1)Applicant Details

1.1)Full name

1.2)Contact Address

1.3)Tel (Office) no.

1.4)Mobile phone no

1.5)E-mail address :

2)Project Information

2.1) Strategic Priority Area :

a)E-Public Services

b)Social Digital Inclusion

c)Economic Competitiveness

3)Target Community :

4)Promoter’s Profile

Project promoter is defined as an entity that ensures the overall project implementation and deliverables are achieved accordingly and fully responsible for the success of the project – during, after & also be able to replicate the project, after DAGS funding period.

4.1)Promoter’s Profile

a)Full Organization’s Name :

b)Contact Address :

c)Telephone No :

d)Fax No :

e)URL :

f)Nature & Profile of Organization (e.g.NGO, Private)

g)Nature of Business/Operation (e.g.IT, Consultancy)

h)Project Manager information :

-Name :

-Job tittle :

-Mobile phone number :

-E-mail address :

Note : Please provide the followings :

a)Promoter’s CV or Profile

b)Project Manager’s CV

c)Evidence of the relevant statutory of the company/organization [e.g.Form 24 & 49 (ROC)/Memorandum and Article of Association/ Documents from ROB]

5)Smart Partnerships

A smart partner is defined as an organisation that will participate in the project from the design stage of the project until the project obtains the grant and starts implementing the project. A smart partner should have a clear strategic role, responsibility and contribution towards the project. In our definition, smart partnerships must be willing to venture in a win-win-win situation, in risk-taking and reward sharing, and must unite towards one common action. In relation to engaging public and private entities, applicants are advised to submit a letter of support or commitment by the respective parties.

5.1) Public Partner( s )

a)Full organization’s Name :

b)Contact Address

c)Telephone and Fax No :

d)Contact person’s Names :

e)E-mail :

f)URL :

g)Profile of Organization :

h)Nature of Business / Operation :

i)Roles, Responsibilities and contributons in the project .

Please Provide :

a)Community partner’s Profile

b)Evidence of the relevant statutory of the company/organization [e.g. Form 24 & 49 (ROC)/Memorandum and Article of Association/ Documents from ROB]

5.2) Community Partner( s )

a)Full Organization’s Name

b)Contact Address

c)Telephone and Fax No

d)Contact Person’s Names



g)Profile of Organization

h)Nature of Business / Operation

i)Roles, Responsibilities and Contributions in the Project

Please provide :

a)Community partner’s Profile

b)Evidence of the relevant statutory of the company/organization [e.g. Form 24 49 (ROC)/Memorandum and Article of Association/ Documents from ROB]

5.3)Content Partner( s )

a)Full Organization’s Name

b)Contact Address

c)Telephone and Fax No

d)Contact Person’s Names



g)Profile of Organization

h)Nature of Business / Operation

i)Role, Responsibilities and contributions in the project

Please provide :

a)Partner’s Profile

b)Evidence of the relevant statutory of the company/organization [e.g. Form 24 49 (ROC)/Memorandum and Article of Association/ Documents from ROB]

5.4) Technology Partner ( s )

a)Full Organization’s Name

b)Contact Address

c)Telephone and Fax No

d)Contact Person’s Names



g)Profile of Organization

h)Nature of Business / Operation

i)Roles, Responsibilities and Contributions in the project

Please provide :

a)Partner’s CV or Profile

b)Evidence of the relevant statutory of the company/organization [e.g. Form 24 49 (ROC)/Memorandum and Article of Association/ Documents from ROB]

5.5) Research Partner ( s )

a)Full Organization’s Name

b)Contact Address

c)Telephone and Fax No

d)Contact Person’s Names


f)Profile of Organization

g)Nature of Business / Operation

h)Roles, Responsibities and Contributions in the project

Please provide :

a)Partner’s CV or Profile

b)Evidence of the relevant statutory of the company/organization [e.g. Form 24 49 (ROC)/Memorandum and Article of Association/ Documents from ROB]

Summary of smart partnership roles & responsibilities in 3 components (content, community and technology)

(Please provide necessary information for each partners in relevant column / row)

Roles / Content / Community / Technology
Public :
  • Kementerian XYZ Malaysia
  • ABC Malaysia
  • To provide guideline
  • NA
  • To provide...
  • To help
  • NA
  • To Provide...

Private :
  • XYZ S/B
  • ABC Berhad
  • To provide…
  • To produce..
  • To provide…
  • NA
  • To provide…
  • ……..

Community :
  • XYZ Association
  • ABC Assocition
  • To help….
  • …….
  • To……
  • …….
  • NA
  • …….

6)Summary of Project

The summary must be written in a short and concise manner to describe the whole project. It should entail the followings :

Problems/Issues/Opportunities intended to be addressed, target Community’s profile of the project, proposed implementation strategies and ICT-based solutions and anticipated outcomes and achievements of the project.

7)Profile of Target Community

Please include the followings in this section :

a)Basic data

Who are they? (Description) / Where are they?

Location State / Target Number of Community / Why are they identify / chosen
i) / Total population of target community
ii) / Total number of target community
iii) / Target penetration (ii) / (i)

b)How well do you know the community

c)Basic data on community e-readiness,i.e. current

level of knowledge, skills, attirude, PC ownership,

internet accessibility, access to ICT info-structure


d)Basic data on location e-readiness, ie. Availability of

current ICT centre, availability of internet

connectivity in the area, etc.

8)Problems / Issues / Opportunities

8.1) What are the current existing problems and/or issues

encountered by target community?

PIOs should be specific based on the real problem/issue faced by

the target community. It must also be strongly supported by data /

statistic / findings to indicate that the problem is critical to be

resolved not based on assumption.

Please identify the KEY or MAJOR Problem faced by the target community

Note :Please provide relevant data/statistic/findings to support

The problem/ issues / opportunities statement.

8.2) What are the foreseeable opportunities to be addressed?

Can the Problem/Issues/Opportunities be defined/ categorized in

Terms of :

a)Info-structure related

b)Content related

c)Community relate

8.3) How can ICT be utilized as a tool to address the above problem/

Issue and/or to maximize the opportunity? Please illustrate

(using example) on how ICT is utilize in the project.

9) Value Proposition of the Project

9.1) What is the uniqueness of this project?

9.2) What will be the value and impact to the target community if the

project is to be implemented?

9.3) What are the other similar project available in the market and what

makes your project different from them?

a)If yes, please elaborate on what makes your project

different from them.

b)If no, please elaborate on the unique value proposition

of this project

10) Project Goals & Objectives

What will be achieved by the project by the end of 12 months

implementation period?

11) Impact Study

a)Research hypothesis

What are the possible impacts foreseen at the end of the

Project implementation?

b)Research objectives

c)Scope of research

d)Research methodology

e)Research model

What are the research components of the project?

f)Research problems

What kind of problems will be encountered during the research?

g)Research measures

What are the relevant measures to be developed to successfully test the hypothesis?

12) Activities & Deliverables

The activities planned throughout the 12 months period are to be prepared in accordance to the quarterly milestones (M1-M4). Activities and deliverables must be interrelated and explained in specific and measurable manner. The activities have to be classified based on :

a)Info-structure development

(Activities that include mainly on planning structure, technical and technological aspects of the project)

Activities / Deliverables
Milestone 1
Initial system set-up
System customization
Milestone N / No. of features developed system usage statistics

b)Content development

(Activities that include content aggregation, acquisition, creation,repackaging etc.)

Activities / Deliverables
Milestone 1
Module development
Articles/content publication
Milestone N / No.of modules developed
No.ofarticles published/translated

c)Community development

(Activities that include community building, communitydevelopment, ICT acculturation either on-line or off-line activities)

Activities / Deliverables
Example :
Milestone 1
ICT Awareness session
ICT Training session
Milestone N / No. of sessions conduted and
no. of attendance/participants

13) Technical Details

Please specify the proposed Technical Architecture (Project

Network Architecture), at each of the ICT center (site) as well

as the central data center (e.g. IDC – if any). Use diagram

wherever appropriate.

a)List of all proposed hardware required for both Development

And Deployment

Item / Specification / Qty / Purpose
Networking equipment
Back-up storage

b)Explain the communication architecture and provide

justification and assumption on your proposed architecture

c)Specify the operating System (OS) Platform for the desktop

and servers

Item / OS Platform

d)List of all applications and software that need to be

developed, implemented, customized, purchased

off the shelf etc including any tools and database

required for both Development and Deployment.

Provide details on the functionality of the proposed


14) Overall Project Schedule

Based on the activities planned in each milestone, it is

suggested that the promoter summarize them in the

form of :

a)Gantt chart t illustrate the entire project schedule

15) Project Ownership & Management structure

a)Please provide project management structure

b)Please specify who will be the owner of the following :

-Physical asset

-Intellectual property of the project

c)Who will be the project champion?

16) Project Sustainability and Replication Plan

a)Who is responsible in maintaining the project

b)What are the plans in sustaining the project?



Please provide revenue generation model to support the plan.

c)How can the project be replicated

d)Please provide the projected cash flow for the next 12 months after DAGS funding and annual cost of operation.

17) Financial & Funding Aspects

This section is only the summary of the internal funding,

expected DAGS funding and the total project cost. However,

the detailed financial should be prepared based on the Activity

Based Costing and the Man-Hour Rate templates. The expected

DAGS funding should not exceed 70% of the total project cost.

Activities / Internal Funding / DAGS Funding / Total Project Cost
Info-structure development cost
Content development cost
Community development cost
Project Management