processes

9:30 am

Introduction to Discovering Personal Genius (DPG)

Activity: Smooth Listening Exercise

Stages of DPG

Flow Chart & Guide to First Visits

Home Visits & Neighborhoods

The Three Vocational Themes

Lists of Twenty

Going Where the Career Makes Sense

10:45 amBreak

11:00 - Noon

Discovery Essentials

Determining the Ideal Conditions of Employment

Skills & Tasks


Resources (Benefits, Family, Friends, Experiences…)



Activity: Framing the Conversation

Examples of DPG and Information Interviews

Activity: Inventory personal skills and tasks


12:30 pm

Unlimited Employment Opportunities

Activity: Identifying Vocational Themes

Combining Themes

Three Places where the Career Makes Sense

Informational Interviews for Refinement

First Use: Theme Refinement, Interest-check, Work Experience Development, Training Strategies, AT ideas…

Second Use: Career Planning, Job Development, Business Idea Development, Resource Ownership

Activity: Design your Informational Interview conversation

1: 45 pm

DPG Reporting & Career Planning

The Discovery Staging Record

Performance Benchmarks: Funding & Team Management

Personal Narratives

The Contradictions of Complexity

2:30 pm Break

2:45 pm

Overview of SSA Benefits

Self-Employment Funding with PASS

Reporting, Record Keeping

Integrating Income Effects with Financials

5:00 pmAdjourn

Day Two

8:30 amTeam Formation/Business Idea Selection (casual discussion will occur evening before)

Bring the Team together by having a conversation about the business idea and support approaches. A Team Leader and a Recorder should be selected. These roles will remain fluid and can change throughout the training. All Team members are expected to work collectively and individually.

A note of caution: Much of the background work should have been done prior to this work session. This discussion is only for clarification, to raise critical questions and point out knowledge gaps that need attention today, and to bring all the Team members up to speed.

The answers won’t come during this 30-minute session. This time is used to frame the research and writing that will occur throughout the day. Topics likely requiring conversation include:

How this business fits the PBO’s Themes, personality and life circumstances;

How family and friends might provide support;

The amount of money needed monthly for living expenses;

The rehabilitation supports available and/or necessary;

The PBO’s vision of the business and his/her life in 5 years….

9:00 amThe Business Mission

In one or two sentences, describe the business’ purpose. The description should fit on a bumper-sticker. Start by answering the question: What problem does this business solve for its customers?

Consider writing 2 or 3 Goals for the business. (The Team may need to revisit this task throughout the day and add/refine the Goals after much of the research is completed).

9:30 amDefine the Business’ Products and Services (Who, What, When, Where, How, Why?)

Write at least a sentence for each product or service.

10:00 amCustomers/Competitors/Marketing/Sales

Describe 4 key characteristics of the Products/Services;

Describe 4 key characteristics of the Primary Customer (who, what, where, when?);

Describe 4 key characteristics of the Secondary Customer (who, what, where, when?);

Describe 2 things your Products/Services won’t do (just to bring clarity to the plan);

Describe why people will buy from your business;

Describe how this business is different from other similar businesses;

Describe how customers will find you.

Shape this discussion into a description of your Marketing Mix.

NoonWorking Lunch/Business Feasibility

Surveys, test sales, Internet research, historical data, and other methods alone or in combination are used to measure business feasibility. Decide on the techniques to be employed, or why previous activity substantiates the business idea. Write out your description of feasibility testing to be used (and what’s been done to date), and include a fall-back position or the possible business modifications planned should the data not support a launch.

1:45 pmPrepare for Business Visits: Develop Interview Questions concerning: Owner’s background, business plan and financing, employees, training, customers & competitors, etc. Discuss Team’s business idea and get advice. Tour.

2:30 pm Business Feasibility Visits: Owner Interviews/Tours

4:00 pmDebrief

5:00 pmAdjourn

Day Three

8:30 pm Promotion & Distribution

Write this section by considering the following:

Types of advertising and listing you’ll use (you’ll need prices later…);

Where your customers are likely to look for or find your promotions;

What value your business is establishing with its customers;

How customers will find/acquire your product/service;

How to make buying the product/service as easy and convenient as possible;

Who we’ll need to help get the product to market (and what will this cost?);

Plans for expansion in the coming years.

10:00 am – 11:00 am Sales Forecasting

Develop a twelve month sales forecast. Explain briefly why sales may increase or fall depending upon season. Use the 12 Month Sales Calculator.

11:00 amBudget Development

Identify start-up and on-going operating costs by reviewing these and other likely expenses: Starting inventory, tools and equipment, transportation, shipping, space, utilities, insurance, business services (legal, accounting, marketing, sales), taxes, licensing, communications, etc.

11:30 amCosting Research

Team members select assignments and individually research all costs. This activity must include a discussion of findings and how costs come together into a Pricing Strategy.

NoonWorking Lunch/Budget & Breakeven

Complete the Consolidated Budget Page and the Breakeven Analysis. Include the costing data, sales projections, financial support from sources including SSA Work Incentives, Vocational Rehabilitation, One-Stop, School Transition program, CRP, personal savings, loans, et al. Note that this is a 12-month budget and that most funding/support agencies will require projections of 36 months or more.

1:30 pm PASS, SSA & Financials, Blended Funding opportunities

2:30 pmFinal Plan Revisions

3:00 pmTeam Reports, Discussion, Next Steps

Discuss the key opportunities and the possible limiting factors for the business. Discuss the Team’s business plan with a reasonable assessment of challenges and a prediction of future growth.

4:00 pmAdjourn