Confidential Application Form for the appointment of:

Box office Assistant - Casual position

Name of Applicant:
Preferred contact
telephone number:

Completed application forms (including postal and electronic submissions) must not arrive later than 12 noon on Monday 24 September 2018.

Please mark your envelope ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ and return to:Admin and HR Officer, MAC, 10 Exchange Street West, Belfast, BT1 2NJ

Electronically completed application forms can be emailed to the Admin and HR Officer at

Guidance notes for completion of application forms:

  • Please also find enclosed the job description, person specification for this post.
  • Please refer to the job description and person specification, as candidates are only short-listed for the next stage of the recruitment process on the basis of information contained in the application form which meets the criteria detailed in the person specification.
  • Please ensure all questions are answered and that you fully complete the application form in either black ink or typewritten.
  • You must complete the relevant information relating to your experience or competence in the relevant section or box provided. If you submit this information in another ‘box’ or section, it will not be considered by the short-listing panel.
  • Application forms, including those submitted electronically, which are received after the above time and date will not be considered. No additional information, in support of your application form, will be accepted after the closing date and time for receipt of applications.
  • Applications will not be accepted by fax.
  • The MAC accepts no responsibility for checking or notifying candidates if forms are unreadable or incomplete for technical reasons.
  • Please ensure that you retain the original format of the application form at all times.
  • CVs must not be included and will not be considered. Please attach additional sheets if required. Due to the volume of applications we receive, we are normally unable to acknowledge receipt of application forms but we will write to you once shortlisting has been completed.
  • If you email your application, you may be asked to sign it at interview.
  • If successful, you will be required to produce official original proof of any qualifications supporting your application.
  • If you have a disability and/or your first language is not English, and you have difficulties with any aspect of our recruitment and selection process, please contact us on 028 9089 2960.
  • The MAC is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the Community.

1. Personal details

Other names / Home
Address / Mobile
National Insurance No.

2. Present / last post

Address /
Start Date / Leave Date
Reason for leaving
Job Title and Current Salary
Main duties and responsibilities

3. Previous posts (most recent first)

Employer / Main duties and responsibilities
Position held
Date started
Date left
Reason for leaving
Please list previous postsEmployer name / Date
from / Date
to / Job title; key responsibilities; reason for leaving

4. Education, qualifications and training

Particulars of qualifications obtained (GCSE, NVQ, HND, Degree etc). Please state marks, grade or level of qualification as this information may be used in shortlisting. Please include equivalent qualifications where it is appropriate. The selection panel will make the final decision on the relevance and equivalence of these qualifications.
**Please note that where a specific qualification is an essential requirement in the person specification you will be required to produce original certificates if you are offered the post.
Level of
(e.g. GCSE, A Level, Degree etc.) / Subject / Marks or
grade / Year / Place of study / awarding institution

5. Professional Qualifications, Memberships and Training

5. (a) Particulars of professional qualifications obtained:

Title of qualifications / Date of award

5. (b) Current membership of professional bodies:

Name of organisation/body / Type of membership / Date of registration

5. (c) Relevant training and educational or professional studies in progress:

Name of course / Date undertaken / anticipated completion date

6. Experience

Applicants are required to demonstrate specific experience by way of personal and specific example on their application form. Please refer to the following guidelines when completing this section:

  • Applicants are reminded that the application form must be fully completed.
  • Your application will be examined by a selection panel whose job it is to assess the content of your application against pre-determined criteria, based on the requirements of the position. It is therefore in your own interest that you provide a detailed and accurate account of your experience and no further information can be added to your application after the closing date to support your candidature.
  • Only the information presented in the application form will be considered by the selection panel.
  • The panel will be interested in whom you reported to, what you did and how successful you were. It is not sufficient to simply list your duties and responsibilities. Write down clearly your personal involvement in any experience you quote. Write ‘I’ statements e.g. I planned meetings, I managed a budget, I prepared a presentation. It is how you actually carried out the piece of work that the selection panel will be interested in.
  • Examples in relation to the competencies sought may be from employment, education or other interests but must demonstrate how you satisfy the criteria. Include concise examples and be sure you can expand on these at interview if required.
  • The panel may decide to interview only those applicants who appear to them, from the information available, to be the most suitable. It is therefore essential that you fully describe how you meet the particular experience and qualities sought.

Essential Criteria

Applicants must be able to demonstrate, by providing personal and specific examples that they have, at the closing date for receipt of application forms, met with the following criteria:

If completing this form electronically, you must use a minimum of font: Arial size 10.

6 (i) Please provide a summary of your educational attainment demonstrating a minimum of 5 GCSEs or equivalent at grade C or above including Mathematics and English (200 words).
6 (ii) Please demonstrate, by way of example, that you possess a minimum of 1year’s experience working in a customer service role (250 words).
6 (iii) Please demonstrate, by way of example, that you possess a minimum of 1 year’s experiencein a reception role, including the meeting and greeting of customers and taking telephone calls (250 words).
6 (iv) Please demonstrate, by way of example, your sales experience to include handling cash, taking payments and proactively selling to customers (250 words).
6 (v) Please demonstrate, by way of example, a minimum of 1 year’s experience of working in a visitor led venue (250 words).
6 (vi) Please demonstrate, by way of example, a minimum of 1 year’s experience of data processing, using a computerised database system(250 words).

7. Desirable Criteria

7. (i)Please demonstrate, by way of example, your experience of working with a computerised ticketing system (250 words).

8. References

Please provide the names, addresses and occupations of two persons, not related to you, to whom references may be obtained. One of your referees must be your current* or most recent employer (if any, or tutor if you are a student or school leaver) and both should be able to comment on your ability to carry out the particular tasks of the job applied.

A formal offer of employment following interview will only be made once both references have been received.

*If you do not wish us to contact your present employer, please provide your most recent previous employer:

Current or recent employer
Name / Name
Position / Position
Organisation / Organisation
Address / Address
Telephone / Telephone
Email / Email
May we contact this referee
if you are shortlisted? / May we contact this referee
if you are shortlisted?
Yes  / No  / Yes  / No 

9. Special arrangement

If you require any special arrangements to be made for you to attend interview, please provide details below:

10. Declaration

I certify the above information is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false or misleading information or material which was wilfully suppressed may result in disqualification of this application, or if appointed, to disciplinary action being taken, which could result in my dismissal from post.
I hereby explicitly consent to the MAC holding my personal details within a manual or electronic filing system in relation to the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation 2018 for a period of no more than 3 years.
Signature / Date

NB: Those applicants who have been found successful at interview and who had submitted their applications electronically will be required to formally sign their applications