Civic Engagement Field Report #3

Once you have filled out this Field Report, upload it to

NOTE: Incomplete forms may not receive credit.

Replace this box here with YOUR profile photo by using the “Insert” tab and choosing “Picture”:

  1. Your Name:
  2. Class you are taking:

☐ Poli 1 Day ☐ Poli 1 Night ☐ Poli 1 Online ☐ Other ______

  1. Your Email Address:
  2. Your Phone Number:
  3. Today’s Date:
  4. Partner, TA, Familia:
  5. Chat Partner:
  6. TA:
  7. Familia # (if applicable):
  8. Note: you may not get credit for hours you already submitted. Please look at your last field work report to see how many hours of credit you got credit for and how many points you earned from these hours. List them below by date/day/hour approved:
  1. PAST HOURS YOU ALREADY REPORTED: Note: you will not get credit for hours you already submitted. Please look at your last field work report to see how many hours of credit you got credit for and how many points you earned from these hours. List them below by date/day/hour approved:
  • Date:Time:Hours/points awarded:
  • Date:Time:Hours/points awarded:
  • Date:Time:Hours/points awarded:

(Add new rows as needed)

  1. NEW HOURS: New Dates for which you are submitting timecards (you may include any hours you submitted before but did NOT get hours for):
  • Date:Time:Hours Claimed:
  • Date:Time:Hours Claimed:
  • Date:Time:Hours Claimed:

(Add new rows as needed)

  1. Total # of hours you are requesting credit for in this period:

(Min 2 NEW hours - Max 8) No more than 50% of your reported hours can come from "meetings." The rest must come from actual mobilizations or work time with your field placement.

  1. Hours from mobilizations or work projects:
  2. Hours from meetings:
  1. Name of organization/placement:
  2. Name of Contact Person/Volunteer Coordinator/Supervisor:
  3. Area Code and Phone Number of Organization:
  4. Email Address of Organizational Contact:
  5. What Term/Key Concept did you write about in your Reflective Essay Below: ______

I) Journals/Photos Here:For each time you worked, you must type in a Journal and insert Corresponding Photos here showing you were there. Make sure each photo is properly labeled explaining where and when it was taken and what it depicts. Make sure each photo is clear. Each Journal Entry should explain in 2-3 sentences what work you did, what new you learned, how it relates to the class material. Each Journal should clearly indicate the date, time, and your exact location when you did your field work.

[Insert Journals and Photos Cards Here]

II) Time Cards:Insert images of your SIGNED timecard(s) here. Make sure they are signed and dated with sign-in and sign-out times clearly visible as well as the name and contact information for your supervisor. Make sure your timecard is clear and legible.

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT YOUR GRADE: You receive points for field work in part based on the number of hours you report. Your work will be evaluated based both on the number of hours you put in as well as the quality of your reflection on this field work. You will receive up to 10 points of class credit for each documented hour of your work depending on the quality of your journals, the quality of the work you report, the thoroughness of your documentation of your field work, etc.

[Insert Time Cards Here]

III) Term Project Update:Provide a 50-word update of your progress on your Term Project Outreach

[Insert Term Project Update Here]

IV) Reflective Essay Here: Each week you have been learning new key terms from your assigned readings and videos from class. Some of these key terms are listed below. Choose ONE of these terms, and use between 350 and 500 words explain:

a) What does this term/concept mean and where is it from? (Be sure to refer to the assigned class material!!!)

b) How is it relevant to any aspect of your Civic Engagement Field Work? Why is it important? How does it help you think about politics in a meaningful way. Demonstrate your understanding of how the idea/term you are writing about can be applied to politics in the real-world to deepen your analysis and to help make you a better organizer and advocate. Be specific. Reference both your field work and the term you have chosen.

What Term/Key Concept did you write about in your Reflective Essay Below: ______

Word Count of Your Reflective Essay: [fill in # of words here]

[Insert Reflective Essay Here]

Below is the list of terms/concepts you can choose from. Pick ONE term to discuss:

V) Terms to choose from:

STOP. PAY ATTENTION. Make sure you are dealing with the ENTIRE term from whatever bullet you choose below, not just one or two words that you pick out from the term.

Environmental Sustainability and the Future of Planet

  1. Two Narratives: Empire vs. Earth Community and the Great Turning- Korten
  2. Food: The Weak Link- Lester Brown
  3. "Capitalism vs. The Climate” (Klein— multiple articles) & The Corporate “Mindset” versus the environment (The Corporation videos)
  4. "Reversal of Fortune" (originally published under this title but the online version was re-titled to "Money ≠ Happiness,"-- but note, the article is about MUCH MORE than just how people are not made more happy with just more money. Pay close attention to the author's bigger point about the intersection of the economy and the environment. )
  5. Nothing Grows Forever (Thompson) and building a sustainable economy
  6. Plan B- Lester Brown
  7. Nature is Speaking (Julia Roberts, et al)
  8. The Story of Stuff (Leonard) and The Cult You’re In
  9. Falling Through the Climate Gap: Poor Americans Suffer most from global warming, Michelle Chen

Political Economy: Corporations, Capitalism and the U.S. Economy

  1. Cooperation “Enoughness” versus Competition (Saidman and the Enoughness video)
  2. Externalities (The Corporation video)
  3. How the 99 Percent Really Lost Out/The Undeserving Rich (Alperovitz)
  4. Myths of the Deficit (Wolfson) and “Free Market” Myth (Reich) and Low Taxes (Sirota)
  5. Taming Capitalism Run Wild (Richard Wolf video with Bill Moyers)
  6. “Bloated Financial Sector” (Carter) and Bank of America (Taibi) and the causes of the financial collapse (Les Leopold)
  7. “The Corporation" versus “Benefit Corporations” (“B-Corps”)- profits versus social benefits- (Raskin and the film “The Corporation video)
  1. How Screwing Unions is Really About Screwing the Entire Middle Class
  2. The Government Nudge, Employee Ownership, Reformed “Limited Liability” laws- what might corporate regulation look like?
  3. The New Economy Movement-- Independence from and alternatives to the Corporate Global Economy
  4. The Wealth Defense Industry
  5. Real Prosperity vs. "Myths that Keep the World Poor- how to measure economic prosperity? What’s the economy for? (Francis Moore Lappe and Vandana Shiva)
  6. “Blow Back,” U.S. Military Interventions and effective national security (Chalmers Johnson, William Blum, John Arquilla, Alan Grayson)
  7. American Rebellions and the origins of the United States revolution