Curriculum VitaeOrlin Vakarelov


Orlin K. Vakarelov

Department of Philosophy
Social ScienceBuilding, Room 213
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721, USA / Phone: +520-762-5692
Cell: +520-990-5428

Areas of Specialization:

Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Mind and AI, Mathematical Logic, Philosophy of Information

Areas of Competence:

Epistemology, Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Mathematics, Theory of Complex Systems



Curriculum VitaeOrlin Vakarelov

University of Arizona – Ph.D. Philosophy
Department of Philosophy &Cognitive Science Program
Dissertation: General Situated Cognition
Committee: Jenann Ismael (Director), John Pollock, Richard Healey, Shaughan Lavine, Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini / May 2011
Carnegie Mellon University – M.S. Logic and Computation
Department of Philosophy
Thesis: Accessible Domains from a Category Theoretic Perspective
Advisors: Wilfried Sieg, Steve Awodey / August 2003
University of Toronto
M.A. Philosophy
Hon. B.Sc. Mathematics and Philosophy, specialist
with Distinction, Member of Innis College / August 1999
May 1998


  • “Pre-cognitive Semantic Information”, Knowledge,Technology and Policy, 2010, 23(2):193-226
  • “An objectivist argument for thirdism”, with the OSCAR seminar,Analysis 2008 68(2):149-155

Works in Preparation:

  • “The Cognitive Agent: Overcoming Informational Limits” (under review)
  • “The Information Medium” (under review)
  • “Information Networks: A Meta-architecture for Situated Cognition”
  • “The Historical Necessity of Life for Cognition”

Doctoral Dissertation Abstract:

The dissertation is based on four papers that together offer a theory of General Situated Cognition. The project has twooverarching goals: (1) to unify existing foundational approaches to cognition by investigating cognition within the framework of the philosophy of information; (2) to characterize the function of cognition and suggest a general (meta-)framework for cognitive architecture. Two of the papers, “Pre-cognitive Semantic Information” and “The Information Medium”, deal primarily with the concept of information. They offer a pragmatic and structural account of information, as well as a novel and more general theory of meaning appropriate for simple, non-linguistic organisms – the interface theory of meaning. The papers lay the theoretical and conceptual machinery needed for the other two papers, “The Cognitive Agent: Overcoming Informational Limitations” and “Information Networks: A Meta-architecture for Situated Cognition”, which investigate cognition as a general natural phenomenon. They specify the function of cognition as the mechanism in an organism that overcomes informational deficits. They also offer a broad architecture of cognitive systems based on networks of information media, which encompasses, and thus unifies existing approaches to cognition, such as the computational/symbolic approach, the connectionist approach, the dynamicist approach and the ecological embodied approach.

Research Positions:

  • RA OSCAR Project, University of Arizona, 2003-2004 – Primary source of support

Implementation of defeasible reasoning agent architecture

  • RA APROS Project, Carnegie Mellon University, 2001-2003 – Primary source of support, Full-time

Implementation of a natural deduction automated theorem prover

  • RA Center for Cognitive Robotics, University of Toronto, Summer 1999

Action semantics with the GOLOG programming language


  • UA Excellence Graduate Fellowship in the Social Sciences–2010
  • Graduate and Professional Student Counsel Travel Grant
  • Innis College Book Award – 1995, 1996, 1997


  • Between Thermostats and Humans: Towards Pre-cognitive Information, Philosophy Department Colloquium; University of Arizona, Tucson AZ, December 2009
  • The Cognitive Agent: Overcoming informational limits

Metanexus 2009 Conference: Cosmos, Nature, Culture; Tempe AZ, July 2009

The paper appears in the Proceedings of the 2009 Metanexus conference, 2009,

Cognitio 2009 - Changing Minds: Cultures and Cognition in Evolution; UQAM Institute of Cognitive Science, Montreal, QB, Canada, June 2009

Arizona Conference Preparation Workshop; University of Arizona, May 2009

Cognitive Science Brown Bag; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, January 2009

  • Informational Networks: A Meta-architecture for Situated Cognition

North American Conference on Computing and Philosophy; University of Indiana, IN, June 2009

Arizona Conference Preparation Workshop; University of Arizona, May 2009

  • The Historical Necessity of Life for Cognition, Southeastern Graduate Philosophy Conference; University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, April 2009
  • Order and Information: How cognition emerges in life and how it leaves life behind, Contemporary Philosophy Seminar; Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria, July 2008
  • General Situated Cognition

Towards a Science of Consciousness Conference; Tucson, AZ, April 2008 (Poster)

Contemporary Philosophy Seminar; Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 2007

Arizona Student Workshop in Philosophy IV; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, October 2005

  • Information from Dynamics, Arizona Student Workshop in Philosophy V; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, October 2006
  • Information and Non-propositional Knowledge, Arizona Student Workshop in Philosophy III; University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, July 2004
  • Towards a Better Understanding of the Representational Role of Mathematics in the Physical Sciences, 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Exact Philosophy; University of Maryland, MD, May 2004

Teaching Experience:


U of Arizona:

TRAD 104: Mind, Matter and God (Summer 2006, Fall 2009)

TRAD 104: Science and Enquiry (Fall 2008)

PHIL 110: Logic and Critical Thinking (Fall 2005)

PHIL 305: Introduction to Philosophy of Science – Phil. of Biology (Summer 2005)

PHIL 305: Introduction to Philosophy of Science (Summer 2004)


80-220: Philosophy of Science (Summer 2001)

Teaching Assistant

U of Arizona:

INDV 102: Personal Morality (Mark Timmons;Michael Gill)

TRAD 104: Justice and Virtue (Michael Gill; Thomas Christiano)

TRAD 104: Science and Enquiry (Shaughan Lavine)

INDV 101: Philosophical Perspectives on the Individual (Laurie Pall)

TRAD 104: Mind, Matter and God (ChrisMaloney)

PHIL 420: Philosophy of Science (Richard Healey)

PHIL 442: Knowledge and Cognition (Joseph Tolliver)


80-310: Logic and Computation (Jeremy Avigad)

80-311: Computability and Incompleteness (Jeremy Avigad)

80-120: Reflections on Science (Kevin Kelly)

15-399: Constructive Logic (Steve Awodey – Computer Science)

21-300: Basic Logic (Peter Andrews – Mathematics)

21-484: Graph Theory (Noel Walkington – Mathematics)

Teaching Experience Cont.

U of Toronto:

PHL 345H: Intermediate Logic

PHL 351H: Philosophy of Language (Bill Seager)

Graduate courses taken: (* indicates course was audited)

Cognitive Science and Mind


Curriculum VitaeOrlin Vakarelov

Minds, Machines & Knowledge (Seidenfeld, 00)

Philosophy and Cognitive Science (Pollock, 03)

Perceptual Experience (Chalmers, 04)*

Philosophy and AI (Pollock, 04)*

The Situated Self (Ismael, 05)

Metaphysics of Mind (Paul, 05)

Computational Intelligence (Barnard, Fong, Higgins Pollock, 05)

Readings in Cognitive Science (Ismael, 05)

Distributed Cognition (Mathiesen, 06)*

Masters Seminar in Cognitive Science (Piatelli-Palmerini, 07, 10)*

Advanced Topics in AI (Pollock, 06, 07, 08)


Curriculum VitaeOrlin Vakarelov

Philosophy of Science


Curriculum VitaeOrlin Vakarelov

Relativity Theory I (Dyer, 96)*

Relativity Theory II (Dyer, 97)

Readings in Semantic Approaches to Science (Brown, 98)

Philosophy of Science (Hacking, 98)

Emergence and Scientific Constructivism (Seager Gupta, 99)*

Philosophy of Biology (de Sousa & Thompson, 99)

Readings in the Formalism of Quantum Mechanics (Apostoli, 99)

Philosophy of Physics (Healey, 03)

Gauge Theories (Healey, 04)

Readings in Philosophy of Science (Healey, 06)

Seminar on Kuhn (Ismael, 07)*

Metaphysics and Science (Healey Ismael, 09)*


Curriculum VitaeOrlin Vakarelov

Logic & Philosophy of Mathematics


Curriculum VitaeOrlin Vakarelov

Barwise & Etchemendy: The Liar (Urquhart, 97)

Barwise & Moss: Vicious Circles (Urquhart, 98)*

Computational Complexity Theory (Urquhart and Cook, 98)

Gödel’s Works (Urquhart, 99)

Domain Theory (Dana Scott, 99)

Model Theory I (Grossberg, 00)

Model Theory II (Grossberg, 00)

Recursion Theory (Kelly, 00)

Category Theory (Awodey, 00)

Logical Semantics (Belnap, 00)

Categorical Logic (Awodey, 00)

Topos Theory (Awodey, 01)*

Probability and AI (Spirtes, 01)

Temporal Logics (Belnap Perloff, 01)*

Dedekind & Hilbert (Sieg, 01)*

Seminar in Phil of Mathematics (Menders, 02)*

Philosophy of Mathematics (Lavine, 04)


Curriculum VitaeOrlin Vakarelov

Epistemology, Metaphysics, and Language


Curriculum VitaeOrlin Vakarelov

Natural Kinds (Hacking, 98)*

Brandom’s Making it Explicit (Heath, 98)

Linguistic Theory (Simons, 99)

Epistemology (Lehrer, Spring 04)

Theory of Knowledge (Pollock, 04)

A Priori Naturalized Epistemology (Horgan, 05)*


Curriculum VitaeOrlin Vakarelov



Curriculum VitaeOrlin Vakarelov

Early Analytic Philosophy (Tulley, 97)

Wittgenstein (Canfield, 98)

Russell (Tulley, 99)

Frege (Awodey, 99)

Pro-seminar in Philosophy (Reimer, 03)

The Purpose of Moral Theory (Schmidtz, 04)

Analytic Aesthetics (Lehrer, 04)

Seminar on Hume (Owen, 05)

Seminar on Plato (Kamtekar, 06)


Curriculum VitaeOrlin Vakarelov

Professional Service:

  • Referee for 2009 Cognitive Science Society annual meeting
  • Organizer for 2002 Pitt-CMU Graduate Student Conference
  • Commentator for the following conferences: The North American Conference on Computing and Philosophy, University of Indiana, 2009; Information Ethics Roundtable, University of Arizona 2009; Pacific Division APA 2008; Pitt-CMU Philosophy Graduate Student Conference, Pittsburgh, 2002


Jenann Ismael
Associate Professor of Philosophy
University of Arizona
Center for Time, University of Sydney
Email: / Luciano Floridi
UNESCO Chair in Information and Computer Ethics, School of Humanities; and
Research Chair in Philosophy of Information, Department of Philosophy, University of Hertfordshire
Fellow of St Cross College, and
Senior Member, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford
Richard Healey
Professor of Philosophy
University of Arizona
Shaughan Lavine
Associate Professor of Philosophy
University of Arizona
Email: / Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini
Professor of Cognitive Science
University of Arizona
RachanaKamtekar (Teaching)
Associate Professor of Philosophy
University of Arizona