Church Services

There will be an informalFamily Serviceon 9thOctober and a jointFamily Communionservice with Clyst St George, at Clyst St Mary Church on 23rdOctober. We welcome new families who would like to bring their children to join in these services. Both services start at 11 am.

Church Coffee Mornings

The Septembercoffee morningraised £97.47. Thank you to those who supported the event, contributed to and ran the stalls and provided the coffee and biscuits. The nextcoffee morningwill be held in church on 8th October from 10 till 11.30 am when aworking partyhas also been organised to clear up the churchyard.Please come along and join us for coffee and/or gardening! [More below.]

Harvest Supper

TheHarvest Supperwill be held in church on Saturday 15thOctober, starting at 7 pm.Tickets from Pat on 01392 877097 or Linda on 01392 875708.AHarvest Communion Servicewill be held at 9.30 am on 16thOctober. Please bring your produce to the service.The produce will be donated to St Petrock’s so tins and bottles are welcome as contributions.

Clyst St Mary Churchyard

Our coffee morning is on Saturday 8th October at 10 to 11.30 am and we will be planting cyclamens under the yew tree in the churchyard. We would like to invite any of you who would like to help plant them in memory of someone who is laid to rest there or if you would like to plant them in memory of someone known to you in other places. You are welcome to bring your cyclamens and would ask that they are the small variety named Coum. We do hope that you will be able to join us and share some refreshments but if you have any queries regarding this, please contact one of the churchwardens, Linda on 01392 875708 or Pat on 01392 877907.

Free Money For Church Funds!!

Yes, it’s true, there is a website called ‘The Giving Machine’ which, if you shop online by going through it first, means that retailers will donate a small percentage of the purchase price to our church funds. No extra effort or expense is required, except to remember to go through The Giving Machine before you purchase online. All you need to do is:

  • Type ‘The Giving Machine’ into your search engine and then click the link to get on to their website.
  • Join (purple button at top) The Giving Machine as a ‘Giver’, put in your details and then search for ‘Clyst St Mary PCC’ from the list to make us the beneficiary you wish to support.
  • Login and shop by finding, from their list, the online retailer you want to use to make a purchase, then continue as normal. Everything else is automatic.

To make it easier you can add a shortcut to The Giving Machine to your desktop. Thank you in advance for helping to keep us solvent!

Clyst St Mary Christmas Tree Festival

The Festival will take place on the weekend of the 9th, 10th and 11th December in the church. The dinner amongst the trees, will take place on Thursday 8th December. If you would like to reserve tickets, please see below. We do hope you will join us this year, either again or for the first time by putting in your idea of what Christmas means to you.We have had Poetree, Lavatree, Karatee and many more clever ideas, but a beautifully decorated Christmas tree is always welcome. Information and the application form will be in the November issue of the magazine so please read it and see if you feel inspired! For further information or queries please telephone Pat on 01392 877907 or at Sue on 01392 874597.Thank you.

Bishops Clyst Parish Council News

Another busy month for the Parish Council. The playing field excavation is now almost complete - the next phase is the fencing. The field will have to settle for 12 months so will, during that time, be fenced off. We would like to remind residents that no one will be permitted on the field at the time and also that no dogs are permitted on the playing field at any time.

We would like to hear from anyone who would be interested in a community transport service; and also anyone wishing to volunteer as a driver where you mileage is paid at around 45 pence per mile. We understand Estuary League of Friends, Clyst Caring Friends and Exeter Community Transport are looking for volunteers. They provide a vital community service to those who have no transport - the average cost is around £6 per trip.Anyone requiring further information can either contact Clyst Caring Friends on 01392 464940 or Estuary League of Friends on 01392 879009. More details on our website under the community transport tab at

Also, if anyone has any issues relating to highways please contact the Parish Council who are collating incidents to send to Devon County Council.

Please note that the Parish Council now has an office in the Village Hall. The Clerk, Emma, will be in the office Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9.30 am to 2.30 pm. The rest of the week please contact by emailat r telephone 07861 801335.

Village Plan

East Devon District Council are starting a consultation period on the Village Plan - please go to noticeboard and click on the letter and the link to the consultation should you wish to make any comments. If you wish to see a hard copy of the consultation and plan please contact the Clerk who has a copy at the Village Hall - Monday to Wednesday 9.30 am to 2.30 pm.

Allotment Available!

Bishops Clyst Parish Council currently have a vacancy for an allotment so any budding vegetable growers please get in touch if you are interested at .

Clyst St Mary Primary School

Our children have settled in their new classes. They have been busy working on their Harvest Celebration which is in our lovely parish church.

For parents whose children will be starting school in September 2017 we have arranged some visit sessions to look around the school and meet the headteacher:

Tuesdays / Thursdays
11th October / 1.40 pm / 20th October / 9.30 am
18th October / 1.40 pm / 17th November / 9.30 am
8th November / 1.40 pm / 1st December / 9.30 am
10th January / 1.40 pm / 12th January / 9.30 am
17th January / 1.40 pm / 19th January / 9.30 am

If you would like to attend one of these sessions to look around the school please contact the school office by ‘phone (01392 874583) or email with your preferred date. Sessions should last about half an hour.

Walking Group

The October walk will be on Tuesday 18th. Please meet at the Village Hall at 10 am to share transport. The walk will be about 5/6 miles with a stop for a pub lunch. As usual we all walk at our own risk. Please ring Peter Cusa on 01392 877907 for more information. Everyone is welcome so if you haven’t been before, you would be very welcome to join us.

Exeter Nomads Short Mat Bowls Club

The summer months have been an ideal time for newcomers to try the game as the competition season started again in September. If you are of a competitive nature then you will find the sport very satisfying (and sometimes frustrating, like all sports!). Please contact John or Irene Smith, on 01392 874416 for more information.

Table Tennis Club in Clyst St Mary

It's really good to be able to report that, financed by bothSport England and Table Tennis England, we have now taken delivery of two new ‘Butterfly’ National League tables and sufficient bats and balls to enable us to get started. We've bought good quality ‘gear’ which we hope will last the test of time and we have a nucleus of people keen to play. However, we could happily accommodate another half dozen and if you think you might like to join us, please either drop me an email r call on 01392 874597. The idea is to have fun and provide some winter exercise...not to compete at Olympic standard (well not initially anyway!!).

Our first session is planned for between4 and 6 pm on Monday10th Octoberand we shall meet weekly at that time thereafter. Initially we plan to charge £2 per session payable ‘termly’in advance and all we would ask is that plimsolls or similar are worn for the sake of the floor.Roger Norman

Pub Quizzes at the Half Moon

At the Half Moon Inn wehave a monthly quiz, which proves popular with quizzers. However, partly because people have moved away, we are looking for more teams to participate. Our quizzes are held every third Sunday of the month, and teams consist of 4-6 people. If you enjoy testing your general knowledge in a light-hearted and convivial atmosphere, why not get a team together and come and join us? Start time is 8 pm and entry is £5 per team, with a cash prize for the first two teams. We hope to see more of you in a monthly fun evening.

Badminton Club

The club recommences on Tuesday 13th September. We play in the Village Hall on Tuesday evenings 8-10 pm. New members are always welcome to our small but very friendly club. Teenagers - why not play towards your Duke of Edinburgh's award? For more information either come along on a Tuesday evening or contact either Malcolm on 01392 873280 or Hilary on 01392 874722.

Anyone for Tennis?

Some of us play tennis every Friday morning at a private court in Clyst St Mary (no fee). Would you like to join us? Please ring Janice on 01392 876858 or Martyn on 01392 874948.

Clyst Valley Pre-School

We offer a friendly, secure, stimulating environment in our OFSTED ‘Outstanding’ Pre-School; for children aged 2 years 8 months to school starting age. Our hours are Monday – Friday 9.15 am – 3.15 pm; children come on a full or part-time basis, for either whole or half days. Please get in touch by going to our website at or by calling Pre-School on 01392 876615 during session times. We are currently very busy, but we do have limited sessions available for September, so we advise to get in touch as early as you can to arrange a visit.

Toddler Group

We meet from 9.30 to 11.30 am on Mondays in school term time in the Village Hall. Children from 0 to 5 years are welcome with parents, grandparents or carers. There are lots of toys to play with and we finish with some singing. It costs £2 which includes hot drinks for adults and snacks for children. Please contact Lynne on 07980759363 with any questions.