Nurtured Outcome Group Meeting

Committee Room 5, Town House, Broad Street, Aberdeen

Tuesday 14March 2017, 9.30am-12.30pm

Present:Sacha Will (Chair), Grace Brown, Louise Beaton, Caroline Stirton, Theresa MacVarish, Susan Emery, May Fong, Gette Cobban, Sue Thorburn, Shona Foreman, Sue McFadyen, Cheryl Elrick, Anna Garden, Helen Adair, Mary Crear

Agenda Item / Discussion/ Recorded Information / Action/ By whom
  1. Welcome &
Introductions / Sacha welcomed everyone. Introductions were made around the table.
  1. Apologies
/ Fiona Cameron, Catriona McDonald, Maggie Hepburn, Joyce Waddell, Pippa Robbie, Stuart Patterson and Justyna Juska.
  1. Minute of Previous Meeting
/ Item 6 Strategic Updates: Library Service Update: Early Years specific reporting will be available during 2017-18. The information is high level but it will be possible to drill down for more detailed information.
Sacha advised that she was hearing of ‘vocabulary gaps’, new terminology.
ECAM to be changed to ECALM: every child a library member.
This will be done via the registrar when new births are registered.
Some targeted work is needed to get other children on board as library members.
Suggestion that libraries could target ELC and Partner Provider settings to promote library membership to children.
SCMA do this and have done Bookbug training and delivered sessions. Louise advised that she had attended a recent SCMA Network meeting where Margaret Hill had given a presentation on libraries and membership. / GB amend - Actioned
GB amend - Actioned
  1. Matters Arising
/ Item 2 Apologies: Sheila had suggested a 3rd sector rep was needed to replace Maggie Hepburn and a new FIS representative now that Cat is no longer in post.
We discussed the number of other 3rd sector reps around the table and agreed that we were happy with this meantime.
The preferred candidate for the FIS Manager post will replace Cat.
Item 5 National Policy Updates:Improvement Manager role: Sacha advised that she will retain some elements of this role and the remainder will be decided in due course.
Item 5 National Policy Updates: A Blueprint for 2020:ELC Academy: there was to be a meeting between our Director, NESCOL and University representatives. There is no update so far on funding.
Mary advised that she had attended a conference last week and was advised by another attendee that Colleges have already received additional funding for this. Sacha will attend national meetings this week and these may help clarify the situation.
Scottish Government representatives were in the city last week to discuss our ELC Strategy. They advised that there is capital funding of £30million and £30million of revenue funding available across Scotland for 2017-18. Clarity on our plans is urgently needed to allow us to access phase 1 funding. We need to maximise what we already have in the way of existing buildings. Woodlands is on this list, new schools have been approved for Torry and Tillydrone however, although these won’t be ready until 2020, they will increase our available ELC provision. Ongoing consultation will also be required and we will work with various colleagues on this. The CPP needs to be clear on the needs of the city.
The Nurtured Outcome Group Action Plan will have a key role feeding into the high level strategic board. We will discuss this at a future meeting.
Item 6 Strategic Updates: Aberdeen Childcare Services Review: we will look at this at a future meeting. / New FIS Manager to be invited
Nurtured Outcome Group Action Plan feeding into Strategic Board Plan
ACS Service Review – consider at future meeting
5. National Policy Updates / Expansion of Early Learning and Childcare
In addition to earlier discussions, Sacha advised that a strategic group / project boardwill be established to take forward ELC expansion in the city. This is already being developed and there will be a role for the Nurtured Outcome Group within at least one workstream.
Scottish Government (SG)haveadvised that there is £30million in both capital and revenue funding to be shared Scotland-wide. We need to know from SG what future years will look like.
We discussed the information received on Tax-free Childcare and how to promote this. The information has been sent to FIS and we can circulate this more widely. We will check that this is on the FIS website, NHS Grampian sites, etc.
Sacha later advised that this is still in trial with some challenges being raised so we will not promote this more widely at the moment. / Ensure that this is not on FIS at the moment
6. Strategic Updates / Children’s Services Plan 2017-2020 (Draft)
James was not present at the meeting to give an update.
6. Strategic Updates / OOSC Policy
Louise advised that this was approved by ECS Committee in January 2017 reaffirming ACC’s commitment to out of school care across the city.
There were some questions from EIS around concerns of shared resources and an extra burden on Head Teachers. Louise advised that this was not a new policy but a refresh of a policy that has been around for a number of years and that there was no intention to create extra work for Head Teachers. Most already have a good relationship with their out of school club.
The ECS Committee set officers with 2 actions:
  1. To roll out the OOSC Policy to all;
  2. To ensure the Agreement between OOSC providers and Heads of Establishments is in place.
Louise will take this forward.
It was also agreed to host a formal launch event for the OOSC Policy. Hopefully this will take place in May or June at the Beach Ballroom. Louise will contact the Director for dates. We will also invite Head Teachers, the Care Inspectorate, SOSCN, and Dr Elizabeth Henderson from the Early Years Team. We will ask children from an OOSC to do a short presentation too.
A Save the Date will be circulated when the date is known. / Louise Beaton - Actioned
Louise Beaton – Actioned
Save the Date – Monday 5 June
6. Strategic Updates / Health
Sue McF advised that staffing remains the main problem although all the recently qualified HVs have stayed in the city.
The Masters is causing some challenges for staff.
They are awaiting information from Scottish Government on funding for fees.
ASQ3 (Ages and Stages Questionnaire) training is being progressed. Data will be available from about 6-8 months. ASQ3 is provided by a US company. There is very strict licensing. Staff are now using this routinely. There is also SE2 (Social and Emotional Questionnaire) which is an add-on to the above. This is not being used routinely, but as needed.
Results allow referral to other services.
The Health Visitor Pathway is now being used for all new babies. Sue advised that data would be available once per year.
Ready Steady Baby and Ready Steady Toddler have been updated and an app is now also available.
Sacha asked if Simon Hilton could drill down into the data. Sue agreed to talk to Simon about this.
Sue Thorburn updated on the Attainment Challenge Schools (ACS)
Bramble Brae collects the data routinely. Many children miss school due to arriving late – anything from around 2 minutes to 1 hour. So far this year 6 days of schooling have been lost. We need to find out what the barriers are to getting children to school on time.
ACS offers whole day training for schools.
There has been a 6 month update with the Nurture Network.
Nature Nurturing School Award – Aberdeen led with this and Sue is encouraging schools to take part/ apply for the award. / Relevant data available – SMcF/S Hilton
ST to provide regular update in future
6. Strategic Updates / Library Service Update
Helen advised that Kincorth Library is starting regular Bookbug sessions from 20 March.
Gwen Alexander, the Early Years Programme Co-ordinator has completed Train the Trainer training bringing the number of trained staff to 4.
Scottish Book Trust commissioned the Centre for Families and Relationships in Edinburgh to undertake a review. Torry was one case study with a researcher aiding participation.
Report will be ready by April both a national and Torry report.
These will feed into the early years work in libraries.
Helen advised that younger parents and EAL families tend to engage less with Bookbug.
6. Strategic Updates / Centre of Excellence
Theresa MacVarish, Service Manager, Inclusion and Caroline Stirton, Executive Head Teacher, Orchard Brae School attended to update us on the Centre of Excellence.
Caroline was appointed in November.Along with HR, she is currently job matching staff.
Transitions have already begun for some pupils.
The building is multi-use for children and families to use at all times. Although it is mainly for children with additional support needs, adults can also use it.
Holiday playschemes and out of school care will be part of the school, there will also be activities for parents along with an independent living unit for support young people to live on their own.
The Children with Disabilities Team is co-located and discussions are currently underway with Eleanor Sheppard around Phase 3 Commissioning.
There are meeting areas and training rooms within the school.
There are 3 separate teaching areas with 17 classrooms in total. Each class has a hygiene unit and a quiet room.There is also lots of storage for specialist equipment.
The outdoor space is great.
The school will work with partnerse.g.Third Sector, Early Years Team and Active Schools etc.
Shona asked if there was a parents’ room and advised that the Family Learning Team could perhaps have some input with parents. Caroline confirmed there will be a parents’ room and will discuss Family Learning input further with Shona.
Helen asked if the Library Service could be involved and Caroline advised that she is already in discussions with Fiona Clark.
There will be further development of both the indoor and outdoor space when the school is in use.
Mary advised that Aberdeen Play Forum’s remit is around inclusive play and they can develop programmes to get children outside to use the grounds during term time and also in the holidays.
Sue Thorburn will forward Natural Playspace document to Caroline.
Caroline advised that Sheila McGreggor had requested mud! There is also an accessible sandpit.
Caroline advised that the Autism Outreach Service will be line managed from the school.
Caroline also advised that some children and young people with additional support needs who are attending mainstream settings will be able to benefit from some of the services in the school.
Caroline advised that visits could be arranged following handover of the building to the LA.
Caroline and Theresa were thanked for attending and for their interesting and informative input. / CS/ SF to discuss Family Learning input
7. Sub-Group Updates / Family Support Services
Gette advised that the groups had met again recently.
They are looking at the whole monitoring system.
There is lots of need and the groups appear to be drowning in referrals.
The focus is still on only 4 GP practices – this is an excellent principle for a pilot but the groups have been unable to roll this out across the city.
Overall this is no longer working for the areas they are in and doesn’t cover any priority areas. May need to expand to other local services?
FIS is no longer able to coordinate referrals.
Some issues are complex but intervention need not be if there is timely intervention, no duplication of services and onward referrals.
Timely support has not been resolved by this pilot in terms of waiting times.
This needs to be a key priority for the Nurtured Outcome Group. We need to know where the gaps are, how many there are and why. Strategically we don’t know where this is all coming from/ going.
There needs to be open data sharing. There used to be a knowledge base around the table. We are aware that there are funding stresses.
We were advised that families were not always referred within the groups and are referred to other agencies as appropriate.
The whole thing needs coordination as some referrals appear not to be going forward due to knowing that places are not available.
Appears not to be a true reflection of need across the city and may in fact be bringing families to crisis point.
We need to address the knowledge base gaps around the table.
This will also be a priority for the Nurtured Outcome Group Action Plan 2017-18. / Family Support Services: priority for NOG Action Plan
7. Sub-Group Updates / Workforce Development & Training Standing Action Group
Trish from NESCOL updated on Foundation Apprenticeships and advised that they are offering Social Services Children and Young People qualification in Aberdeen too this year. The College has received specific funding for this meaning the course can run with unviable numbers.
The qualification gained is NP Level 6 plus 4 mandatory units of Level 2. This means that the young people are ready for employment. This makes the Higher easier to do over 2 years. Some will use the qualification to get in to employment while some will use it to move on to University.
NESCOL is looking to create a group of services to take these S4 and S5 young people on placement. There would be tasters in June, PVG checks in August when starting the course with placements during October. In Aberdeenshire students will attend for one full day while in Aberdeen they will attend for a half day. Placements will be in the afternoon although this also depends on what the schools are doing.
The College will be holding Career Events possibly around May. Trish will make dates available.
Mary had attended a conference on the future of apprenticeships which are helping to close the attainment gap.
The Workforce Development and Training Standing Action Group is working with WEA on literacy support for SVQ candidates prior to applying for funding.
The annual Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is underway. School nurseries will be included this year.
The annual Early Learning and Childcare Training Programme is also in development and will be led by TNA responses.
NESCOL and University of Aberdeen representatives attend the group.
The Skills for Work programme at St Machar Academy is going well. Placements will take place during the Easter break. At least 3 of the young people are looking for work following the course.
We were also advised that First4Skills in Aberdeen are in receivership.
7. Sub-Group Updates / Early Learning & Childcare Development Group Key Issues
  1. The OOSC Policy and Good Practice Guidelines has already been discussed.
  2. There are issues around an unregistered out of school care provider, YMCA, which is picking up children from Gilcomstoun and Skene Square schools. Some of these children previously attended the OOSC services within the schools. There are concerns that children could potentially get lost between school and club as it is not registered setting and we don’t know if they have policies and procedures in place. The Aberlour Futures DOs have offered support visits but these have been turned down.
Anna advised that she has a local contact whose details she will pass to Louise.
We also thought we could contact the YMCA HQ in Glasgow for further information. / Anna Garden - Actioned
8. Nurtured Outcome Group Action Plan / Nurtured Outcome Group Action Plan
There is an expectation from the ICS Board that we have key improvement priorities and new items to focus on are likely to be Family Support and more clarity on impact.
The 2016-17 Action Plan was agreed in August 2016 so the background and introduction is up-to-date.
This year’s draft Action Plan was developed earlier than usual to feed into the Children’s Services Plan 2017-2020. The work in our Action Plan begins in the new financial year.
Single agency priorities can be identified and flagged up to Louise so that she can maintain the master document.
We need to look at the ICS Structure to see where we add value working together in a collaborative way to take things forward as a group.
There may be changes to the Outcome Groups via ICS to avoid overlap.
As a group we need to be looking at quality childcare in line with ELC expansion; resilience; positive relationships.
There is a feeling that the new Children’s Services Plan is not linked to the quality indicators.
We agreed to carry this forward to the next Nurtured Outcome Group meeting. / Continue at next meeting
9. A.O.C.B. / Nursery Business Rates and Taxation of Childcare
Graham Mogford, Director of the Bridges Nurseries has forwarded information on new nursery business rates. He is highlighting this to parents using Bridges Nurseries and has taken this to the Press.
With the expansion of ELC LAs will need as many places as possible from partner providers.
There are a number of partner providers who have concerns about this.
NDNA (National Day Nurseries Association) have advised they will be mounting a campaign against this.

2017 Future Meeting Dates: Thursday 27 April; Tuesday 6 June; Thursday 31 August; Thursday 2 November

All meetings: Committee Room 5 from 9.30am-12.30pm