Your Journey to Success

Young Peoples Distance Travelled Tool

1. TheDistance Travelled Tool will help you to know how well you are doing. Your young peoples’ workerwill work with you to improve those parts of your life that you need some help with. First off they will talk to you about any problems you may have by working through the questions below with you. Together you will agree what needs to happen to make improvements .Over time the distance travelled tool will help you see the progress you have made.
Date of birth: / Young Peoples Worker:
/ Few problems
/ Some problems
/ Many problems
/ Too many problems

How is your health?
Think about: diet; sex; alcohol/drugs; physical health and how you feel
How are your relationships?
Think about: how you feel at home (safe / unsafe)what you are allowed to do and the boundaries in place, how you feel in school and with friends.
What is your behaviour like?
Think about: risks that you take with e.g. alcohol, drugs, in trouble at school or with the police; being verbally angry or physically angry, harming self?
How confident do you feel?
Think about: Friends or a lot of time on your own; appearance; bullying are you a carer?
How independent are you?
Think about: Hygiene; clothes; any problems with your health
How would you describe attendance at school / college?
Think about: How often you were not at school and the reasons why; any exclusions; did you have to see an EWO?
How well do/did you do at school/college?
Think about: motivation; interests; achievements and any disadvantages e.g. access to books / internet or problems with health….
What plans do you have for the future?
Think about: jobs; training; more education; interests and hobbies or plans to volunteer
Are there problems in your family that affect you?
Think about: violence; loss of parent; parent ill; home environment; parents unemployed; money worries; divorce/ separation; homelessness
Are there problems in your neighbourhood?
Think about: how easy it is to get to places; how often you see friends; things to do; anti social behaviour…

I agree with the information that has been recorded and understand and agree that it will be stored for the purpose of helping me.

Signed : Date:

I agree to share this information with the following people/agencies



Signed: Date: