Inside-Out at 20: The Power of Connection and Community

October 19-21, 2017 – Philadelphia

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Temple University

Opening Reception

5:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Mitten Hall


Tyrone Werts – Inside-OutInternational Think Tank Coordinator

Lori Pompa – Inside-OutFounder and Executive Director

Theodore A. McKee –United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit; Member, Board of Trustees of Temple University

Music by Jean Therapy

Friday, October 20, 2017

Swarthmore College


8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Eldridge Commons

Opening Session

8:30 am

Lang Music Building

Lori Pompa, Founder and Executive Director of The Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program

PANEL: New Horizons: Extending Inside-Out

10:00 am

Kohlberg Hall, Scheuer Room

Susan Hyatt / Taking Inside-Out Beyond the Walls
Lauren Zalut and Sean Kelley / Seeing Ourselves in the Other
Lindsey Badger / Becoming Resources to One Another
Bahiyyah Muhammad / Using Technology to Teach Inside-Out

PANEL: On Impact: Assessment, Evaluation, Research

10:00 am

Science Center 199

Michelle Ronda and RagnhildUtheim / Combined Classes in Women’s Facilities
Emily Grubbs / Gender Disparities of Outside Students
Jennifer Tilton / Crossing the Jim Crow Color Line
Sarah Allred, Charles Boyd, Samuel Carson,Thomas Cotton, andPaul Perry / Think Tank Member Descriptions ofMemorable Meanings: Relationships, Identity, Purpose, Hope, and Skills

Building Programs, Expanding Networks

10:00 am

Kohlberg Hall, Room 228

Joanne Carroll & Judith Ryder

Collaborative Engagement Inside Inside-Out

10:00 am

Kohlberg Hall, Room 115

Deborah Smith Arthur, Katherine Draper-Beard, Vicki L. Reitenauer, Amy Spring, Ezequiel Vasquez

Dimensions of Freedom: The Humanities Inside

10:00 am

Kohlberg Hall, Room 226

Ann E. Green

Poster Session

11:30 am- 1:00 pm

Eldridge Commons

Boxed Lunch Pick-Up

11:30 am- 1:00 pm

Eldridge Commons

PANEL: Inside-Out Think Tanks

1:00 pm

Kohlberg Hall, Scheuer Room

Mandy Hall-Sanchez Sanchez / The Power of Three on Misery Mountain
Jeri Kirby / Staff Support and the Power of Inclusion
Marietta Martinovic / Australian Think Tank
Judith Harris and Bernice Cyr / Intervening in Vicious Circles

PANEL: Expanding the Scope and Reach

1:00 pm

Science Center 199

Shaul Cohen / Adopting Your Prison
Elizabeth Mansley and Julie Smith / MPACT: Mount Aloysius College Prison Outreach Program
Angela Bryant and Kristenne M. Robison / Inside-Out Ohio: Strategies for Growth and Change
Kate O’Brien, Fiona Measham, and Hannah King / Introducing the Inside-Out Programme to the UK

Integrating Collaborative Assignments and Practices in Inside-Out Courses: Using High-Impact Practices and Assignments to Garner Resources for Inside-Out

1:00 pm

Science Center 101

Gina Erickson and Shelly Schaefer

Magic Bullets

1:00 pm

Kohlberg Hall, Room 228

Francesco R. Campanell

Teaching Inside Out with a Transitory Jail Population

1:00 pm

Kohlberg Hall, Room 115

Jennifer A. Bulcock, Carl Clevenstine, Katie A. Farina and Vivian C. Smith

Setting the Tone: The First Combined Class OR Active and Engaged: Strategies to Increase Meaningful Learning

1:00 pm

Kohlberg Hall, Room 226

Theresa Leopold

PANEL: Make the Road by Talking: Ways of Teaching, Learning and Knowing

2:30 pm

Kohlberg Hall, Scheuer Room

Lana D. Harrison / Talking About Victimization
Laura Biagi / Contemplative Pedagogy and Inclusive Leadership
Nancy Arden McHugh / An Epistemology of Incarceration
Tessa Hicks Peterson and Osvaldo Armas / Healing Arts and Social Change from the Inside-Out

Inside-Out Alumni

2:30 pm

Science Center 199

Terry Green, Lorenzo Vasquez, and Laura Mishne Heller

Reflecting Forward

2:30 pm

Science Center 101

Erin Howley and Simone Davis


2:30 pm

Kohlberg Hall 115

Kingsley Rowe and John Pace


4:30 pm – 5:30 pm

Upper Tarble

Evening Plenary Session

6:00 pm

Lang Performing Arts Center

James Forman, Jr., Yale University

Marie Gottschalk, University of Pennsylvania

Stephanie Keene, Haverford College (Moderator)

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Pennsylvania State Correctional Institution at Graterford

**Buses to Graterford will depart Swarthmore College, Parrish Circle at 7:00 am**

8:00 am Participants will begin to process in to SCI Graterford

10:00 am Welcome Lori Pompa, Founder and Executive Director, Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program

11:00 am Plenary SessionShaka Senghor

Reginald Dwayne Betts

Susan Burton

Marco Maldonado, Graterford Think Tank

Terrell Carter, Graterford Think Tank

Felix Rosado, Graterford Think Tank

1:00 pm Lunch

2:00 pm Awards Ceremony

3:00 pm Workshop Graterford Think Tank

4:15 pm Closing Session Graterford Think Tank

5:00 pm Participants will begin to process out of SCI Graterford