Classified Senate Meeting

October 12, 2011, 1:30-2:30pm, L303


Members Present: Laurie Pownall (President), Leigh Ann Rogers (Secretary), Area Reps (Chou Chasengnou, Barbara Nuss, Eva Rhodes). Members Excused: Myaisha O’Ray (Treasurer), Liz Johnson, Shirley Murillo, Shelly Charron, and April Robinson.

1.  Call to order - 1:37 p.m.

2.  Report from Classified Senate President

a.  Bring workshop to campus – Customer Service

·  22 out of 160 classified staff responded back so farà looks like January is a better time

·  Reps need to get responses to Laurie ASAP, either yes or no by 10/14/2011

·  Need at least 40 staff to attend workshop to make it happen

b.  Trend lines –Census for fall 2011

·  In electronic format for both CRC and the District – See attached

·  The census deadline is the 3rd Monday of the semester

·  15,120 students, last year 15,468

·  Transfer rates are down, but up for transfer ready students for fall 2011

·  See attached document for more detailed information

c.  College Planning Committee Recommendation

·  Recommendations from the committee – See attached

·  Debbie Travis would like the classified senate and reps to review

i.  Give feedback to Laurie by October 18th

ii.  Specifically: look at recommendation 1; organizational effectiveness section will be the area that will affect classified employees the most

d.  Professional Development Committee changes

·  No questions or comments from the group

·  Area reps are to get the word out about the changes and collect any questions or concerns to bring back to the senate meeting next month or to Laurie at anytime

e.  Accreditation Process

·  Midterm reports are coming up soon

·  Areas include PROF Reports, Mentorship Program, etc.

·  Mentorship Program needs to be up and running soon

i.  Administration will cover any costs for printing, etc

ii.  The process will be up to the Classified Senate to decide on

iii.  Suggestion: each new classified employee will be assigned a mentor; the mentor will be hand selected by the Classified Senate and asked to participate in the program

f.  Faculty Prioritization

·  District plans to hire 25 new faculty in the next year (District Wide) to begin in fall 2012

·  Faculty is state mandated by a ratio as to how many classes there should be, which also determines the number of faculty needed to teach those classes

g.  Facilities Update

·  The parking structure will start going up November 15th 2011

·  Laurie showed pictures of what the new structure will look like

·  Art in public places will provide some type of art for the project, maybe on the walkway

·  The brumes by the baseball field are already starting to come down

·  Last week, went out to bid for the Elk Grove Center, looks like it’s moving forward

h.  New Bills in California

·  Two new bills will come out which affect student service areas on campus, effective January 2012

i.  Assembly Bill 743 will change all assessment testing to be uniform throughout the state, which will affect all 112 community colleges in California

ii.  Assembly Bill 1056, requires community colleges to change from a paper transcript to an electronic transcript using a system called E-Transcripts

3.  Discussion of Area Representative Roles and Responsibilities

·  Process so far is working fairly well

·  Admin can help with putting together distribution lists for areas; contact Laurie and she will get the list to you

·  In order to document and record that reps have reported out to their areas, emails correspondences will need to be cc’d to the Classified Senate Secretary, Leigh Ann Rogers

4.  Reports from the Classified Area Representatives

·  LRCT Area

i.  Tim Michels, went to ARC for a lateral transfer which is much closer to his house

ii.  Cathy Lee’s daughter had twins in September

iii.  Cathy Lee is retiring in December 2011

5.  Other Topics Discussed

·  What can we do to get more people involved in Classified Senate, events, PD, etc.?

i.  Send out a survey? Ask management to get involved?

·  Financial Planning Information for Classified – EAP Program

6.  Future Agenda Items Discussion

·  Mentorship Program – at least the binder needs to get started

·  Morale concerns for Classified Staff if/ when the budget hits – we need to be prepared

7.  Adjourn: 2:45

*Next Classified Senate Meeting: Wednesday, November 9th, 2011 from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. in L-303