North Rockland Boys Modified Swimming

Dear Parent and Swimmer,

Welcome to ourNR Boys Modified Swimming Team. It is our pleasure to have your son with us. We’re excited to see we have 20 boys who’ve met the required skill levels to be a part of our program. We’re especially excited to see the better than average talent and potential future Varsity record holders.

Let’s keep the “Tradition of Excellence” alive. In order for us to ensure their time here is a positive one we will need your help. They may not always say it, but they want you there. This January we will be competing in 4-5 meets. We’re counting on you to help us cheer them on (home and away). This year we’ll be competing against local rival Modified teams in both Rockland and Westchester. Meet schedule cannot be finalized until all teams have submitted their rosters. We are currently finalizing a Modified meet schedule and anticipate having it posted by December 8, 2017.

We look forward to working with your boys. Great to have all of you aboard.

Coach D. Holmes

Varsity Boys Head Coach

Laura Holmes

Assist. Varsity and Modified Boys Coach


Where do I find out practice and meet information?

  1. Practice, meet and event changes are regularly updated on our Team Rockland Swimming website.().
  2. All are expected to check website regularly.
  3. IT IS THE SWIMMERS RESPONSIBILITY to contact (text) their coach of any anticipated lateness an absence. This includes if they are not in school (we will not know).

Coach L. Holmes

Please do not call (text only) after 6pm

  • Cell # 914-261-8349
  • Pool Office 845-942-3363 (message)
  • Email:


Bus to Practice after School (FSS swimmers)

  • Swimmers are to take the Sports Bus from FSS (back of school) to NRHS every day we have practice.
  • They should move quickly as each bus fills up quickly.

Bus to Meets

  • Meet bus picks up Modified swimmers at FSSafter school between 2:45 - 3:00 (not before - unless otherwise notified).
  • Meet bus returns to NRHS (arrival time will vary). Swimmers will know to contact you when we are on bus ride home from event.
  • All swimmers are required to leave and return with the team. If they miss the bus they miss the meet.

Practice and Meet Attendance:

  1. Practices will normally be held after school Mon/Wed/Fri 3:00-4:15pm. Days are subject to change based on Varsity meet and/or practice schedule. If there is a schedule change all will be notified as far in advance as possible.
  2. All swimmers must provide their own transportation home NRHS after all practices and meets.
  3. PLEASE pick your son up no later than 4:30 on practice days and on expected arrival time on meet days.
  4. Swimmers who are late to practice must come with a pass from the building rep they were with.
  5. All practices and meets require 100% attendance unless otherwise excused by your coach.

If they are in school for the day they are expected to be at practice/meet.

  • If they miss a practice (unexcused) they are immed. suspended from the next practice. If they miss a meet they automatically suspended from the next 2 meets.
  • If they are suspended for any reason they are expected to attend practice/meet and sit on bench.
  • All absences must be pre-approved from a coach.
  • Doctors appointments, family gatherings, etc. are considered an unexcused absence. Please schedule events outside of practice days/times.
  • All swimmers who are absent because of illness (and in school) will be required to provide a Doctor note clearing them to come back to practice.
  • Any swimmer who is out for more than 5 days MUST be re-cleared by school nurse.
  1. Swimmer should keep all personal items locked in a locker in locker room. All swimmers should have a lock on their lockers. Otherwise, all belonging should be brought on deck with them.
  2. We have (tentatively) 3 meets scheduled.

Required equipment:

  1. Suit (jammer), towel, goggles.
  2. All are expected to wear a practice suit “Jammer” at practice.
  3. Swimmers will receive team sweat top (must return) and Team T-Shirt (may keep)
  4. Practice suits (swimmers choice) can be purchased from (800-526-8788). Select “Practice suits” from the menu and scroll down for choices. Theywill have inexpensive practice suits (jammers) for purchase (approx. $20-40). Shipping is 4-5 days. Dicks Sporting Goods will have them for approx. $50-$60
  5. Regular swim shorts will not be permitted past Friday, Dec. 8
  6. Our team suit (required at all meets) will cost $45. Checks payable to NR Boys Swim. Please give to Coach by Monday, Dec. 4. Coach will order team suit on Dec.

See you at the pool,

Coach D. Holmes